13: Ash

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At first all Ash felt was pain. A burning so intense that he cried out. He instinctively pulled at the mating bond between him and Kova, that fragile strand of light that kept him conscious as he fell to the ground.

Her scream pierced him, hurting him more than any blade could. The bond went taught and then silver flooded down it. The pain in his chest was reduced to a dull thudding. His mind was clear, he couldn't move or utter a coherent word but his mind was clear.

The silver rushing down the bond made him feel alive but at the other end of the bond the calm sea that was Kova's mind had frozen over. In its place was a vast plain of ice. He raised his head to look at Kova.

Her eyes had gone black, the sky blue iris' were gone.

Her power exploded from her, breaking whatever enchantment was on the courts. Cassian leaped forward but a growl from Kova had him backing away. The golden men were screaming, their blood was gurgling from their mouths. Kova was watching them, pure black eyes emotionless as she drowned them in their own blood.

Xavier was laughing at the faces of all the court but all Ash could think was how stunning Kova looked. A breeze was blowing her hair out behind her, her black eyes glowing. She wasn't the beautiful sea that she had always been but now she was a stunning solar eclipse.

She hadn't been afraid of his power.He wasn't afraid of her power.

"Did you think you could hide this, Azriel? That keeping her away from her mate would contain her power. Her curse. That was Ilya's to bare" Xavier was taunting Azriel who was on his knees next to Ash, a hand on Ash's shoulder. Ash couldn't tell if Azriel was holding him together or he was holding Azriel together.

Ash could here him muttering, "Not like this. Please! Not like this. I can't loose you like I did your mother" over and over again not seeming to care if Ash heard him.

His fathers face came into view he was talking to Ash but Ash wasn't able to hear him. His focus was on Kova, that strand of sliver that was keeping him alive was strong but Ash felt Kova growing weaker from the other end. Soon she would have to choose, save everyone and keeping fighting or let him slip into a darkness that he would never wake from.

"Help her" he murmured, his father's grip on hand tightening as Azriel applied pressure to his chest. Rhys nodded his mouth moving and the courts moved to help Kova. His mother was next to him now, supported by Nesta and Mor having let her husband go to her son. Her face although pale conveyed understanding and her eyes calmed him.

Xavier and Kova were face to face now, his sword clashing with her two blades. Sparks flew between them, not being able to use his own hearing, Ash stretched out to hear through Kova. He shivered as he crossed that icy plain that was gradually cracking beneath his feet. Although he could no longer feel Kova's warmth, sound returned. It hit him hard, the cries of battle and his mothers voice. "Rhys stop you can't harm her, she the only thing keeping Ash alive" his mother's voice sounded weak even to his ears.

A thump echoed throughout the chamber. Xavier's beheaded body fell to the ground, a spray of blood covered Kova's face, the red contrasting with her pale skin. "Kova" Azriel moved away from Ash his hands forward like he was trying to reach a cornered lion. "He's dead come back to me" Ash had never heard Azriel's voice so broken, "Kova, I can't loose you like I did your mother. It will break me more than anything".

Kova's head turned but her eyes were still full black no hint of blue. "Is that what you told her shadowsinger? That she could handle her power even as godly blood fills her veins. I remember her screams as I burnt her body from the inside. Ilya was not strong enough to sustain me, but her daughter! She is doing brilliantly" It was not Kova's voice that come from her mouth, the voice was ancient like Armen's but even older, colder.

"Release the girl" Armen herself commanded, "No little sister, you should have known when you chose to remain here there would be consequences", Kova hissed. Armen staggered as if she'd been punched, Varian steadying her. "Please release my daughter" Azriel pleaded, "Take me instead". Kova paused as of considering the matter.

"Alas Shadowsinger your daughter will not let me. She has some control. Not much but enough" Ash's brain clicked onto a plan.
No one was watching him, his rose to his feet his hand pressed against his chest were blood still seeped slowly, slowed by Kova's magic. Rhys yelled but found he couldn't approach Ash due to and invisible shield that surrounded Ash and Kova. "So your the reason my power is draining", Kova turned to him not a hint of recognition shown in her face as the Goddess continued to speak.

"Come on boy, try to bring her back. I dare you. Azriel couldn't bring her mother back and it nearly broke him. What will it do to you? Her mate."

Ash felt his legs shake, Kova's strength seemed to be fading, she was no longer fighting the Goddess for control of her own body, she was fighting to keep that threat of life flowing into him. "Hey little Lynx, I'm here now" he had no idea what he was doing, he sounded stupid but a flare shot down the bond. Anger twisted Kova's features.

"Come" he raised hand out for her, "Trust me. Let me help you as you helped me" his own hand was coated in his own blood the smell of it filling his nose. Kova sniffed the air. And yet, no matter how hard he tugged at the mating bonding she ignored it.

"I once told you, you were my breath of fresh air. Your my little Lynx. Your my shadowsinger" his face was close to hers now, tilted down to her upturned one, "Your my shadow. Your my Little Lynx. Your mine in more ways than you know". A spark of blue flickered in Kova eyes. No words were spoken, neither Kova or Goddess had enough control to speak.

"Your my mate" He finished kissing her gently on the lips. Her lips were cold motionless. He was about to pull back when they moved to kiss him back. She was kissing him!

He pulled away blue flooded back into her eyes as her legs gave way. The two of them toppled to the ground. They held each other, "Ash?" Her quite confused voice filled his ear, "I'm here. I'll always be here".

Her eyes almost numbly moved to his chest. She drew truthteller, Cassian shouted something as his wings flared, Azriel also cried out as she cut her arm open in one long deep swipe. Ash was in too much pain to move, Kova's magic now so weak was only keeping him alive just the pain had returned. Her blood dripped onto his chest mixing with his own. Before his own eyes his chest slowly scabbed over. Kova's blood at first ran gold but slowly faded to red as his chest healed. "Immortal Blood" Mor gasped from above.

Ash could heat with his own ears now. He clutched Kova's tightly to him as her eyes fluttered and closed while her head dropped to his chest. "Stay with me" he murmured as he to fell into a star strung darkness.

A/N So a bit of a twist guys! Did any of you see it coming.

Thankyou so much for all your support. I love reading your comments.


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