Chapter 3 - The Failure

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Chapter 3 - The Failure

The news was playing on the television while Eliza and Nathan were relaxing on the couch in their apartment.

"Want some lunch?" Nathan asked.

"Sandwiches, please," Eliza responded.

"Seriously? Again?" He whined, but still got up and went to the kitchen

She was about to respond, but a report on the television caught her attention. She quickly dove across the navy blue couch to get the remote and turn up the volume.

"Emmerson Anworth, son of Mason Anworth and the new CEO of Anworth Pharmaceuticals, one of the largest medication companies in the country, was found stabbed in his penthouse. He states that he was stabbed by a woman wearing all black in the elevator who quote: "Apologized before stabbing him with the blade and pulling it out." While the police do have a suspect in mind, they are yet to release their name. Fortunately, the blade missed the heart and Emmerson only sustained temporary injuries. Questions remain. What are the motives for this attempted murder? What message is being sent? And what are the effects on Anworth Pharmaceuticals? I'm Vivian Brynn on SkyRock City News 12:00 pm."

Eliza remained frozen after that report. 'I failed,' she thought to herself which could only mean one thing. They were in danger.

"Well this really butters my egg roll," Eliza said quietly still deep in thought.

"What?" Nathan asked looking at her.

"I made a mistake," She responded.

"You've made many. Be more specific." Nathan said seriously.

"Anworth was the mark," Eliza said.

"Wait the blade was below the heart. You missed. That's..... that's never happened. Why would you sabotage yourself?" he said shocked.

"I.... I don't want to be a monster," She whispered to herself.

"Good," Nathan responded.

Eliza looked at him questionably.

"You hesitated to end someone's life. That's a good thing, Eliza," he said

She responded with a scoff, "says the thief."

"I'm an amazing thief. Nobody dies when I commit a heist," he retorted.

When Eliza didn't respond, Nathan thought she was upset. He looked over the kitchen counter to see her lying on the couch and staring blankly at the ceiling.

He sighed, "Eliza, I didn't me-"

"It's on the news, Nathan," she interrupted in a monotone voice, "My failure is on television."

"So? No one knows it was you," Nathan said sounding confused.

"No, it's not that. My point is R.I.O.T knows that I didn't complete the task," Eliza said, "They're going to come after me."

Before Nathan could respond, a gunshot went through the window hitting the clear vase on the marble kitchen counter. On instincts, he slides across it and pulls Eliza into his arms to protect her. Eliza rolled them over and flipped over the table which shielded both her and Nathan. Looking up for a second, Eliza immediately knew where the shooter was.

"Nathan, the West Building. The shooter's on the roof, " she said.

"You sure?" Nathan asked.

"Of course I'm sure. If I was hired for this, that would be the perfect vantage point. Plus the building is closed off so no witnesses," she concluded quickly.

"Okay. I think we shou-" before Nathan could finish his idea, Eliza ran across the apartment ducking behind the couch and slid across the counter and hid behind that area.

The shooter must have seen because the next gunshot hit the cabinets above the kitchen which shattered because of the glass front.

"Eliza! What are you doing?" He asked, "Are you crazy?"

"Obviously," she retorted immediately.

She pulled the side plate of the counter off revealing her hidden gun. A sniper to be precise. It was expensive and adjusted for her.

Pulling it out she looked at Nathan's bewildered face, "Don't move," was all she said

She aimed for the roof of the West Building. She knew she wouldn't make the shot. She was good, but not that good. Fortunately, the building was empty, so she wasn't worried about missing, but was hoping the shot would scare the shooter.

"Deep breaths," she whispered to herself, "you're a killer. You've done this hundred of times, so one more shot changes nothing. You're already a monster,"

Taking the shot it nicked the top part of the roof making the killer retract his gun for a second, but that second was enough for Nathan to run over to her.

The shots continued shortly after.

"We're going to get killed if we don't do something," Nathan said, "Why are you so calm?"

"Because three minutes are almost up," Eliza said simply.

Nathan gave her a confused look.

"If R.I.O.T wants us dead, we would be dead. They're doing this to scare us. In about 30 seconds, the bullets are going to stop and we're going to get a phone call which will give us threats and orders. It's their procedure, we'll be fine," she said, unfazed by the sound of bullets hitting the counter and tv.

Soon after, the sound seized and it was quiet. Eliza gave Nathan an 'I told you so' look at which he rolled his eyes.

Nathan sighed. He needed her to start taking situations like this more seriously.

A phone call broke him from his thoughts and Eliza picked it up.

"Put it on speaker," he whispered to her.

"Giselle," she said.

"Eliza, I was wondering whether you were alive," a voice said with a light French accent

"Well you wouldn't have to wonder if you didn't send a gunman to shoot down my apartment," Eliza responded, her attitude changing quickly.

She became less playful than she was with Nathan. She always loved making jokes so he wouldn't feel as stressed.

"Look, I know you tanked the task, but I spent much time on you when I took you in, so I feel inclined to give you a second chance," the voice said.

Eliza scoffed, "Giselle, I didn't do this on purpo-"

"I didn't ask for excuses, " she said firmly which further enunciated her accent, "You have 3 days. Until then, ma petite tueuse."

Without waiting for Eliza's response, the call ended.

Nathan and Eliza stood in silence. They were both exhausted and sat on their grey couch which was now riddled with bullet holes. Almost everything was ruined in the apartment.

"So was I ever gonna know there was a gun in our counter?" Nathan said breaking the silence.

"Only if I had to use it," Elisa responded curtly.

She got off the couch and pulled Nathan up with her.

"Pack everything quickly before the cops arrive. Obviously, someone must have called them during the gunshots," she said, her tone deadly serious and started to head out the door. Nathan nodded.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I need to get something done." was all she said before shutting the door quietly.


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