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"Good morning Chiaki!" I greeted the pink haired girl who didn't bother to look up from her game console.

"Hi." She stated, not making any eye contact. I looked around the classroom as more students entered, Nagito was already at his desk and staring at me, but looked away when our eyes met.

"Okay class, settle down." Ms. Yukizome walked in and announced as everyone returned to their desks.

While the teacher was giving a lecture, I saw Nagito giving Chiaki the death stare. It was strange, but I shrugged it off.

After school, I hung out with Chiaki at a cafe and played video games with her. I had finally decided to try and gain our friendship again after the whole killing game incident.

"Good game, you were hard to beat." Chiaki showed a small smile and took a sip of her strawberry smoothie.

"Thanks, but I'll never be as good as you. Hey, how have you and Mikan been?" I questioned. A small blush appeared in her face at the mention of Mikan.

"She's been okay." Chiaki shyly put her hoodie on.

"Oh yeah?" I smirked, making Chiaki blush.

"N-nothing happened between us!" She exclaimed.

"Sure." I chuckled, looking at the recipet for both our drinks.

"Hey can we hang out tomorrow too? I do want to catch up a little more." Chiaki scratched her cheek cutely, showing her nervousness.

"That sounds good, as long as there's no homework after school." I laughed and shortly after, Chiaki joined in.

"Yeah... Listen, I have to go now. See you!" She explained before leaving my view.

I had to admit, Chiaki was a great friend. She was more of the calm type who gave great advice and was super supportive. As the ultimate gamer, she does have an unhealthy addiction to her games, but she can be social.

"Hey Nagito, I'm home." I announced, closing the door behind me. It was silent for a second until I heard something shuffling around. "Nagito?" I started to look around. He was definitely here, I just didn't know where he was or what he was doing.

"Hinata-kun!" I heard his excited voice from behind as he tackled me to the ground, "Where were you without me?" He puffed his cheeks and then sat up to let me have some room to stand back on my feet.

"I was just hanging out with Chiaki," I dusted off my pants, "You didn't have to scare me like that.."

"I'm sorry, I just really missed you." Nagito bit his lip and backed off with teary eyes that were on the verge of tears.

"H-hey, it's fine.. You just startled me, that's all!" I assured him as he gave me a suspicious glance.

"If you say so." He sighed and went to my room. I didn't question it, he was probably reading a book. I switched on the television to see am advertisement about boats. Dang, I love boats.

After a while, I had ordered pizza for us and it was now here. The smell was undeniably good, so I opened my door to get Nagito and-

There Nagito was, sniffing the sheets like the strange human being he is.

"What the heck.." I stared at the sight while Nagito fell off the bed, bringing some of the sheets down with him.

"Ah! Y-you saw nothing!" He panicked, starting to throw pillows at me.

"Okay, okay! Stop, it hurts." I shielded myself from the attack and once he stopped, I deserved an explanation.

"J-just forget about it." He mumbled. I sighed, it was no use in trying to get him to fess up anyways.

"Well we have pizza." I explained and Nagito's eyes grew wide.

"Oh okay, why didn't you say so?" He tilted his head, but if I answered he would just get triggered again.

While I finished eating the crust of the cheese pizza, the doorbell rang. I opened it and saw Kazuichi.

"What do you want?" I asked, knowing that he was always up to no good.

"So uh, I kinda accidentally set you up on a date.." Kazuichi chuckled, sweat dripping down his face.

"What? You already know I'm with Nagito! Who is it with?" I shook Kazuichi by his shoulders, overwhelming him with my questions.

"Her name is Sayaka Maizono, apparently she was connected to the killing game too, but is trying to find a lover. She did have an ex named Makoto, but he's apparently dating a girl called Kyoko." Kazuichi confessed.

"How did you even set me up?" I asked again.

"I'm friends with her and I told her about you.. she said she wanted to meet you, so I said yes. Oh I messed up badly, she doesn't know you're gay.." Kazuichi exhaled deeply and swallowed.

"Yeah, you sure did." I sat on the couch next to Nagito and he layed his head on my shoulder, finally noticing Kazuichi.

"So are you going?" Kazuichi walked behind the couch while I took a drink of Dr. Hopper.

"Do I have a choice?" I groaned, looking back at the pink haired boy.

"Huh?" Nagito peered over at me.

"It's nothing.." I raised my hands to avert his attention back to the television.

"It's on Sunday, alright?" Kazuichi told me the date while I put it on my mobile calendar.

"Okay, I'll tell you how horrible it is afterwards." I said before shoving him out the door, never seeing him for the rest of the day.

"Hinata-kun.. are you... going out?" I heard Nagito's voice behind me. I didn't dare to look back because I didn't want to know what facial expression I would see from Nagito.

"Well, it's complicated.. it's with a friend!" I exclaimed, making my way to the bedroom door. I quickly ran in, but Nagito followed.

"You know I don't like sharing my Hinata-kun.." Nagito's arms wrapped around my waist as his green hoodie slowly fell off him on its own.

"I'm sorry, Kazuichi accidentally got me into a date.." I mumbled, placing my hand on top of Nagito's.

"Just promise me you won't fall for her.." Nagito gripped my hand harder.

"I promise."

Sorry for such a boring chapter, I've been working on a one-shot that will be coming out soon so I'm trying to split my inspiration between the two. The next chapter will be more interesting though, I promise! Haha, get it? No? Ok, let me cry in a corner now..

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