Fuck What's Not Important

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Sydni in the MM.

It was around 11am when I woke up next to Sydni. She sang good morning as I got up to stretch. I felt her watching me, probably wondering was I okay. One thing I'm not going to do is let Drayton ruin my life.
     I'm gonna put everything behind me and move on with my summer. First thing on my list was to get a job. I sat down at my computer, going on Indeed to search job posts. I filled out for mostly anything in my surrounding area. I was not going to let my mama down.
     I turned on some music on my Bluetooth speaker and 'Do Better' by Lil Donald came on. I sat there vibin' to the song while Sydni went to watch TV in the living room so she wouldn't disturb me. I sat filling out apps for about an hour or so before I got up to go chill with Syd.

    I plopped down on the couch next to her, regretting it instantly due to my soreness.

"Where's G?" I asked her.

"Went to handle business..." She said. Looking like she got instantly sad.


     Getting comfortable next to her we watched a movie, waiting on Gio to return. About halfway through 'The Trap' with T.I. and Mike Epps in it someone knocked on the door. Syd got up to get it, letting in G. He came over to me and sat down with a serious look on his face.

"That nigga Drayton done for, you hear me?"

"You killed him?" I asked the first question popping in my head.

"I did what I had to do. Just know you won't have anymore problems from him again and we never had this conversation either." Gio stated calmly.

He got up, leaning down to hug me as he slipped me a new replacement iPhone 8. He whispered in my ear to not let Dray's actions effect me too much emotionally.  He looked directly into my soul through my eyes before he opened his mouth to tell me he would always be here for me and gave his word to always protect me and Syd.
     I hugged him again even tighter to thank him, really feeling emotional from his words. He'd never said anything like that to me and from the look in his eyes I know he meant every word. Gio was not the type to express emotions. He would always say "miss me with that sweet shit". I couldn't thank him enough for everything he has done for me in the past up until now.
     I heard Syd sigh. I decided to ignore her, I thought maybe she was sighing from being tired. Pulling away from the hug, G wiped my tears with his thumbs telling me not to cry.
     We all decided to go out to eat, settling on Five Guys. As I ate my burger while setting up my new iPhone I couldn't help but to get random flashbacks of the rape. I quickly tried to shake my thoughts. Excusing myself to the bathroom, I went in and splashed water on my face. I was about to walk back to the table when I had the sudden urge to throw up.

I went into the stall to release the contents in my stomach. I heard someone come in and then footsteps approach the stall door. They tried opening the door, but of course it was locked.

"Someone's in here!" I said loud enough for my voice to be heard throughout the spacious bathroom.

Still hearing the jiggling of the lock, I quickly wiped my mouth with tissue and flushed. Opening the stall door with a irritated facial expression I came face to face with Dray. He couldn't be standing in front of me right now. I have to be dreaming.. Gio said he took care of him, didn't he? He can't be standing here right now.

"Did you enjoy our special night?" He asked with a devious smirk on his face, backing me into the stall even more placing his hand on my stomach.

"Why are you here!?" I yelled at him.

"What are you talking about Lonni?" Syd asked me staring at me weirdly from my random outburst.

"You straight ma?" G asked giving me the same look Syd
I looked around, noticing I wasn't in the bathroom anymore. I was confused. I quickly gathered my to-go box and put my half eaten burger and remainder of the Cajun fries in. Hopping out of my chair I made my way towards the exit..

Am I going crazy?

Is Dray still alive?

How did I get back to the table?

What's wrong with me?

Those were some of the many thoughts I had running through my head. As I reached the car, thanking God it was unlocked I hopped in the backseat laying down until Gio and Syd came.

"You ard shorty?" They both asked.

"I'm fine, just sleepy"

They both looked at each other, not believing me but dropping the convo anyways.
We ended up going to Gio's townhome instead. My mom ended up texting me asking where I was. I couldn't bare to face her so I told G let's pull up to his crib.

     Chilling in Gio's crib really took my mind off of things. We played Black Ops, and of course G wanted to play 2k with me. He ended up losing to me by 21 points. (Hannnn 😛) After we winded down, Syd fell asleep with her head on Gio's lap. We were all cuddled up on his huge comfy couch. G looked at me asking what was my 'outburst' earlier all about. I shrugged him off, not really wanting to confess I thought I was going crazy. He side eyed me and dropped the convo again.

"Don't think you can't talk to me shorty. I told you I was here for you. If it's about Dray, I told you I handled him. He can't hurt you anymore babygirl."

I sighed. "I know G, but I can't help but to feel like he will come back and hurt me again. You don't know how bad I wish I could just tell my mama about this so she can comfort me and tell me everything will be okay, like she did when I was younger. I just don't wanna put that pressure on her. It'll break her heart." I said with a pout

"You gotta do what's best for you shorty if you can't find comfort in me or Syd. You know we would never let anything happen to you with us by your side. I regret not being there for you so much. It's lowkey killing me dawg."

     He looked into my eyes deeply as I stared back into his. He leaned in, our lips damn near touching.. As I closed my eyes Syd started to stir in her sleep which made G pull back. When Syd fully woke up she looked at the both of us.

"What y'all niggas doing?" She asked with a unreadable expression on her face.

"Nothing was just talking" I replied nonchalantly, kinda pissed she ruined the moment.

     I didn't think Gio had feelings for me.. Was it just a heat in the moment thing or does he really want me? He's my best friend though. I don't want to fuck up our bond if things don't work out. I had a lot on my mind now and stayed quiet the rest of the time at his place.


So.. I know it's been a lil minute but tbh, I didn't really have a lot of motivation to write because of the low amount of views and I'm not getting any feedback. If you're feeling the story let me know.. I'll keep posting chapters  if you guys are into the storyline. I have a lot of drama planned 😈😈

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