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Sorry for the late update.

I heard voices talking in my room. My head was hurting. My eyes flutter open and I saw to people hovering over me.

"What happened" I whispered.

"Ohh Laila you scared me. You fainted" Aysha exclaimed.

" You" I pointed to Al-amin "you did this please leave. I don't want you here. You know about my reaction to extremely sudden high emotions but yet you still pranked me. I'll have a migraine for the next god knows how long. You could have at least put dye in my shampoo but nooo. You had to give scare me with a lizard" I shouted angrily

"Laila you called it upon yourself by pranking me and besides it was a remote controlled lizard and I guess I feel bad now"

"You can't even say sorry. Please get out" I shouted again he just turned and left not even a single sorry. I know I'm over reacting but he knows I fell off the stairs and hit my head badly when I was ten ever since then I faint when I have a rush of sudden emotions like fear, shock, anxiety, happiness or sadness.

Aysha who was standing be side me held my hands and sat on the bed putting my head on her lap. Tears where dropping from my eyes. I wasn't crying but my eyes water when I have my migraines.

"Nace ma lantana ta kawo slices din cucumber in samiki a Kai it helps with migraine"

" Nagode Aysha Ina Mama"

"Tazo tana Neman ki we panicked and told her kina bacci. Sai tace zata fita in kin tashi a gaya miki"

"Ohh migraine drugs dina yana cikin wancan drawern"
She got the drugs and gave it to me and poured me a glass of water from the jug beside my bed.

"Abunda Al-amin yayi Bai Yi ba and he knows your condition"
I just smiled.

After she left I took my bath and ate a bit before going to sleep.

When I woke up I asked lantana our house help to prepare my green smoothie for migraines.

Mom came back and was sitting in my room when I finished my smoothie

"Aysha tace wai your migraines are back. Ya aka Yi"

" Mama our friend Anita lost her dad and I was sad" that was partly true because I received the news a few minutes ago from her.

"Laila you have to be careful kin San doctor yace abun Zai iya zama cancer ko"

"Mama in the past six years it hasn't been disturbing me so don't worry it'll go in maybe a week if I rest completely and avoid stress"

"Shikenan daga yau ba fita har Sai kin ji sauki. And I'm calling your dad to tell him"

"A'a mama karki fada mai yayi tafiya mai Nisa. karki sa hankalin shin ya tashi a can" it's true my dad travelled to Netherland for a month and would head back the moment he knows my sickness is back.

"Toh naji Amma ki kwanta in kin Yi sallan Isha lantana zata kawo miki diner"

" Toh mama love you"

"Love you too my child Allah ya Baki lafiya"

"Ameen mama" she left. To prepare dinner for me. I lay on my bed thinking.

My phone chimed signaling a text. May be Aysha has gotten home. I reached on my side drawer and picked up my phone. It was a message from none other than the devil himself.

Grumpy gus~ I'm really sorry for what i did to you it was wrong and I'm sorry. I promise to buy you a tub of your favorite ice cream if you forgive me

Me~ hmm tempting

Grumpy Gus~ what if I throw in a movie of your choice

Me~ well okay I forgive you but who asked you to say sorry to me

Grumpy Gus~ I told mom what happened and she was mad and threatened to kill me if I don't apologise. Which I was even going to do before she said that

Me~ lol. Okay now you me free ice cream and a movie when I get better

Grumpy Gus~ I hope you get well soon so I'll stop feeling this guilty.

I just smiled and kept my phone on the night stand. I swear he is a different person when I chat with him but then I meet him in real life and he's a douchebag.

This chapter might not be the best but it's a filler for the other chapter. But the next one will be better i promise.

But any who hit that vote button and comment. And also share(wink 😉)

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