Part 6

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*Emma's POV*

I slammed the door shut and sunk down behind it; not wanting to let anyone into the room. I needed to be on my own right now, not have them all judging me. I just put my head into my hands and let the tears fall. I couldn't hold it anymore. Jay had really hurt me by doing that; how dare he bring my past up like that just because he's jealous and Nathan has got everything that he always wanted.

I could hear a faint knocking on the door and the push as someone tried to open it but they couldn't budge me from the spot I was in. I didn't want to see anyone right now. I couldn't be doing with explaining all my mistakes them. Why should what I did in the past make any difference to what sort of mum I'll be to my own child. But maybe Jay was right, maybe this baby is going to do really badly in life because I'm its mother...I placed my hand on my stomache and considered all the ways that this baby would be better off without me and there were a lot.

"Em, please let me in. I just want to talk to you..." I could hear Nathan say through the door.

"I don't want to see anyone. Please just leave me alone Nath!" I replied through the tears which were falling down my cheeks.

"I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me; so either you let me in or I'll just sit on this side of the door and talk to you..."

"Well, looks like you're going to be sitting on the other side of the door because I'm not letting anyone in. I don't want to see anyone, not even Max!" and as I said that, I heard him hit his head off the door as he sat down. I didn't think he would actually do it, but I guess that's Nathan for you.

"I just want to understand Em, please talk to me..."

"None of the others are outside are they?" I asked.

"No, I told them to stay downstairs and I'd come talk to you. Obviously Max wasn't happy with that, being the big brother and all but he's busy dealing with Jay right now!" he laughed which made me smile a little.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Everything. I want to know what happened with you and Max; what happened to put you in hospital and I want to know why didn't tell me!" he said, but he didn't said angry or hurt. He sounded like someone that just wanted to listen to me and be there to help me through it all. I looked down at the small bump which I had and thought he was the father of my baby, he has a right to know what happened and why I didn't tell him. Even if I didn't want to tell him.

"Before I tell you, I want you to promise me something Nath..."

"Anything babe..."

"I want you to promise that you won't judge me and understand I'm nothing like that now. I changed and I'm a better person!" I said as the tears continued to silently fall down my face.

"I promise that I won't judge you and I know who you are now. You're the person I love and the person who is going to be the best mum to my child ever. I love you Em, now please tell me..."

"Fine..." I muttered and composed myself for what I was about to tell him. I knew he wouldn't like it and I'm sure that he wouldn't keep his promise, but I had to tell him now. I managed to stop the tears and began to speak;

"Basically, when I was 15 I ran away from home, I packed my bags one night and left. None of my family ever came looking for me because I'd done it so many times before and always ended up going back home, but not this time. I'd had enough of it always being about Max - how well he was doing, what he was going to do in the future and how proud everyone was of him. They never cared about me, not even Max cared enough to come looking for me. He left it five months before he first got into contact with me and tried to find out where I was, but I didn't want to talk to him. I hated him for leaving it that long and everytime he tried to ring me or he text me, I just ignored him - looking back I regret that now and wish I had got his help before things got as bad as they did..." and at that point, the tears just started rolling down my cheeks again. Remembering my past was hard for me and I hated talking about it, but Nathan was my boyfriend and he needed to know the truth.

I'm Running From A Warzone [Jay McGuiness/Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now