Chapter 28 | Crying for help

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So, first of all, hi!

I've been gone lately because of school cause guess what? Turns out senior year is exhausting and it has been draining all the life and time and energy and stuff out of me!

But on a much sadder/happier note (yes, both of them), I bring news that you might enjoy but also hate me for!

This book is coming to an end.

Yes, that's right. The next chapter will be the very last chapter of the book and then I might do another one.

"But Brin, if it's coming to an end, why would you do another chapter?"


We have another coming up and this one will be much longer since it will follow Lilia's life during the events of the third and forth season (at least)!

We'll still have a chapter 29 and after that chapter, I'll make an introduction to the next book (similar to what I did in the Little Pup's last chapter) AND, depending on you, I might do a Q&A about Lilia, the books, the TV Show...

So, if you would like to know things about anything Game of Thrones related really, let me know on the comment section in this chapter and the next one!

Now, let's get into the chapter itself!

Lilia looked at the gardens from the window inside her chambers. Her dreams had been crushed before her eyes and there was nothing but bitterness in her mouth as well as the fear of what was to come.

She had been locked up as an elite prisoner, almost like when she was back in King's Landing. She would get great food and the servants would treat her well and with kindness. She had been provided with a bath which made her auburn hair fade and her false identity as Melissa Rivers die with it. She had also been provided with clothes and the beautiful sight of the Water Gardens, as well as her direwolf, which was keeping her company. However, she wasn't allowed to get visits from Arianne or any of the Sand Snakes.

She waited for hours while reading some books Oberyn Martell had found a way to sneak in with the help of his little daughter Dorea. She knew as much since the books were delivered with an orange on top, and though that could have been a coincidence and her dessert was going to be an orange, Lilia knew better than that. Dorea was obsessed with oranges and would spend most of her time knocking oranges off trees with the aid of her morning star.

Another person she was not allowed to see under any circumstance was Daemon Sand and that troubled her. She had left Dorne right after he had rejected her and right after their kiss, yet Lilia only thought about him during her first days running away. She supposed it had something to do with the belief she held that they would never see each other again, yet there she stood.

Oberyn had Daemon guarding Lilia's door, or so he intended to have him do, but Doran Martell was smarter than that. It was known that Daemon Sand had fallen in love with the she-wolf of the North and that it was likely that she would come to persuade him to release her, that was if he would not do it himself, which Doran decided not to believe. There was one thing he was sure of, he could not lose Lilia Stark once again.

Arianne had made the job to find them difficult when changing Lilia's Stark physical and, overall, complete identity. The one thing that gave her away was that she herself accompanied that girl.

When Doran found out what their intentions were, he could not believe how stupid his daughter had been to talk the Stark girl into that stupid plot. House Tyrell had declared for House Lannister and Margaery Tyrell was now going to be Joffrey Baratheon's Queen. As soon as they set foot in Highgarden, Lilia Stark would be sent back to King's Landing and served to Joffrey on a plate.

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