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"You're allowed to take breaks, you know?" Captain quirked a bushy brown eyebrow in amusement as his husband continued to run around like a chicken with its head cut off.

"Not now, Captain! We've still got a few more papers left to fill out and file!" came the urgent reply. This remark earned an eyeroll from Captain. As much as he adored his husband, that man still had a lot left to learn about rest and relaxation. He didn't seem to have an off-switch, and he was constantly high-strung. It didn't matter the time or place, Maxim was always busy attending to something, or trying to, anyway. He had the heart of a great leader, but he seemed to forget that even the best of leaders needed to take a break every once in a while.

Captain already had that lesson learned, reclining by the door as he waited for Maxim to get his life together. Though at the rate things were going, he and Maxim would both be very dead by the time Maxim's life finally caught up with itself.

"Come on! We paid good money for those reservations!" Captain called out, still leaning against the doorway.

"I'll be right there!" Maxim shouted back impatiently. Captain could only chuckle to himself. Maxim had said that about five times already and the fact that both of them had still not left the house spoke for itself.

At last, though, the duo was finally in the car. But even on the ride over to the restaurant, Maxim continued to twitch and fiddle nervously.

"Seriously, Maxim?" Captain teased his husband as he continued to straighten his clothing, smoothing out every little last fold he managed to find.

"I have to look presentable!" the smaller man shot back.

"You look fine, dear," Captain continued to tease him before gesturing to his own attire. Both of the men had cleaned up nicely, but Captain did always have a naturally wild appearance about him, and even when he was dressed up, some of that untamed look still remained. He was trying to point out that Maxim would look fine, especially when they stood together, just because Captain was not exactly a flawless figure.

But Maxim waved it off impatiently. He already knew Captain, especially with his giant beard and mustache, would always look a bit untamed, but Maxim held himself at a far higher standard, wanting to look even more than impeccable and perfect. Captain pretended to despair as he and his husband finally reached their destination, Maxim still "fixing" his outfit.

"So, were you planning on making conversation and eating with me tonight, or just bonding with your outfit?" the larger man chuckled. Even about 10 minutes into their dinner, Maxim still looked worried and hurried, clearly distracted by other things. Captain forgave him easily, knowing that it was hard for Maxim to turn off and let go, but that didn't mean he was just going to sit idly by and let his husband ignore him. Especially on a date night. So he continued to tease Maxim, but that only served to make Maxim more and more anxious and frustrated.

It all came to a head when Maxim finally snapped.

"Captain! I am just trying to make this a nice evening for the two of us! I'm sorry if that's such a crime! But would it really kill you to pitch in as well? I don't see you doing much to help keep this date night afloat!" It was a very harsh thing to say, and Maxim regretted it at once, burying his face in his hands with a despairing moan.

Captain was about to get angry and indignant, this remark finally cutting him to the bone, but when he saw Maxim wilt, as if trying to cave in on himself, Captain's anger was quickly overridden by compassion.

"I'm not doing anything to keep this night afloat because, as far as I'm concerned, it's already sailing along just fine all on its own," he soothed, reaching out a giant hand to gently pat his husband on the back.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Maxim muttered in despair behind his hands.

"For what?" Captain asked with a gentle and sympathetic smile. "You are already forgiven for everything. What do you have left to apologize for?"

10 minutes later, the two men had called a premature ending to their little dinner date. Captain was the one to make the announcement to the waiter, apologizing before excusing himself and Maxim from the restaurant. Maxim looked absolutely crushed, but even though their dinner was over, their night out on the town was not.

Instead, Captain took Maxim down to the river that ran through the city. There were several bridges spanning across the river, one of which was for pedestrians to walk on. But Captain did not take Maxim to the bridges. Instead, he took his husband to the little area of land beside the river, where other families were out and about, playing and walking and eating, enjoying a nice evening at the waterfront. With a smile, Captain escorted Maxim right to the heart of this peaceful, gentle hub of activity.

"I think we'll spend our night together here instead," he decided.

"This place?" Maxim looked uncertain, but he was still too embarrassed to grow too assertive.

"It is far nicer than any silly old diner," Captain nodded, brown eyes twinkling merrily in the sunset.

"Nicer?" Maxim sounded as if he couldn't believe that Captain somehow preferred a waterfront to a five-star eatery.

"It's because this place is far more relaxed and peaceful. It's not as high-end... or high-strung," the larger man wrapped an arm around his husband and gave him a knowing look. Again, Maxim wilted, but before he could start apologizing again, Captain kissed him gently on the cheek before leading him over to an empty patch of grass. They both sat down, Captain immediately taking the smaller man into his arms and heaving a peaceful and happy sigh as he smiled into the warm summer wind.

For a little, Maxim continued to look discontent, but the longer and longer he sat there in silence, just resting and reveling in Captain's arms as they overlooked the simple but beautiful waterfront, the happier and happier he became. With the hustle and bustle of life subdued here, all of Maxim's stress melted into contentedness. There was nothing to worry about here. It was impossible to feel tense in such a serene environment.

He relaxed deeper into Captain's bearhug and Captain smiled as he felt Maxim slowly but surely unwinding until he was like a ragdoll, finally fully at peace. Maxim now lay limp in his arms, totally at ease. Captain's smile broadened as he stared down at his husband. How precious Maxim looked, snuggled up in his arms like that!

Maxim's eyes drifted shut dreamily as he let the warm wind ghosting off the river caress his face. Now at last, he understood why Captain preferred this place to a diner. Now at last, he understood why Captain had wanted to bring him here. Now at last, he understood why this place was so desirable to so many. It was so full of simplicity and serenity, and now at last, so was Maxim. It was beautiful, and he couldn't believe how long it had taken him to realize... Not for the first time did he count his lucky stars that he had someone as wonderful as Captain for a husband.

Nothing but peace and serenity filled the air as he lay happily in the arms of the man he loved.

Irhaboggle Pride (2019) SpectrumWhere stories live. Discover now