Part 10

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Well, Em is nearly six months pregnant. We're going to a scan today and we're going to find out if we're having a boy or a girl since we'd already decided on names - Em had picked the boy's name and he was going to be called James George Sykes and I had decided upon the girls' name and she was going to be called Georgina Louise Sykes. We both agreed with each others names which made everything so much easier.

I was sat on the sofa drinking my tea, thinking about how much everything had changed for me over the past five and half months. I mean I had grown up so much recently since finding out I was going to be a dad - it was something I had never considered actually being until I was in at least my 30s. But it's happened now and I couldn't be happier because I know Em is going to be an amazing parent. She is going to use her mistakes to make sure our child doesn't grow up and end up in the same position like she did. I obviously want a little girl because then she can be daddy's little princess and I'll spoil her rotten but Max wants a boy so he can teach him how to play guitar and be a football superstar in the future. But Em isn't bothered if it's a boy or a girl, she just wants a healthy baby. I was shaken from my thoughts by someone sitting down next to me.

"Alright there mate?" he asked and I turned my head so I was looking at Jay. He had a smile on his face, he actually seemed to be genuinely happy for once.

"Why you so happy for?" I laughed at him.

"Oh no reason...other than the fact I just asked Sam to be my girlfriend and she said yes!" he beamed at me. Yes. Jay had finally moved on and accepted he was never going to have Em back in his life. Sam had been working for us boys for just over two months now - she was like our personal planner. She had the dates for everything, knew where we had to be and when and she always made sure we got there on time...well most of the time she did. Her and Jay hit it off almost immediately and spent most of their time flirting so I was glad he was actually in a relationship with someone who was going to treat him well. I just hope he treats her wall.

"I'm so happy for you Jay..." I replied.

"How are you and Em then?" he asked as he threw himself into the back of the sofa.

"We're fine. Got the scan today to find out if it's a boy or a girl!" I smiled back at him as I took a sip from my tea.

"You decided on names yet then?"

"Yeah. If it's a girl we're calling her Georgina Louise Sykes and if it's a boy then we're calling him James George Sykes..." I replied and at that point I saw a smile appear across his face. I knew the reason Em wanted to call him James was after Jay, it was her way of saying thanks for letting her move on and be happy.

"How come the baby is going to have your last name then and not Em's?"

"I don't really know. Do you think it's a bad idea if it has my last name then?" I asked him as I suddenly began panicking about that decision.

"No. I was just wondering, that's all you idiot..." he laughed at me.

"Thanks Jay!" I said, pretending I was in a mood with him.

"NO! YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO BE PROUD OF ME ARE YOU?! I'M JUST THE STUPID COW WHICH RUINS EVERYTHING FOR YOU!" Em shouted as she walked down the stairs. Her shouting and tears had ruined the peacefulness of the moment and then the next thing I heard was Max retaliating to her comment.

"YEAH, YOU'RE RIGHT YOU DO RUIN EVERYTHING FOR ME! I WISH YOU WEREN'T MY SISTER AND I WISH I'D NEVER FOUND YOU AGAIN!" and with that comment Em ran out of hte house, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"You go after her and I'll go find out what Max's problem is..." Jay said as he stood up from the sofa and wandered up the stairs in order to talk to Max while I ended up running out of the house after Emma. It took my five minutes before I'd caught up with her and I grabbed her wrist, pulling her into my chest where she just carried on crying.

"Do you hate me Nath?" she asked suddenly as she looked up into my eyes.

"I could never hate you Em. I love you and your faults because no one is perfect" I smiled back at her and with that she rested her head on my chest again, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"So why is Max so disappointment with me?" she mumbled.

"He isn't disappointed with you. He's your brother and I'm sure he didn't mean what he said just then...he was probably just angry." I whispered as I rubbed small circles on her back in an attempt to comfort her and calm her down.

"Can we just go to the hospital now please?" she replied.

"Of course we can..." and with that I joined my hand with hers. As we walked down the street she rested her head on my shoulder and silently cried to herself. I hated seeing her like this but there is nothing I can do about it, the damage has already been done by her own brother.

We arrived at the hospital half hour early and went straight to reception.

"Name?" the receptionist smiled at us.

"Nathan Sykes and Emma Thomas..." I replied.

"If you would like to take a seat the nurse will be along shortly!" she said as she gestured towards the seating area where not that many people were sat. There was a little girl hiding behind her mum and dad clearly scared about something, there were two other couples there who were expecting a baby, two people sat separately and an elderly couple who were deep in conversation about something. About five minutes later a nurse appeared in the gap between the waiting room and the corridoor outside.

"Miss.Thomas and Mr.Sykes?" she called.

"C'mon babe, that's us..." I said as I nudged Em in the side, she had fallen asleep on my shoulder the tears still in her eyes.

"Follow me..." the nurse smiled at us and we did exactly that. We followed her past several room until we got to the one we were going in. The walls were white and there was nothing in here except from the bed, a few machines and a couple of chairs for people to sit in.

"If you would like to get up onto the bed and lift your top up for me!" the nurse said as she pointed at the bed and got out the equipment which she would need. Em lifted her top up and then placed her hand gently in mine, throwing a smile in my direction as the nurse began applying the gel to her stomache causing Em to giggle a little. After about five minutes, the nurse finished what she was doing. I hadn't really been listening to what she had been saying because I was too busy admiring the image of my baby on the screen.

"Would you like to know the sex?"

"Yes please!" me and Em both replied at the same time.

"You're going to be having a girl..." the nurse replied as she stood up and handed Em some tissue to wipe the gel off with. Once she had done that, the nurse handed me a picture of our daughter and we left the room with massive smiles on our faces. As we walked out of the hospital, Em placed her hand on her stomache and said,

"Hello there Georgina. Mummy and daddy both love you..."

"But daddy loves you more. You're going to be my little princess!" I laughed and placed my hand in Emma's as we headed off for home to tell the others.

My life was perfect and I wouldn't want it any other way. I had the most amazing bestfriends, the perfect girlfriend and a beautiful baby on the way. I wouldn't change any of this for the world. I am one very happy Nathan Sykes right now. With that thought in my head I removed my phone from my pocket and tweeted:

@NathanTheWanted: Is going to be the proud daddy to Georgina Louise Sykes soon. I love you @EmmaThomas, you're perfect! :)xx

Because that's how I felt. Proud and lucky.

I'm Running From A Warzone [Jay McGuiness/Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now