Unexpected guest(s)

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"let's end this" she drove off and was followed by the other cars which was her group. The other were already at the side or at her front. They hunt.

"uh... Jin?" taehyung was feeling pretty nervous. Since he noticed a huge amount of cars following behind them. Thus isn't normal.

"What tae?" "There's like.... A huge amount of cars following us... And... Their all black."

"Fu-" "WHAT GO GO GO FASTER!" Jin drove faster and had decided to go to their other place.

"Wh-what is happening?" "Awh.. I can't tell you kitten... B-but... We're near..." as jimin tried to stay calm. He wasn't actually scared. He was furious.

'that group again... I thought we got rid of them....' they never knew what were behind those masks of theirs(forgot to mention that)

But now is the time they'll know who tried to do all these tricks to them. 'ugh... " jimin rolled his eyes and just continued to pet his kitten.

Surprisingly. It was all Calm. This sort of trick was a bit too... Calm. For that group that they've known that's been hunting them since that year they've killed so much families. Just because they trust the company (father). That year was the absolute worst.

This year they've only done a few. No murders. Just robberies and drugs. They didn't understand what those were for? But they gave it all to their father.

Those robberies were all after they got rich. Why do we need them?

"WE'RE HERE GO GO GET THE WEAPONS!" Namjoon shouted and ran to the basement. The last person locked the door and ran to get the guns and bombs.

Let's say...
Namjoon: bombs and guns
Jin: hacking and sniper
Hoseok: hacking and bombs
Tae: guns and martial arts
Jimin: guns and defense
Jungkook: martial arts and defense
Yoongi: trap.

They've talked it out. Yoongi was scared but at the same time trusted them. Cuz these were 'bad guys'

So yoongi sat on the couch. Which was now faced on the door. This would be an ambush. But they've mastered the tricks of this group already. All too easy. Let's see this time.

One guard busted the door open and quickly found and pointed his gun at yoongi. He didn't know who he was. And he had no time to think so he just said "clear" it was a trap.

They've got yoongi and the alarm of the bomb exploded.

They ran out the house. Thinking it was clear. They've shot the other guys. But they still didn't see who was really behind this.

"jeez this is so old style." as they were firing guns and at the same time taking cover.

"Shut up! They are actually better this time!" as taehyung shouted and broke a man's arm. And kicked his head.

Jin was just sniping. And telling them if it was all clear. Until someone put a gun before his head. "arms up." he didn't do it and kicked her leg and tripped. And jin punched her at the nose. To reveal her face. After he got the gun out of her reach

"Y-youre the waitress.." he backed up
"YOU'VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR SO LONG AND YOU'VE STILL DIDNT KNOW MY NAME? HUH?" She laughed psychotically. "YOU THINK I'M EASY?" then a lot of her people came to the room. "COME WITH ME." and she dragged jin to the other boys.

"w-wheres eomma..??"they were still firing guns and knocking/killing them all.

"I don't know..." "hey hyung? Do you copy? Hyung? HE'S NOT ANSWERING"

"hello boys." they stopped with their action and looked to the direction of the voice.

"W-waitress???" yoongi looked at her.

"Yes dear. Look. If you don't wanna see your friends over here dead then go away." she smirked and pointed the gun at seokjin. "Put all your guns down." they've all layed their guns down and their arms were starting to raise.

"Ugh... This is too easy." she teased. And all her men pointed at them. "last words? Before we shoot you all at the head?" she smiled innocently.

"Boom." "What?" Then the bomb ticked. And that's what made her lose her grip of jin and freaked out.
"JIN RUN!" and jin ran as fast as he can and the bomb blew at the group. But their boss was still alive.

"Ugh I'll get you one more ti-" jin shot her with a shotgun. 2 times. Leads her lifeless. Then hoseok came out of nowhere and smirked. "You guys better thank me. I surprisingly found a bomb of theirs that could be controlled by a user. Tick tock. "

"yeah thanks hoseok." they all lied down tiredly at the grass.

"yoongi are you ok?"  yoongi was sniffling and looking at the direction of the waitress. "She... Had a kid..."

"Oh yeah about that-" "shut up hoseok...." as jin said sarcastically. "We know that she poisoned her kid."

"Enemy knows the target better than the target as always." jimin said sarcastically. Yoongi smiled and hugged hoseok.

"thanks for saving us seokiee especially eomma~ and thank you for all of you trying to protect me" he smiled. And it's like they weren't tired anymore and awed. "thanks for trusting us.." as namjoon ruffled his hair.

A/N:that was surprisingly weird. But I accept

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