Part 3

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Now everything is out in the open. Jay knows the truth about me and Nathan. I bet right now it's killing him...just like it killed me when I found out about him and the many girls he slept with while in London.

I was making tea in the kitchen when I heard shouting coming from the living room. The voices made it obvious that it was Nathan and Jay shouting at each other while at random points you could just hear Tom arguing that it was Jay in the wrong - it made me laugh that they were all on my side and all told Jay he was the one in the wrong. Not me.

"You were sleeping with Emma while I was still with her?!" I heard Jay scream angrily.

"You were sleeping with up to three different girls a night while you were still with her!" Nathan replied, I laughed slightly because it was true. It was wrong for me to sleep with Nathan while we were still together but when it comes to Jay and the amount of girls he slept with; it was perfectly acceptable.

"Well, she was stupid to keep forgiving me; wasn't she?"

"Jay, there was no need for that one. You're the one in the wrong, not Emma..." I heard Tom say

"I'm sorry, but how many times did I have to cheat before she told me it was over? That just spells out stupidity to me!" Jay snapped.

"She thought you were going to change. To me that spells out love...although, I'll never know why she even bothered giving you the time of day after the first time you cheated on her..." Nathan retorted.

"Jay, just leave it before someone say something they regret. You were the one that lost Em by cheating on her and the reason she kept forgiving you is because at one point she really did love you. It wasn't even possible for her to fake all the tears that she cried, the hurt the she felt and pain you caused her!" Tom said.

"I slept with girls on nights out. Her and Nathan were sleeping together for FIVE months before she ended it with me!" Jay replied, adding emphasis to the word five so that he could make his point. At that point I just walked out of the kitchen and stood behind Nathan.

"Maybe we shouldn't have done that but that's how you made her feel. She wanted you to feel how she was feeling but apparently, not even that makes you understand..." Nathan said. I placed my fingers inbetween his which caused him to turn around and smile softly at me. I put my chin on his chin and waited to see what Jay had to say.

"I didn't sleep with any of her bestfriends though, did I? No, would be the answer to that one..."

"You deserve everything you get. You're never going to be good enough for any girl that you get because all you're going to do is break their heart by lying to them. By giving them the hope you might one day turn back into the person they orginally fell in love with. By cheating on them because you can never change Jay. You will always be the twat that cheated on me and never cared about how you made me feel and I'll be the idiot that was always stupid enough to forgive you!" I said, taking a step closer to him with each word that I spoke. He had to take a step back everytime I got closer to him; anyone would think he's scared of me.

"You're nothing more than a slag. Next you'll be telling me that you slept with Max as well..." Jay replied smugly. Next thing I saw out the corner of my eye was Nathan running at Jay, he probably would have hit him had Tom not held him back.

"I want you to leave and I want you to leave now Jay!" Nathan yelled at him as he walked out of the room to calm down.

"For the record, nothing happened between me and Max. He was just a good friend that was always there for me and did nothing but try to help me!" I said quitely as I went after Nathan to make sure he was okay and to tell him that I didn't care what Jay had to say about me because it wasn't true.

"You're going to lose your friends soon if you're not careful. Maybe Em and Nath shouldn't have done what they did, but it's not like you even noticed it was going on since you were a different girl's bed every night..." I heard Tom say to Jay as I walked out of the room. The next sound I heard was the front door slamming closed so I just assumed Tom must have left before he said something he would regret or before Jay had time to answer to him.

"Nath, are you alright?" I asked as I sat down on the garden chair next to him and placed my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just fed up with Jay still treating you like you're nothing!" he replied and he pulled his arm around my waist and dragged me closer to him. His body heat instantly warming me up.

"I don't care what he does. He didn't care when were together so I don't know why he'll care now we're not; he's just jealous because you've got everything he wants..." I smiled at him, looking intently into his big green eyes.

"He should have treated you better and then he might still have you. Now, you're all mine and I'm not sharing you with anyone! Nathan said as he kissed the top of my head and pulled me in even closer to him.

"Do you wanna go out tonight? You, me and the boys?" I asked suddenly as the thought popped into my head.

"And what about Jay?"

"He can come if he wants to and if he doesn't, then at least he'll have plenty of time to pack his things" I laughed.

"That sounds like a good plan to me..." Nathan replied. "I'll go and text the others now!" he added and with that he walked back into the house, presumably to get him phone and text the other three to see if they wanted to come. I slowly followed after him and walked into the living room. Jay was just sat on the sofa in silence.

"Jay, we're going out tonight. You can come with us if you want and if you don't, then you had better start packing your things..." I said to him before walking out and going upstairs to the bedroom to get ready for the night ahead. As I walked off, I swear I heard Jay mutter something but I didn't bother going back to ask him what he said.

I just wanted to get ready for tonight since this was going to be one of the first proper nights out that me and Nathan have had since we got together nearly a year ago. It was going to fun.

I'm Running From A Warzone [Jay McGuiness/Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now