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The only thing that Frank was thrilled about on Christmas Eve was the fact it was snowing. And it wasn't just snowing, it was snowing. Every surface known to man was layered in thick white sheets. Honestly, it was quite magical. The street lamps made the snow sparkle like glitter had just been dumped all over Jersey.

Thankfully, they'd broken up from school for the holidays a couple of days ago. The first thing Frank had done was snooze for two days straight -with the occasional coffee break.

Surprisingly, Brendon had been texting him, telling him all about how he and Ryan went sledging. Obviously, Frank liked to hear that they were having fun, but it was like a slap in the face because he'd wondered why he hadn't been invited.

Oh well. He didn't mix with outdoor activities anyway. Frank was more of a stay at home, drink hot chocolate and watch the Nightmare Before Christmas with me kind of person.

Though, without a doubt, even though that part sucked, it had been the best Christmas Eve by far -including the ones were his parents were there because they didn't particularly embrace his Christmas horror movie marathons.


Just as Frank was about to settle down to watch the Christmas episodes of Friends, someone knocked on the door. He huffed, putting his drink down a little harshly on the table. He hated being interrupted.

Sighing, he dragged himself up and unlocked the door to find Gerard standing there with a bright smile on his face, eyes seemingly twinkling. His black hair stood out against the snow that fell from the dark sky, some getting caught in his hair. Despite the weather, Gerard still persisted in wearing that bloody denim jacket.

Frank just blinked, eyebrows shooting off his head. "What are you doing here?" It wasn't meant to sound rude, but it had that tone behind the shock.

"Hello to you, too." Gerard said sarcastically, though his cheery demeanour didn't falter.

"No," Frank scratched his neck, feeling the awkward course through his veins like an unwanted, pointless superpower. "I'm glad to see you. I-I'm just confused."

Gerard glanced down. "Well," He bit his lip, going over how mad this idea actually was as they weren't supposed to interact outside of school. "You said your parents are away for Christmas, so. . . I thought we could, uhm, celebrate now instead?"

Almost imploding with happiness, Frank beamed, "Really?"

"Of course." He gave him a small toothed smile. "You can't miss Christmas."

"Technically, it's not Christmas yet." Frank pointed out, earning a deadpan glare.

"You know what I mean." He raised an eyebrow. "So. . . Are you coming with me?"

Nodding enthusiastically, Frank grabbed his coat off the hook in the hall, quickly switched the tv off, then joined Gerard outside. He was getting his keys out of his pocket when it occurred to him, "Where are we going?"

Gerard stepped back as Frank locked the door. "Maybe we could go around all the Christmassy shops and dance in the snow like we're in a cheesy film?"

"Sounds rad." He smiled, wrapping his coat around himself to keep warm. They walked to the end of Frank's street. The cars racing past were blinding red and white lights, and they splashed up water from the gutter so they made sure to keep away.

It was when an icy gust of wind almost froze Frank's eyes permanently open that he asked, "Aren't you cold?"

Gerard glanced at him out the corner of his eye, mostly focused on when to cross the busy road. "Actually, not really."

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