t w e n t y e i g h t

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Studying was going. . . Not so great. It was awfully tedious. If Frank could have loaded all his exams on to a clone of himself, he would have done, because he knew he was going to fail every single test. Perhaps if there was a test on procrastination, he'd win.

To his delight, Gerard had put Palaye Royale on as background noise. It didn't really help with concentration, but Frank didn't care. Rather than doing work, he lip-synced the lyrics, drumming his fingers on the desk enthusiastically. The only reason he'd stopped was because he'd realised Gerard was watching him, slightly amused.

"Why'd you stop?" Gerard frowned, resting his chin on his palm, elbow on the desk.

Frank narrowed his eyes playfully, "Because some creep was staring at me."

Raising his eyebrows, he scoffed, "I'm the creep?"

"Yes." He said seriously, though his smile gave him away. After a moments silence, glancing down at his unfinished work, he spoke up again, "Hey, can you help me with this?"

"What?" Gerard blinked, turning to face him.

"I can't sketch this hand." He huffed, slamming his pencil on the desk, frustrated. "They're so damn hard to draw."

"Practise." He stated, receiving a half hearted glare -Frank didn't like hearing that, and Gerard didn't particularly like saying it. "You can't expect to get it right the first time."

"I can, and I do."

Pressing his lips in to a thin line, Gerard narrowed his eyes slightly, but didn't answer.

It was quiet and they listened to the sound of the janitors bustling around in other classrooms, the hum of the computer monitors and the shouts of some students playing football outside in the dark. It was quite late.

Glaring intently at the paper, Frank attempted sketching again, but ended up rubbing it out more than once. Now he was a little more irritated, but that just morphed in to defeat. "Will you help me?" He pouted, giving his best puppy eyes to Gerard, who seemed to soften. "Pretty please?"

Sighing, Gerard smiled, "Of course." Shuffling over, he stood behind him, leaning over his shoulder as he picked up the pencil Frank had been using. As if it was the easiest thing in the world, Gerard drew effortlessly.

When he was done, he turned his head to face Frank, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Like that, you know?"

They were inches apart, their noses almost touching. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Frank hesitantly darted his eyes to Gerard's lips. He took a deep breath, eyelids feeling heavy.

All his pent up feelings seemed to rise to the surface. It was difficult to listen to reason because Frank had been basically pining after him for so long. And it was impossible for Gerard not to feel the same way -he took him out for Christmas, for crying out loud.

Slowly, Frank shook his head, "How about like this?" Casting away doubts, anxiety and any total sense he had, he felt confidence surge through his veins as he reached up, put a hand on the back of Gerard's neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

The moment their lips met, Frank melted, a burning sensation flaring in his chest. After months, he finally did what he'd been dreaming of doing. It was as imagined; Gerard's lips were soft and-

He pulled away.

Eyes wide, he whispered in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

That wasn't the response Frank had been wishing for.

However, that didn't matter because for a second before Gerard had disconnected their lips, he'd felt him start to kiss back, and Frank wasn't about to throw away that opportunity. Perhaps Gerard was trying to be sensible and bring to attention that they were still in school.

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