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Although their "signature colors" were blue and purple respectively, Storm and Iris felt as if they most often saw one another in green.

"You can't catch me!" Iris sing-songed as she weaved through the branches of the trees. As the sunlight streamed through the leaves, the entire forest seemed to glow green, including Iris and Storm themselves.

"Are you really going to say that to me?" Storm snorted, then she went sprinting after Iris. Even though she was taller, and thusly, heavier, she was still very agile and quick, and she weaved through the branches with ease.

"Crap!" Iris was quick to pick up her own pace, moving as fast as she dared through the trees.

"Run, tiny mouse, run!" Storm teased. "The cat's about to catch you!" She was closing in...

"No fair!" Iris panted. "Your legs are way longer than mine!"

"No, you're just slow!" Storm snickered, barely breaking a sweat as she continued to gain on Iris.

"Maybe I shouldn't have challenged you to this after all," Iris despaired.

"You think?" Storm laughed triumphantly as she reached out and tapped Iris' shoulder. "Got ya!"

And then the roles reversed as Storm nimbly jumped around Iris, daring her to chase her, and their little game of tag continued.

"You immature child!" Iris shouted as Storm scampered away from her.

"Sorry! Can't hear you! Already too far away!" Storm shouted back smugly. Iris laughed in spite of herself.

"So that's how you wanna play it, huh!?" she joked, then she went chasing after, speckled in sunlight and green.

Later that day, the two were sent out on patrol.

"I can't even see!" the smaller soldier griped as they trekked through very tall (and very green) grass. Storm laughed loudly as she realized that Iris was right. Storm could see over the grass just fine, but Iris had to stand on her tiptoes.

"Maybe next time, Captain will send a taller soldier with me!" Storm teased as Iris continued to crash and stumble through the foliage.

"Yeah, he really didn't think this through!" Iris grumbled, disappearing into the grass again.

"Hey now, if I recall correctly, it wasn't his idea for you to join me, it was yours," Storm grinned.

"W-well, maybe I j-just wanted to spend t-time with you!" Iris stuttered embarrassedly. For once, she was grateful for the tall, green grass, because so long as she was hidden within it, Storm wouldn't see the light blush starting to spread across her cheeks.

But Storm didn't need to see Iris' face to hear the nervous shyness in her voice. She smirked a little, but said nothing, choosing instead to continue to trek through the endless sea of green. By her side, wavers in the green told her that Iris was still doing her best to trudge along after.

After a few more minutes, the green got greener and a small hoard of Corruptors suddenly appeared on the horizon.

"Iris! Back up!" Storm hissed. The aliens were still far in the distance, but Storm didn't want Iris accidentally running right into them.

"What! Why? What's wrong?" Iris jumped back, but when she noticed Storm drawing her sword, that was all the answer she needed. She quickly did the same, and no further words were exchanged as the two soldiers began stalking their newfound prey...

Then, the green got even greener. Even though there were only six small Corruptors, neither Iris nor Storm was going to underestimate them. Size didn't seem to matter to the Corruptors, as even the tiny ones could be deadly, especially in packs like this. They looked sort of like large, mutant rats. Each was the size of a small dog, but infinitely more aggressive. But what really made them stand out was their trademark green-black bodies and glowing red eyes. No matter what creature they tried to mimic, that much never changed.

"This is ridiculous!" Iris muttered as she swept her sword quietly through the tall grass. The battle was going to be extra hard like this! All the overlapping green! But after long enough, her blade finally connected with something. Thankfully, it was a Corruptor. It let out a horrific shriek, but Iris showed no mercy, striking again and again and again. She didn't stop until it was dead, cut cleanly in two. And a few feet away, Storm was doing likewise, snarling almost as savagely as the Corruptor she was attacking. She was quite the terrifying foe.

By the end of the fight, the entire world seemed green. Iris and Storm were stained by grass and Corruptor blood.

"You look like something out of a cheesy old monster movie," Iris snickered as she caught sight of Storm, looking like she'd fallen into a slime pit.

"Shut up," Storm sounded irritated and embarrassed. She wiped some of the gooey green blood off before it could dry and harden.

"Gross," Iris laughed, but she was doing the same thing, almost as messy as Storm was. But even though they were able to wipe some of the blood off in the grass, most of it was practically stuck to them, and the only thing that would clean it off would be a nice, hot shower.

"I get dibs," Iris joked weakly as she and Storm turned to camp and made a beeline for the showers.

"Hey! Looking a bit green, there, aren't ya?!" one of their fellow soldiers greeted them with a smile, a wave, and a lame pun.

"Yeah, yeah, real clever, Gale!" Storm shouted back, rolling her eyes. But after she and Iris both exited the showers, they were in a lot better spirits. As gooey and gross as the Corruptor blood was, at least it washed off easily. At least, when it came to skin. Clothing, however?

"Man, and this was my favorite shirt!" Iris sighed. She'd done her best to scrub her shirt clean, but there were still a few lingering stains.

"Oh, boo hoo," Storm nudged her playfully as Iris continued to mourn her shirt.

"Maybe a few more washes..." Iris muttered to herself, holding up the shirt and continuing to inspect it.

"I mean, it's still a functional shirt, yes?" Storm teased.

"Well, yes, but..." Iris continued to give the shirt a skeptical look. But then suddenly, a sly look spread across her face. "And you know, this new shirt isn't very comfortable either..."

"Oh, come on, Iris! That's a new shirt! You just changed into it!" Storm cried in exasperation, missing Iris' sly expression.

"I know, but I'm starting to think that I'd feel better without it," Iris continued to insinuate as she slowly removed her shirt. Oh.

"You sly dog!" Storm breathed in understanding, respect, amusement and interest in her eyes as she watched Iris undress.

"And you know? These pants are kinda tight, too..." By the end of it, there was no more green anywhere, just red as Storm began to blush.

AN: I know I said I'd only give one day per ship, but... LOL

Irhaboggle Pride (2019) SpectrumWhere stories live. Discover now