Chapter 10 | The brother's fury

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"Your Grace, the Lannisters have sent you a message" Roose Bolton stormed inside the tent where Robb stood along with his mother and her new sworn sword, Brienne of Tarth. He delivered them a box and Robb looked at both of them, apprehensive.

"After the Greyjoy's betrayal now we hear from the Lannisters?" Robb asked impatiently. What could the Lannister possibly want at that moment? Tell them that they had allied with Theon to destroy him? "What do they want?"

"Your Grace, the message isn't from Tywin Lannister, it came from the Capitol" Lord Bolton explained as he showed them the King's sigil. Catelyn and Robb exchanged a worried look. Catelyn's heart was pounding hard against her chest. Her daughters were being held hostages in King's Landing, they were at the Lannisters' mercy. To hear news from there wasn't something that she was eager to. However, the anxiety she felt from not knowing anything about them disturbed as well.

Robb opened the box and stepped behind, making sure that there wasn't any sort of viper or something else that would hurt him. But he wasn't watching out for psychological pain, which was what the box really brought.

He looked confused when seeing nothing but white fabric inside the box, he touched it and once he took it out, he realized, just as everybody else, that it was stained with blood. Catelyn brought her hands to her mouth out of shock. Robb took out a nightgown, ripped and torn apart. By then, Catelyn's eyes were in tears. What had they done to her daughters?!

"What is the meaning of this?" Robb asked as his voice emanated fury and hurt. He looked at the box and he found a letter with Joffrey Baratheon's seal on it. He showed it to his mother, whose heart was breaking by the second.

"Read it!" Catelyn asked at once, with her voice trembling and her tears streaming down her face. Brienne watched out with a bitter taste in her mouth. From what she had heard, the Stark girls were just that... girls and the rumours had it that every time their brother won a battle, they were the ones to pay the price. "Read it at last!"

Robb broke the seal with fury and preoccupation due to what the letter could say about his sisters. He hadn't heard about Arya at all, which troubled him. Sansa and Lilia were the ones he would hear about. How Sansa was still betrothed to Joffrey but how he would cast her aside for Lilia.

He often found himself thinking about what Lilia would have done had she been by his side. She would be treated as the sister to the King and she would have stayed at Winterfell, or so he would command though he knew she would follow him wherever he went. How would she deal with Theon's betrayal and how would she handle the bannermen who questioned his authority so many times.

He was sure that the people would treat her as the Queen. And part of him wished that she had the opportunity to be the Queen instead of him being the King. Lilia would play the part just fine and men would see themselves forced to bow to her since she would not take bad behaviour lightly.

He took a deep breath while looking at the words without really reading them as if he was getting ready for his execution.

"You might be confused as in the reason why I send you this. Think of it as a present for this nightgown belonged to one of your sisters. Both of them are true beauties, but you know where my preference lies. She's a fine woman, your sister Lilia, I look forward to having her in my bed more often. My men are of the same opinion, but when you take an oath which involves being celibate, you'll settle for anything really, even a wild animal. You should have seen as she begged me to stop, as she fought me off. She gave in, eventually, but it was too late. She has a wild tongue, I had to make sure she learnt how to control it, which I believe I did. Confess your crimes of treason and surrender and I will stop tormenting her, I will make her my Queen. Or maybe next time, I will send you her corpse. Joffrey Baratheon, the first of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynares and the First Men, Protector of the Realm and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms" as he finished, Catelyn fell on her knees and Robb ripped the letter in a million pieces. He pushed the maps and the war plans off the table as he screamed in tears, then he grabbed his sword and stormed outside the tent, with Catelyn following him and Greywind joining soon after with the same unhappiness as Robb.

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