2: Kova

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Kova threw her blade above her head as she blocked Xavier's attack. Both she an Xavier were playing a game. A game of tactics, sly moves and faints, despite her nerves at protecting the High Lords' son she felt the familiar rush of battle. She could feel Azriel and Cassian approaching, watching, assessing her. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw the son move to help her but Cassian shook his head.

Pride filled her chest that Cassian and Azriel trusted her enough to let her fight her own battles. Her blade sliced Xavier's arm, he hissed but smiled at her. His handsome face lit with the light of the dying sun, he spun away from her widowing leaving a gust of wind in his wake. A frustrated growl tore from her throat.

Her eyes were still down cast when Azriel's feet appeared in her lie of sight, he gently tipped her head back looking deep into her eyes. His expression conveyed the silent comfort only he could provide. "You did well," he murmured against her hair quietly so the others would hear. "Now come meet our High Lord and his son"

Azriel gently pulled her towards Rhysand. The High Lord was watching her quietly his hand intertwined with his mate's. Next to them was a boy, he looked her age may be a few months older, he had inherited his fathers good looks, Kova couldn't that he was sickeningly handsome, his body muscular and defined, midnight black hair short but soft and his eyes a dazzling emerald. 

"Whose this Azriel?" Feyre asked quietly, "Not here" her husband cut in quickly. Azriel held her arm as they widowed back to Valaris. When her sight returned she gasped, she had never seen Valaris as night, the city was beautiful. It twinkles under the stars and the moon lit the streets in a soft glow. "This is Kova" Cassian introduced her his voice bringing her out of her wonder. She turned to the inner circle, she had never been allowed into Valaris before.

"You wear Illyrian leathers but your hair suggests you are from the winter Court" the son cut in.
"Ash" his mother whispered but Ash was watching her with a strange intensity. "My father was from the Night Court and my mother from Winter" she replied shortly, twirling her dagger around her fingers the moonlight catching its silver blade.
"Do you trust her Rhys?" Azriel asked quietly,
Cassian blanched at his High Lords response,
"Not yet".
Kova inclined her head, she didn't expect Rhys to trust her so quickly, they had predicted this.

Azriel came to stand by her side, "She will be around us for three months. She must have experience in court affairs if she is to be full prepared to take over from me"
"Then I will learn to trust her, on one condition" Rhys said slowly, "That she trusts me. And keeps an eye on Ash if none of us can".

Kova shifted, watching Ash was easy, she was confident that she could. But trusting Rhys was a different matter, if they found out her mother would they shun her and her father?

"Well at least with you by my side I won't have to fight off girls in the streets" Ash smirked at her, Kova narrowed her eyes placing her hand in her hip as she glared back at him, "It won't be hard to watch your son, I'll just follow the noise" she smirked at Ash who looked like he was torn between laughing or growling. Smiling sweetly at him, "I'm sure that you have enough girls to warm your bed, I'm not posing as your girlfriend". Cassian laughed while a smirked raced across Rhys' face. "Oh, I'm sure you won't mind watching this" Ash retorted cockily. Kova huffed, "Watch it Princeling. You're life could depend on me"

"She'll fit in perfectly" a blonde woman had entered the room. "Mor" she held out her hand, Azriel had told her about Mor as well as his feelings for her. "Kova" she inclined her head to her, shadows pulling away from the the door coming to curl by her feet. "It's late, Azriel will show you to your room, it's..."
"She'll be staying in my room" Azriel cut Feyre off. Rhys raised his eyebrows his expression wary.

Cassian who saw the looks of the others and burst out laughing again. "No! Not like that Rhys" horror coated Azriel's expression, "I promised her mother I'd look after her. The combined power of Winter and Night can be hard to control sometimes, I want to be there if something occurs"

Feyre and Rhys both gave Kova  sympathetic looks as if they understood exactly what it was like to feel the swirling ball of power inside that would expand and fluctuate.

She smiled at them, "I assure you My Lord and Lady that I have it under control, I'm sure with such powerful parents Ash has the same problems" The flash of emotion across Feyre's face told her she had guessed correct. "My powers aren't the only things that are powerful," Ash commented slyly, his wings unfurled slightly hinting at the size of his wingspan, underlying his point. "I'm sure you had enough experience in that area" Kova rolled her eyes at him before following Azriel out of the room, just before she left the room she threw a smile back at Ash. Walking up the stairs after Azriel she heard Feyre's light voice, "I like her".

A/N so we have our second main character! Sorry for the slow start to the book but it does pick up pace rather quickly from here on. Next time I'm going to do a double update!

Thankyou for reading!


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