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Frank practically skipped in to art. Well, he would have if he hadn't have just had to run in the rain in PE while the teacher stood there with an umbrella, claiming that the weather "Wasn't that bad".

Despite Frank's ragged state and sopping wet hair, his mood was sunshine and rainbows -for some unknown reason. He waltzed to the art rooms, opening the double doors at the same time, and strolled in.

Gerard raised his head, abandoning the work on his desk to snicker at Frank, whose expression morphed in to confusion.


Eyes crinkling at the corners, Gerard just grinned even more. "Oh, nothing. You're just a funny sight to see." He gestured to the backwards t-shirt, baggy jeans and skew-whiff hoodie Frank was wearing.

"You try getting changed in, like, ten seconds to then leg it up here before the bell rings and the halls are turned in to fighting grounds." He retorted, sticking his tongue out.

"No, thanks." Gerard shrugged, only just noticing the guitar strapped to Frank's back. "You play well?" He gestured to it as he stood, moving to sit on one of the tables. He crossed his legs, letting his hands fall in his lap.

Frank wondered if that was an unconscious habit or Gerard simply had no regard for furniture.

Clearing his throat, he mumbled, "Yeah, I guess so." Hiding behind his hair, he blushed. Dumping his things on the floor, he was about to start his work when Gerard spoke up, a gleam of curiosity in his eyes.

"Can you play something for me? I'd love to hear it. I tried learning guitar once, but I never got the hang of it."

Frank's head snapped up, momentarily staring unsurely at him before he forced a smile. "I don't know. I've never played for anyone. . ."

"You won't even do it for me? Your favourite teacher?" Gerard gasped mockingly, clutching at his chest. Wisps of hair he'd swept away fell in to his eyes again, resting in a fringe over his forehead, then straying behind his ears.

"Shove off." Frank huffed, pushing Gerard's shoulder so hard that he had to put both of his hands behind him so he didn't fall, slender fingers splayed like a fan on the desk. That just made Gerard chuckle and bite his lip, raising his eyebrows at Frank.

"Anyway," Frank continued, putting a hand on his hip, "How do you know you're my favourite teacher?" He retorted, reaching for his bag.

"I always am, sugar-" He slapped a hand over his mouth, thankful Frank had turned around to unzip the cover on his guitar. Eyes wide, Gerard's face began to burn bright red and he felt fear flare in his chest. He hoped desperately that Frank hadn't heard him.

A redness tinted Frank's cheeks too.

Suddenly, it fell very quiet, save for their nervous shuffling. A blanket of awkwardness had been draped over them.

When he turned around, guitar in hand, Gerard could see it was obvious Frank had heard and it was clear that it'd made their situation weird. Frank sat on the table opposite, pretending to be totally invested in his instrument, focusing on the strings. 
"What-" Frank cleared his throat to stop it from squeaking. "What shall I play? Got any suggestions?"

"Well, uh," Gerard scratched the back of his neck, "Do you know any Green Day songs?"

"You know Green Day?" Frank beamed, grinning as he glanced up at a pale, red cheeked Gerard, who nodded. "That's another thing we have in common."

"Seems so." Gerard smiled too, trying to push his slip-up to the back of his mind.

Whereas Frank's thoughts were whirring. No one had ever called him something along those lines before. To be honest, it gave him this fluttery feeling in his chest, despite it also mildly mortified him. Admittedly, he debated on whether to ask Gerard about it, or to act on it himself and say something similar in return just to see what would happen. But whenever he thought of acting on it, a pain clenched at his chest and he decided it was a big no.

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