Chapter Nine~ Courtyard, Cute Boys, and Crisp

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" How did you do?" Kelly sled Tess once she got back to the dorm room.

" I really don't know." Tess tumbled onto her bed, staring at the ceiling fan, " I got lost on the Campus." Tess added sheepishly.

" We should totally go on a campus tour!" Kelly jumped up off her desk chair.

" Yes!!! We need to stop at the Cafateria. I'm starved." Tess rubbed her belly after sitting up.

" Me too." Kelly admitted.

They both walked out of the vacated dorm.


" This is the school building." Kelly gestured to the huge brick school with many stories and glass windows, and Ivy snaking up that walls, daring to crawl in the window, but being impossible, weaved itself other places.

" Obvi." I laughed.

" That path leads to the outdoor arena," Kelly pointed to the path on the right of the school building, " And that one leads to the library." She pointed to the path on the left of the school.

Tess nodded. They stood on the tan brick- engraved drive thru.

" And this.. Is the Cafateria." Kelly spun in a circle on her heel and pointed to the middle of the drivethru, where the Cafateria building was. It had soft cream colored shingles, on huge windows, looking in on white and maroon booths. With the cafe in the middle, it made the drive thru a U shape, which was intended.

They walked down the drivethru, weaving through a group of students talking, one of the being Tracey.

"That is Dorm building A, Dorm buildings, all the way down this way," Kelly led her past all of the dorm buildings, and they came to the Stable. It's farmiliarity welcomed Tess.

They walked in to the stable, and faltered out the other doorway at the end of the stable. They were now behind the dorm buildings. Tess had ever seen it back here. There was a huge oak tree that had all kinds of benches around it. It was beautiful.

" There are the wash stalls, and the coral." Kelly pointed behind the oak tree.

Tess nodded. There was a small dirt path that wove past the tree, from the stable. It led to the outdoor arena. They followed the path, and they were soon behind the media center , past the outdoor arena. There was a huge pasture behind the media center, guidance office, and the gym. There, sitting on the far side of the lush lawn, was the indoor arena, and the ball room next to it. There was a pasture on the other side of it, and then there was the tree line that led into HHRA property.

" There is amazing cross country courses back there." Kelly informed him.

" I love this place." Tess breathed.

" Yea." Kelly nodded.

" Let's hit up the Cafe." Tess said.

" Yea!!!" And they raced past the media center and the School, across the drivethru and burst into the cafe.

It smelled like fresh pizza and apple crisp. There was a maroon sign hanging above the glass selection container that stretched about 18 steps. It was a wide variety of foods.

" Yum." Tess waved the fumes towards her nose, inhaling the wonderful smells.

" What would you like?" A teen boy asked Tess, a white apron tied around his blue American Eagle shirt, and dark wash jeans. He had deep blue eyes. He was super hot. And within the look Tess and Kelly shared, she was thinking the same thing.

" I'd like two slices of sausage pizza," Tess slid down, admiring the food choices, and he followed, the tray making a faint sliding noise on the glass counter. " Also.. Apple crisp, and some curly fries."

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