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"Ugh, my head hurts.." I spoke outloud as I opened my eyes. It felt impossible to remember anything from last night. I felt a heavy weight on my body as I tried to get up, and then realized that heavy weight was none other than Nagito.

It all became clear. I had slept with Nagito. My face heated up quickly because of the embarrassment.

"Eh.. Oh good morning Hajime. I see you're awake." Nagito titled his head towards me. He seemed awfully calm towards the situation.

"Yeah, let's go meet up with the others for breakfast." I managed to sneak out of underneath Nagito and stood up, gasping for fresh air while Nagito sat up.

As we walked together, side by side, I thought about what might've happened between us two while I was asleep.

"You okay? You look red faced." Nagito peeked at me.

"O-oh, yeah.." I sweated. It was probably best for me not to think about that at a time like this.

"Your timing is impostorus as usual." Byakuya scoffed.

"Why did you both arrive together? Did you sleep together?" Hiyoko guessed. The scary thing was, she was actually right.

"Hiyoko.. d-don't just assume that.." Mikan insisted.

"Quit blabbering, I want some food!" Akane shouted.

"I'm bringing it out!" Teruteru rushed from the kitchen taking multiple trips to deliver plates of food.

"Look at all those pancakes!" Ibuki pointed.

"Take as many as you like, the syrup is here if you want it." Teruteru explained.

"Of course, that's normal for your talent. You remnants of hope can truly be amazing." Nagito looked down at his plate.

"Guys, he's being weird again." Mahiru complained.

"That's just who he is." Kazuichi replied.

"I'm in the mood for some acting, can we make a script?" Sonia wondered.

"Sounds like something to keep us entertained while we're here." Gundham agreed.

"How about a play about Romeo and Juliet?" Chiaki looked up from her game for a split second.

"Ooh, a love story!" Ibuki swooned.

"I have no one I love except young master in a friendly way." Peko said.

"I shall be the director as Nekomaru Nidai, the ultimate team leader!" Nekomaru explained.

"I want to be Romeo." A nosebleed appeared in Teruteru's nose.

"You dirty pervert, you just want to kiss a girl, don't you?!" Mahiru scolded and slapped him on the cheek.

"Yeah whatever, I'm not doing it." Fuyuhiko walked off to his cottage.

"If young master isn't then I won't either." Peko ran off after him.

"I swear those two are like lone wolves." Kazuichi mumbled.

"Honestly, acting isn't much of a thing I really enjoy." I shrugged.

"Hajime, if you feel that way, you must have a good reason." Nagito admired. I didn't understand the meaning of his admiration of me, but I played along.

"Well if everyone is going to ditch it, how about watching a movie instead?" Sonia suggested.

"The screen must ascend me to the underworld if I shall come along." Gundham exclaimed as none of us understood the meaning behind his words.

"D-do we even have a movie?" Mikan questioned.

"Uh yeah, on the ship, I found boxes of DVDs." Teruteru pulled out multiple discs.

"Then let's go watch it in what's left of the movie theater from the island!" Nekomaru led the crowd of people as I kept my distance. We did end up leaving Byakuya and Chiaki behind as they had zero interest in the movie.

When we saw the theater, it was in better shape than I expected it would be. Nagito followed me as I sat in the back, separated from the others as they were in the middle seats. Kazuichi was helping program the tool that plays the movie and it popped up on the screen. He quickly scurried to sit with Sonia.

The talking in the theater came to a complete stop as the sound of the movie swallowed us whole. Of course, it was one of those old Godzilla movies that were only available in Japan. I already knew what happened, so I let my head rest against the back of the seat and slowly closed my eyes.

I then felt Nagito lay his head against me. I looked down and his hair overwhelming poked me in the face, but thanks to it, nobody could see the tomato-looking face I had at the moment.

"Hajime, have you already seen this before?" Nagito asked, not changing his head's position.

"Yeah. Have you?" I replied quietly. Nagito slowly nodded and I started to lose focus and drift off into a sleeping state.

"Wake up.." I heard one voice, but other became clear. My eyes widened at the sight of everyone witnessing Nagito in the same seat as me, sleeping on top of me.

I heard giggling as I'm pretty sure they were making fun of us. Oh no, I thought.

"Pst, Nagito.." I shook him slowly, but thoroughly.

"Eh..." Nagito awoke and saw everyone staring at us, "Ah, what a suprise."

"It's not funny! What are you doing in my seat?" I started to complain, but I felt like I was breaking his heart on the inside. I wanted to run away from here. This island. Everything. But I couldn't. After all, this was reality, was it not?

"Look at them, ew!" Hiyoko teased.

"I-it's not!" I stood up as Nagito fell onto the floor. I didn't help him up.

"What's wrong, aren't you gonna help your boyfriend up?" Hiyoko laughed and tried to start up a fight.

"Hiyoko, maybe you should stop.." Mahiru quietly pulled on her kimono.

"Oh come on!" She whined. I just stood there, regretting everything that has ever happened to me.

"Hajime, are you.. gay?" Teruteru sweated, standing beside Mikan.

"Guys, I swear-" I wanted to keep going, but it would only add fuel to the fire. I just walked out of the theater, leaving Nagito inside.

I did want to help him, but at the same time, I didn't want my reputation to be ruined.

That night, I heard a knock on my cottage door. I cautiously opened the door and saw Nagito standing there. I looked down, like I didn't deserve his visit. I let him walk in, with his pillow in hand.

"Listen, Nagito.." I swallowed, "I'm sorry about today." I expected a punishment or something.

"Is it hard to be seen with me?" He asked. My heart dropped, I didn't want to answer that question.

"W-well no.." I stopped and turned my back to him, "Aren't you mad?" I stuttered.

A moment of silence passed. I still had my back facing him because I felt too guilty that I couldn't bare to look at him.

"If you really want to make it up to me, that would be fine." Nagito flung his arms around me and his breath sent a shiver down my spine, his dull voice glistening in my ears.

"Like what?" I held my breath as if I was underwater. I predicted like something about killing him or using him as a stepping stone, but I was wrong.

"Maybe, just letting me stay here." By the tone of voice, I could tell he smiled while saying that, but he was almost always smiling.

"If that's all, then fine." I mumbled. It wasn't as bad as expected anyways. He could have made it way worse.

Nagito fluffed out his pillow and then layed next to me. I felt his hand creep down into mine and interlock between fingers. The warmth of his hand was something I would always remember.

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