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Raven scribbled on her maths textbook while Harley, whose seat was in front of her, studied her expressions.

The way her tongue prodded out as she concentrated on her drawings. The way her green eyes traveled along with her pencil on the sheet of paper.


Harley almost thought loudly. He snapped out of his daze and looked at Kyra's seat which was two seats away from them.

Kyra stood from her seat and dragged her chair with her as she plopped it down beside Raven. That was when Harley asked them.

"Are you guys prepared for the maths quiz tomorrow?"

Kyra glanced at Raven before retorting.

"I say suck it."

Raven stopped scribbling enough to look at them. Her eyes were as wide as saucer.

"We have a maths quiz!?"

"Of course you don't know." Kyra mumbled under her breath as she slung her arm around Raven's chair.

"By the way, what ever happened to that John guy?"

Raven questioned as she continued to sketch a drawing of a guy hanging himself— wait, what?

"You mean Matt?"

Harley questioned back, concerned for the guy in the drawing.

"Isn't it weird that Matt rhymes with Math?"

She questioned back. Kyra, not tolerating this any longer, snapped.

"Why the fvck would you ask us that? We were all there when he excused himself to the fvcking teacher's lounge!"


Came Raven's answer. Sir Woodsman entered the classroom and Kyra took her time dragging her chair back to her seat.

The male teacher twitched an eye, annoyance clearly evident on his face when Kyra purposely scratched her leg chair on the wooden floor and produced a screeching noise. He prompted up his big red glasses and sighed.

"Alright, I'd appreciate it if you never do that again, Miss Wicks. Ever."

He sent a glare her way which she responded with a shit eating smirk.

"Now, we have a new student joining us today. He couldn't join us before due to his medical conditions. I want you to give him a warm welcome and not ask him stupid questions."

As he said the last part, he looked directly and specifically at Raven, who was now drawing Sir Woodsman with fangs and sharp claws.

Harley remembered the kid from Turkey who transferred here in their class and the first thing his not-crush-just-friend asked was 'do you eat Turkey for Thanksgiving or is that illegal?' and proceed to laugh out loud. The Turkish never came back. He also remembered Kyra bolting up from her seat to strangle Raven, which he had to stop.

"You can come in now."

The door opened and all heads turned, except for Kyra, who was busy not giving a fvck, and Raven, who was now writing words in bold.

"Good morning everyone. My name is Matthew James. I hope we can all be good friends and are aware we all die alone."

That certainly caught a ginger head's attention. Harley facepalmed. Kyra, recognizing the voice from before, hid her face with her arms.

"...alRIGHT! Please, take a seat at the only empty chair at the back next to... miss Raven."

Harley could almost see what their teacher was thinking at the moment; 'great, there's two of them now' and he could not be more sorry.

"Hey Terry!"

Matt chuckled and corrected her. "It's Matt. Say, I never got your name."

"Why do you need to know? We all die eventually and we will never remember anyone's names in the afterlife."

"Good point. But for humanity's sake, I want to know."

Raven laughed, ignoring her teacher's futile effort to make them shut up as he teaches.

"He literally just said my name. Anyways, lemme let you in on something."

Raven nudged him to come closer and he did. She leaned closer to his ear and whispered.

"Sir Woodsman's a vampire..."

"Miss Raven, I understand you want to get acquainted with your new classmate but please do it after class."

"You suck! Literally and figuratively!"

She retorted, which earned her detention.


Matt spoke up, not to defend her, no. It was to...

"I would've thought he was a werewolf."

—voice his opinion.

On the Matt's first day of school, he got detention and a somewhat new friend who has the same weird humour as him.

Good for him.

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