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Throughout class, much to everyone's dismay (specifically Kyra and Sir Woodsman), Raven and Matt were getting along.

In fact, they were getting along too well that they were in their own weird world. Harley tried to shove away that weird feeling in his chest whenever Raven laughed out loud without a care in the world.

Matt, on the other hand, was having a fantastic day. He found himself opening up easily with the ginger haired female. Minus the fact she still could not get his name right but overall, he might even call her his best friend.

After class ended, Sir Woodsman was out of there in a nick of time, not wanting to deal with his now two annoying students (it used to be just Raven but since Matt was in the picture now, that makes two).

"You broke him."

Harley commented as he turned around in his seat. Kyra grumbled under her breath from beside the one empty seat that was now occupied by Matt. Something about 'two Ravens'?

"Mom, meet Terry. Terry, meet my mom."

"'Sup mother-in-law."

His greeting shock Harley. Kyra rolled her eyes at that.

"Great, a weirdo couple. What good shit we have going on here."

She stated sarcastically. Meanwhile, Harley was still too shock to comprehend her words.

Matt and Raven? A couple?


"What's wrong, mom? Do I need to find another man for me? Does Terry not meet your standard?"

'Terry' placed a hand on his chest where his heart was as a dramatic lighting shone on him.

"I'm sorry. I knew I'd never be good enough for your daughter. It was stupid of me to think so in the first place. Please, forgive this lowly creature."

Raven shed a tear.

"Our love was not meant to be."

For an idiot, she can sure be a good actress. A minute passed before their charades ended and they laughed.

"Okay first off, I'm not your mother nor your mother-in-law. Second off, let's go eat lunch. You'll need the energy to go through 2 hours of detention later."

"Suck it!" Raven, a mature intellectual, stated.

"But yeah, I'm hungry. Leggo!"

After another eventful (if you think dealing with two idiots' 'marriage therapy' and 'bromance' is uneventful, you should talk to your mama) day at school, Raven stayed back in her classroom for detention.

Her new friend, Terry, whose name is actually Matthew, had pulled the 'new transfer student' card. He told the supervisor that he was a new student and so, it was not fair that he got detention in his new school. He also went on a lecture about how stress he felt when he received homework on his, may I remind you, first day.

In conclusion, he managed to escape detention and homework. Raven felt conflicted. She wasn't sure if she should be mad that he ditched her or admire his sneaky skills. Either way, she felt bored out of her mind in the dark classroom.

She looked to her left where the window was. It was late in the afternoon, 4:45 p.m to be exact. The sun was starting to set in the horizon and Raven was glad she did not have to go home just yet.

Do not get her wrong; she enjoys the solitude in her own room. It is the only part in the house where she can stay sane, besides the kitchen and the bathroom of course. She was merely glad that she did not have to face her parents soon. They were currently in another one of those stupid arguments where she did not agree with her mother on something and so her mother got pissed off. It did not help that her father wanted her to apologize.

The ginger head could not just keep quiet when she has an opinion. If she disagrees on something, she will voice it out. But the way her mother reacted every time she voiced out her damn opinions, it made her feel like no one cares to listen to her. And even if they did, they merely shrug it off or act like they care. At least, that was what she thought.

She almost felt as if she did not deserve a voice in the first place, to the point she felt like giving up her ability to talk to anyone. Maybe it was best if she just shut up and never talk. Maybe she should consider learning some sign languages. She knows waving means saying hello.

Raven stared at the now orange sky. It was relaxing. She might as well enjoy her time while she can before she has to go home and make amends with her mother. As if it will be their last argument before another one rises.

She looked around the room and noticed the other two students in the room. One was a boy with bleached blonde hair and the roots of his hair was black. He had a few piercings on his right ear and lips. His eyes were crimson, probably contact lens. He might be a delinquent if he was in detention like her but then again, appearances can fool anyone.

Another was a girl with brown hair tied into two braids that rested on her shoulders. She had a big red glasses on the bridge of her nose, distinctly showing her blue eyes. She was reading a book and Raven could not help but think she was a bookworm.

She returned her stare to the window, thinking about how she was never going to see them more than now so she did not bother talking to them. In the words of a certain fictional character from her favorite anime, they were merely extras.

Two hours of detention passed by in the blink of an eye and the teacher who was supervising dismissed them. Raven grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder. She noticed the bookworm leaving the room first, eyes still on her book. What a pro, if she could read while making her way home.

The delinquent yawned before standing up and leaving after her. Raven trailed behind them. It was better to stick close than get lost in their academy of a school.

They soon found themselves at the front gate where two cars were parked. One looked like a limo and the other one was just a red sports car. What an eyesore, Raven thought as she mentally rolled her eyes.

The other female entered the limo (her driver opening her door for her) and they sped off. The delinquent guy was about to enter his own car and Raven noticed that there were no driver in the driver seat. He paused and looked at Raven with an eyebrow raised. Raven mentally prepared herself for what was about to be said.

"Where's your ride?"

Despite feeling the anxiety crawling up her spine, she casually shrugged.

"Don't have one."

He stared at her. She stared back. They had a short stare down before Raven spoke up, gulping down her nervousness.

"Well... uh, cya around, I guess."

The male opened his mouth to say something but soon closed it back before entering his car and leaving. Raven stared at it before walking home. Was it even a home if she never felt comfortable in it?

What changed them? Her family, she meant. They were usually on good terms with each other, despite the other always sending empty insults at the other. They never got mad because they knew neither one of them meant it.

But now, just one wrong word and she got lectured and yelled at. Her father seemed to agree with her mother on everything, as if he does not have his own opinions on things.

Raven paused in her steps. She really did not want to go to that house. She really didn't.

'Just one more year, Raven. One more year before you can leave that god forsaken house and never be a burden to them. You'll have to cook and do the cleaning on your own though.'

Raven pondered on it before shrugging.

'Meh, I'll manage.'


The italics font is broken for me wth

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