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"Man, I dislike boys."

"That's putting it nicely." Raven stated.

The three friends were sitting around the table, food plates in front of them. Raven picked up a fries from Harley's plate, much to his dismay, and plopped it into her salivating and awaiting mouth.

"Care to elaborate?"

Harley raised an eyebrow at the blonde teen. Kyra rolled her eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? Boys are disgusting dogs who perks up when they see something perverted. They are too dependent on girls and they can't even do anything to help their wives, even though they know she does all the work in the goddamn house!"

Silence met after her increasing volume. Harley and Raven exchanged a look, one in concern and the other in indifference.

"Does this 'dislike' have something to do with your parents?"

Kyra rolled her eyes at his question. "Where did you get that idea?"

"Alright, look. I'm just looking out for you. So, do you want to tell us what happened this time?"

Raven turned to her female best friend. Kyra has had a typical household since she was a kid for all Raven knows. Which explains why she was cold and sarcastic to others.

Kyra sighed and leaned her chin on the palm of her hand.

"My dad got home from work and passed out on the couch... again. My mom woke him up and told him to change and take a shower. Then, he protested and that pissed the woman. And then, they spent the whole night yelling about who does the most work in their domestic lives."

She sighed once again before continuing, briefly meeting green and blue eyes.

"Honestly, I'm on my mom's side on this."

Herley nodded, his short hair bobbing along with his movement.

"It'll be fine, Kyra. I'm sure they'll work it out..." He added under his breath, for good measure. "-soon."

"Harley'll make a great wife, huh?"

Raven stated, not-so-stealthily stealing another fries from said friend's plate.

"'Wife'? Nah, I'll make a bad spouse. And STOP STEALING MY FRIES!"


Kyra scoffed. "That's easy for you to say. You don't have any problems with your family!"

Harley turned his attention from Raven (who did not stop stealing his food) and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"God, you're like the dumb friend." Kyra mumbled, loud enough for him to hear.

"Hey, I'm not dumb!"

"Whatever. What I'm saying is, your parents are on good terms, aren't they? They don't fight on the regular and I'm pretty sure they're the only parents in this academy who's still in their honeymoon phase."

Speaking of, the academy the three goes to (Raven forgot the name because as she said, "I'm going to leave this place after I'm done anyways. Why bother knowing it?") was one of the most prestigious academy known in mankind (translation: America). It was a wonder how Raven, the soon-to-be-confirmed escaped mental patient, Kyra, the lone wolf who will literally bite anyone's head off, and Harley—

—Well, nothing's wrong with him but yeah.

Anyways, it was a wonder how the three (minus Harley I guess) even got into such an academy. Only the students with a higher IQ than Einstein would ever have hope of enrolling in said place. Kyra must have her reasonings, but Raven?

Raven was- scratch that, IS the most insensitive female known in the academy. Her stupidity was probably the definition of a helium balloon. One pop and there it goes.

Back to the crackheads—

"I guess...?" Harley answered, unsure.

Raven watched as the two continued to converse for a moment before standing up. Kyra turned to her, her bob cut hair following said movement.

"Raven? Got somewhere to be?"

She was answered with a curt nod.

"Gotta bounce, ya know?"

Her friends watched as she left the cafeteria, eyes unwavering.

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