Ch17| Favourite Two

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Ramadan Kareem to all the muslims around the world may allah ease our hardships, heal those who are sick and forgive our sins ameen!

AL-AMEEN'S POV; shocker!

Abdulrahman and I are at the hideout waiting for the girls to arrive, we've tidied everywhere and cleaned it. And by we I mean the maids we brought here to do what they have to do and leave.

"So tell me man, what's up with you and Aysha" I asked as I was eating popcorn sprawled on the couch.

"Nothing yet we are still getting to know each other. What of you and laila"

" I asked her out on a date tommorow evening and she said yes. So I guess we are making progress"

" you like her don't you?"

" I do, i truly do. She is amazing annoying sometimes but that's what I like most about her"

" you are so whipped man"

I let my thoughts wonder to laila. My best friend the one who has been there for me since day one. My prankster. Well I can't prank her back nowadays but I like when she pranks me. Like the pink hair dye incident. When she left I was devastated I felt she betrayed me by leaving me. I couldn't do one thing without thinking if only she were there. But later I got over it but Still didn't contact her or answer any of her texts or calls. And then she came back disrupting my idea of a perfect life. I thought I was okay until she came back. I can remember the fay I picked her up from the airport I got her so pissed. Or the day i took her to Aysha's place. I chuckled at the memory. After a while of hostility we apologised to each other. And surprisingly I opened up to her. I told her something I've never told anyone before not even my parents knew the reason for my sudden change. I truly admire her and like her sincerely. I realised my feelings for her which I had been denying for a long time when she forgave me after pranking her although knowing her health condition. She's so cute when she's angry or trying so hard to get a point across.

" you know smiling into blank space shows me that you are whipped right?" He said stating the obvious

" I am so not whipped. I just like her" i quizzed

" denying it doesn't make it better. I never thought I would see the day you would get over that betrayal"

My smile fell " yeah I never thought I would get over it too. But here we are. My problem now is her. She's clueless"

" ohh! She is so clueless and they should be here any moment now. Aysha just texted"

" you and Aysha huh!. I ship it. I see the way she looks at you she's totally smitten over you"

" yeah well jokes on you laila doesn't reciprocate your feelings. But Aysha she likes me back and I know it" he said smirking at me.

I was about to reply.

" guys we are here let's partyyyyyy!" I know that's laila because Aysha isn't that loud

" laila can you please not shout" I said without turning and looking at her

" ohh please I'm not that Loud"

" Ahh! My favourite two" aysha said. We helped them bring in all the items from the car.

We had the best time of our lives that evening we talked played games and had lots of fun. The girls did a good job with the food it was yummy. Overall it was an amazing day

This is just a short chapter. It was going well until the last part I just couldn't think of what to write again ooooo. this fasting its affecting me.

But anyways next chapter Date I can't wait. It'll be better than this inshallah .

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