t h i r t y o n e

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To his horror, parent's evening had arrived. For the past month he'd been running around trying to fit in times with all his teachers so his parents could see his progress throughout the year for every subject, but because he was late knowing, it'd taken twice as long.

Luckily, he'd managed to keep Gerard last and everyone else before him. Hopefully, his mother would allow him to stay late so they could spend a bit more time together.

When the letters for parent's evening had gone home for the parents to sign to confirm if they were going, Frank had managed to get his mother to come, however, his father was working in New York at that time and couldn't make it. Truth be told, he didn't mind that much. It was enough of a miracle that even one of his parents was attending.

Most of all, he was mainly worried about what Gerard had to say. Although he doubted any of it would be negative, he was still insanely curious and nervous. To some extent, he was about to see how Gerard saw him.


"I hate parent's evening." Frank groaned as he flopped on to one of the chairs, and immediately regretted it because he hurt his spine on the plastic. He hissed, rubbing his back.

Glancing down at him as he was standing on the cupboard to hang up a poster that'd fallen off, Gerard furrowed his brows. "Why?"

Frank huffed, "It sucks. I don't see why I have to go." As he'd been almost entirely engulfed in his own little world, he only just realised what Gerard was doing and sat up straight. "Be careful."

"What?" Gerard scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I'm not going to fall."

"Famous last words." He cocked his head to the side. From this angle, he could stare at Gerard, who was wearing tight ripped jeans, and no one could stop him. "If you do, make sure you don't fall on me." There was actual concern for Gerard's wellbeing hidden behind that joke.

"Wow, thanks." He sighed, pointing the hammer he was holding at him. "I thought you were going to catch me."

"Maybe." Frank bit his lip. "Anyway," he scratched his neck, "Are you going to tell my parents what such a horrible student I am?"

"Oh, of course." Gerard laughed without missing a beat. He nailed in the pin to secure the poster, then turned around, narrowing his eyes at Frank, who stood up just in case he did have to catch him. "You're obviously the noisiest student I've ever met –out of my whole eight months teaching."

"Ha, ha." Frank deadpanned, folding his arms across his chest. "That's totally me."

"It is." He flashed a sly grin, then stepped off the cupboard on to one of the tables and sat down on it, putting the hammer on a nearby chair. "I think you're the worst."

"And you're the worst teacher." Frank chuckled as he hopped on to the desk next to Gerard. After a long pause, he poked him in the thigh to get his attention. "Really, though?"

"Really what?"

This could go one of two ways; really good or really bad. Taking a deep breath, he asked cautiously, "What do you-what do you really think of me?"

Gerard's hair fell over his eyes as he hung his head, kicking his legs back and forth. "Uhm. . ."

That's too long of a gap, Frank thought gloomily. How he prayed, he wished that he knew what Gerard was thinking.

"I-I-" He racked his brain for the right words. "I like you."

To Frank, that didn't necessarily mean a good thing. That's what you say when you don't really like someone and don't want to hurt their feelings.

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