Chapter 6 | Lies over wine

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Lilia was currently heading towards the dining hall since, by some odd reason that she didn't quite comprehend, Queen Cersei had requested that she would have supper with them. Something she didn't understand either was the fact that she was called Queen. Her husband, the good, old King Robert was dead, so her title died with him as well! In Lilia's eyes, the only title that woman was worthy of was Dowager Queen Cersei or Queen Mother.

She also didn't quite comprehend why she had to have supper with them, well she did understand that she had because Cersei Lannister had demanded that she did. What she didn't understand was why she would want her to go. She had nothing to do with her and her family, she was nothing but a hostage in King's Landing, unlike her sister, who was to be Queen by marriage!

Guards were escorting her there and the Gods knew how many spies the bitch had on her, watching her every move, listening to her every breath. She knew Senna was one of them, there was no doubt in that.

As soon as she got there, she was sitting in front of her children, Tommen and Myrcella, with Sansa sitting next to Tommen, the only empty spot was next to Myrcella.

"Your Grace, I apologize for taking this long. My handmaiden showed up in my chambers late and took too long to get me to look proper to be in your presence" she bowed in front of her. The woman gave her a fake smile and motioned for her to take her seat.

"There is no problem, I shall have a word with her later. Have a seat, little pup" Lilia hated when the woman called her little pup. She was no pup and she was not little, so she was definitely not a little pup. She realized that the only reason why she had nicknamed her that way, was because she wanted to mock the wolves and mock her along with them. Nevertheless, as much as it infuriated her, Lilia took her seat as she had been told and smiled at the children.

"Good evening, Prince Tommen, Princess Myrcella. It's very nice to see you, you both look quite lovely" she was faking it, but at the same time, she wasn't lying. She was faking her happiness, nothing else. The children weren't guilty of their mother's conduct. So, she decided to push her feelings aside and let it go. The children smiled to her graciously and the dinner went ahead in dead silence until Myrcella broke it by trying to create conversation.

"When will Joffrey and Sansa be married?" the little girl asked. Lilia's eyes met her sister's, who stood frozen and apparently terrified just at the mentioning of it. Lilia remembered what her mother had told her once about marriage. Every woman feared it, especially when she was getting married to someone she didn't quite know. But Sansa's situation was different, she knew who she was going to get married to, and in Lilia's eyes, that was the problem. Sansa knew who Joffrey was and she feared for her future, and Lilia feared for her sister as well, even though she tried to trespass reassurance.

"They won't. Joffrey is in love with Lilia, she is the one who he is going to get married to" Tommen pronounced himself as Lilia chocked on her wine. All eyes were on her by then, and Cersei simply smiled as fake as she could and ignored it.

"Soon, darling. When the war is over" the woman replied, ignoring her son's comment and replying to Myrcella. The room was filled with tension and it bothered Lilia very much. She would have rather have supper alone than being stuck with the Lannisters. "And Tommen, I don't think Lilia would want to marry Joff, would you, little pup?"

"Sansa is my sister and she is to marry King Joffrey, he shall be my brother and I shall be his sister by marriage. That's how it's going to be, so I guess I wouldn't like to marry my King when I consider him as my brother. Brothers and sisters stopped marrying each other when the Targaryens died. It's forbidden" Lilia's reply hit Cersei completely, making both of them stare at each other as they both poured their goblet of wine down their throats. Only the two of them understood what Lilia meant and only the two of them realized how the Stark girl had subtly defied Cersei Lannister.

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