Little Do You Know

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Little do you know
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep
Little do you know
I'm still haunted by the memories
Little do you know
I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece
Little do you know
I need a little more time
Underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside
I've been holding back
For the fear that you might change your mind


"Are you sure you want to Aiden?" Gracia hesitated, worrying over her daughter. "Taking care of a child is a large responsibility."

Aiden smiled reassuringly and nodded. "We'll be fine. It's only for the rest of today and then tomorrow. And you're forgetting that I've helped raise Elicia when you had no idea what you're doing," she reminded.

Ever since the funeral, Aiden had had to watch Gracia be run ragged taking care of her child and finding a job. The military had given her something to live off of for a time but it wouldn't last. So she'd been taking jobs wherever to get some source of income for her daughter. It wasn't until recently that Gracia had found a job at the local flower shop. Often times Elicia would go with her mother to the shop and the women there would dote on her and coo at her cuteness. Other times she'd been left with a babysitter for the day and while Aiden thought it was a good idea, she saw no point for Gracia to waste her money when she had friends who could help.

At first, Gracia had been hesitant to let Aiden take care of her daughter. It wasn't like she didn't trust her, she just didn't want to burden her friends. Aiden had rolled her eyes and told Gracia that friends were around for a reason and if she couldn't even look after a child for a day then she was a pretty useless friend.

"And you're sure nothing will happen?" Gracia glanced down at Elicia who was putting a pair of her favorite pajamas in a bag, followed closely by her stuffed duckling.

Aiden smiled gently and placed a hand on the worried mother's shoulder. "I promise that if anything happens she'll either stay with me or I'll stick her with Roy. You know that we'd die before we'd let anything happen to her."

"It's just that..."

"I know. He died in the line of duty but nothing like that will ever happen to you again. I swear."

"I'm ready mommy!" Elicia squealed, racing up to the pair with a small bag in her arms. It was filled with the usual overnight things.

Gracia smiled and kneeled down, "Alright. Make sure you're good for Aunty Aiden, okay?"

Elicia nodded with a look of utmost determination on her face. "Kay!"

Aiden grinned and slung the small bag over her shoulder, followed closely by the three-year-old. "You ready for a girl's day?"


She nodded and wrapped Gracia in a one-armed hug. "We'll be okay," she promised. "Take a day to relax." The soldier took a step back and gently prodded the child in her arms who squealed and laughed. "Make sure to tell mommy bye."

"Buh-bye mommy! See you later!"

Gracia smiled and waved and the two left the home behind. She knew that nothing would happen in the presence of the entire military but she was a mother. It was her job to worry about things, even the most unlikely of them.

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