Chapter 14: The Pirate Emperor Blood Diamond

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"So, what's the newest report from Fube?"

"Shutma's crew was caught".

"The Hubassukk Pirates? Who would've thought..?"

A scarred hand of the Young Captain moved a green crystal on the board laid on the table. The piece opposed a blue crystal of Jedha Mahut – his second-mate and, currently in this Daluman mind-game, his adversary.

"Actually, he was on a visit to Esnan – his home planet," Jedha moved his blue crystal, absorbing the captain's green one and unlocking his way through. "Coincidentally, Planet Esnan got attacked by the Divine Emperor right on that day and was colonized. Shutma and his brethren couldn't make it out".

"You mean he was caught by the Reptiloids? Heh, small fries... He should've escaped".

"That's not all. The fleet of the Divine Emperor was opposed by the Galaxy Navy on their way back".

"Eh? That doesn't happen so often! A whole fleet battle?"

"More than that – the Emperor himself was on one of the Green Snake ships".

"What?!" the green crystal Arubah was holding fell off his hand.

"I understand why you're so surprised – the Divine Emperor rarely leaves his palace back in Retti. But that's not all – they have a relatively new soldier in the Galaxy Navy, whom they call a 'secret weapon'. There are rumours that he was able to injure the Divine Emperor so that now he's bed-ridden. It was so dire that he was hastily teleported back to the Raden Universe in his palace".

"Teleported? They used such an expensive means?! Damn, Jedha, that's some news! Are you sure it's a trustful source?"

"I'm positive. A survivor of Shutma's crew contacted us. He witnessed it all himself".

"How come the Divine Emperor could be injured? Mom said he is quite powerful and unless I master the ancient Herminese techniques I cannot beat him. Even Sinbad is wary of directly opposing that snake..."

"I was shocked too, so I investigated further. These are some suspicious rumours, but they claim that the guy is actually a Daluma".


"Exactly, that was my reaction too. There are even further surprises that I find too hard to believe. That is why I've decided to report all of it to you".

"There's more? What surprises? Spit it out, quick!" Arubah slammed his fists on the table.

"Rumours claim that the guy... uses Black crystals".

The Pirate Emperor gave no word. He fell back into his armchair, frozen in his jaw-dropped pose. Jedha retained his calm composure – it seemed that he had already passed the wave of shock and astonishment the captain was currently undergoing. Right now, he had grown concerned, since he had already fully realised that such a powerful entity operating in the Galaxy Navy might cause them immense problems in future. Finally, Young Captain let out a heavy sigh and grimly adjusted his slouch hat:

"I shall talk with mom about that – she might know more. Meanwhile, report the information to Bax and Zehu too, and tell the crew we're entering Raden".

"Why Raden? Hadn't you already planned to go to the Tengendah Universe?"

"That was just for fun, but it seems, I'll have to postpone holidays for the time being... According to your report, the Emperor's immobilized. This is a perfect opportunity to penetrate through the Raden Universe and set some Crimson Ardour to that placid space".

Seeing the too-familiar bloodthirsty grin sparkle through the captain's lips, Jedha too, smiled as his blood boiled with excitement. He nodded and left the cabin. Arubah, on his part, unlocked a door behind a wardrobe and headed to his parents' room through a hidden passage.

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