08| truce

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It's has been a week since the movie and I'm more than excited to finally be off my drugs.

It's 9am and I just got back from my morning walk and I'm getting ready for work. That's right my dad thought it would be nice if I manage my mum's fashion business before I get my own company since I majored in business administration and management in the university. And I'm so happy i was getting tired of being home all day. Last night Al-amin asked if we could meet today at the restaurant near our house after we get back from work.

Wuse district Abuja Nigeria

I got to work by 10:30. I have so much to do today. We have a new arrival of clothes coming from an Italian designer today and I have to check them and sort them out because sometimes there are some clothes that get damaged before getting here.

Aysha isn't here yet. Maybe shes stuck in traffic as my bestie we work together she is like my co-manager.

I sat on my office chair swinging from left to right I'm feeling to lazy to work today. I finally sat upright and began sorting out files and making phone calls to our suppliers.

"Hey bitch! I know I'm late mama CE fa haka kawai da sassafen nan wai zata yafi Kano wurin inna" Aysha barged in saying

" Injin dai inna lafiya Koh!" I asked with concern since I'm fond of her grandmother. She sat on her table since we share the same office but everyone has his own table.

"Inna garau take fa mama CE da son damuwa wai she dreamt of her last night and she wasn't looking good in the dream"

"Toh ke Ina ruwan ki mutumiyar da maman shi" I smiled. Aysha is from Kano state. She was born there. They moved to Abuja when she was four where we started nursery school together.

My parents are both from kebbi so you see we are opposites.

"Soo what are we doing today" she asked

"I was too lazy to work today so I asked Jennifer to sort out the shipment we got from Italy and bring the ones I ordered for myself to me and arrange the rest in the shop"

"So ba aiki kenan oya gist how are things going with Al-amin?" She said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively

" Ke bafa komai. He just asked me to Meet him at the grille house after work"

" So he asked you on a date" she grinned widely

"Noooo it's not a date kawai dai he wants to talk"

"Wants to talk koh bawani nan" she smirked

" Ke ki Rabu Dani kinji. It's not a date it's just to talk"


"Basani ba anything"

" Ke dai Kika sani Bari in Yi sorting out sales report din last month tunda ke bakida abun Yi" she said and started working.

After some minutes I said " Aysha remember su azima our friends from school"

"Azima and amirah those two stupid girls what about them?"

" Kiji min karya wai last night suka Kira ni wai zasu zo shagon nan yau wai zasu siya wannan Louis Vuitton handbags dinan Na 12mil nace Allah ya kawo su lafiya. Gashi yanzu 1:30 Amma bangan su ba" I laughed.

"Ke dai kinsan yaran nan da tsinannen karya Amma mu Basu time" she laughed hysterically.

I continued my work and kept looking at the time waiting for them.

I got a call from the Italian designer huego Fernandez. He asked if the goods have arrived safely and I sent him his residual money.

By 5:00 Aysha had left and I was tired of waiting for those girls. I decided to just go to the restaurant. I asked Jennifer to lock up the store and give the keys to the security guards outside. Today we had alot of customers people of high class especially ladies.so I decided to let the workers rest we closed early.

I got into my car and drove directly to the grill house I was directed to the table under Al-amin's name. Surprisingly he was already there when I got there. He was fitted with g a black Armani suit and black rayban glasses he look outstanding too bad his behaviors weren't so outstanding.

I sat down and kept my bag beside me.

"Hey there" he said.

"Hi" I answered

"How have you been"

"Great you?" Before he could answer the waiter came to take our orders.

I ordered a chicken cobbler salad and fried rice and chocolate mouse cake for dessert. And some cranberry juice. Al-amin ordered the same.

When the food was brought we ate silently.

After eating I said "so grumpy Gus why'd you invite me here I know it's not just to eat"

"Laila I invited you here bcos I wanted to apologize sincerely for what i did and call a truce. I know we started off on the wrong foot but can we put this behind us act like grown ups"

I stared at him in shock for long with out saying anything.

"Friends?" I said stretching out my hand

"Friends just like old times" he said taking my hand in his.

Our desserts were brought and we dug in.


Hey everyone am back again. Please comment and vote

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This is a short chapter I know but I'm just tired of typing.😪😥

This chapter is dedicated to BintHijaz deejarh_ thank you guys for being supportive

11 in #laila

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