CH27|The hypocrite

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Nadiya was standing by my door, i repeat Nadiya was by my door. The nerve of this girl. I started closing the door not wanting to see her sorry face. She pushed the door slightly counteracting my attempt to close the door.

"Please i just want you to hear me out. Plaese i promise i won't take much of your time"

"Why would you think i would ever want to listen to you"

"I know i have no rights to just walk in here and make demands but please hear me out first before anything" she whispered desperately. I know a pretender when i see one but i just decided to let it go. I sighed and opened the door wider for her to walk in.

"You have 10 minutes" i told her with a stoic expression.

She sat on my bedroom chair while i sat on my bed. She was just looking at me. If she thinks i am going to make this easy for her then she has another thing coming and if she thinks I'll easily forgive her she is undoubtedly very wrong because i might be soft hearted but i am anything but stupid.

"Speak up. I don't have the whole day you know" i said frowning.

"Laila i know I've wronged you. Ive wrongly accused you and jeopardized your relationship but i didn't really mean to. You see growing up i just had this idea that Al-ameen and i would end up together. Since we were related and he was always really kind and appreciative of me. I mistook his kindness for love and seeing him being in love with you just made it seem as if you are the one who is trying to get in between what we were supposed to have. I am sincerely sorry for what i did to you and whatever damage i caused to you. Find a place in your heart to forgive me so we could be friends or atleast acquaintances"

I look at her shocked at what she just said. She wants us to be friends after all she did. Something must be terribly wrong with her in the head if she thinks I'll ever be friends with her. Me Laila! In tasan wata bata san wata ba wallahi. And besides there was no sign of remorse on her face

"Nadiya if you think that after all the things you did to me i would just happily accept you as a friend because you told me a stupid story then you must be insane. I get that maybe your family members forced you to ask me to forgive you but i am not going to just pretend as if you did not hurt me and then we'll be all best friends and live happily ever after. This is not a fairytale so wakeup"

"My mom is angry with me. She wouldn't talk to me if you don't forgive me. Even if you don't forgive me whivh is your business by the way please tell my mum you do" i knew something was fishy.

"You want me to lie to your mum?. Not with that attitude i won't"

"Just do me this one favour and i promise not to disturb you ever again"

" if i do this it doesn't mean that i forgive. Im just doing this because your mum is a wonderful woman"

"Thank you" she said smiling at me. I rolled my eyes at her unimpressed. She thinks her stupid act will make me forgive her well think again Nadiya you hypocrite.

"Please get out of my room. I do not want pests here"

She stood up and started walking out sighing in defeat.

" i hope to never see you again" i smiled when i saw her mom and aunty fauziya walking over to us.

" ina wuni aunty. Ina wuni ma" i said bending slightly to greet them.

"Laila ya kike" Aunty said hugging me. I was stunned i thought she was mad at me. I didn't hug her back. Al-ameen told me everything that happened when he went back home a a few nights ago so i thought she was still mad at me for making him choose me over his family

"I'm fine aunty" i whispered reluctantly

" my dear i know you think I'm angry but i am not. I'm even ashamed to show my face here after i turned my back against you"

"Oh! Aunty it's nothing. You were fighting for what you thought was right"

" you are such a wonderful young lady my dear. Allah yayi miki albarka" Nadiya's mum said.

"Ameen ma"

"And I'm sorry for getting the wrong impression of you because of my daughter's lies" she smiled at me.

"That's in the past. I want everyone to let everything go" i glared at Nadiya. Hissing quietly before i continued "please"

I really hate this idiot for making me do this but i guess this is what my mum would do. I don't want a mother to not talk to her child because of me.


This is a remotely short and boring chapter but i promise the next one will be bomb.

I'm finishing this Book in few chapters ahead.

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