First Day

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~(Y/n)'s pov~

I sit under my blanket, watching (show/anime). Tears roll down my face as I begin to sob. It could be from the fact that (favorite character) died, the show ended, or that I stayed up all night watching it- and it's the first day of school too. I'm such an idiot...

"Get up, (Y/n)-" I let out a scream of surprise as mother yanks my blankets off of me. "...(Y/n), you promised not to stay up this time..." She looks at me as I start sobbing again. "B-But-" "You know what? Forget it, just get ready for school. You can take the anime away from the girl but you can't take the anime out of the girl." She leaves my room and closes the door behind her.

"Another character probably died and she's sad about it, this is why she can't make friends or get a boyfriend in that matter." I listen to mom's thoughts. "I CAN HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR, MOM!" I yell out of anger. "Oh I'm sorry, did I think that out loud? Sorry honey!" She makes her way downstairs to the kitchen to finish making breakfast. Well that was hurtful. I stand up and begin getting ready for school.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

((A/n): every time you see something like that↑ it's a time skip)

Today, I've decided not to use my psychic powers at all today...unless it's to listen to people's judgements about me...or if I really need to.. I finish eating breakfast and put my plate in the sink. I grab my bag and look at my uniform one more time in the mirror. "Looks cute on you!" Mom puts her arm around my shoulder as I smile at myself. "Nah, looks ugly on ya, lil sis." My sick brother walks by with coffee and a blanket on his shoulders, half (dead) sleep. "Oh don't you mind him, (Y/n), he's just mad because he used to wet the bed all the time and you never did once." "IT WAS ONLY ONE TIME!" We both laugh. "He did it a bunch of times." We chuckle. "STOP USING TELEPATHY, GO TO SCHOOL ALREADY, (Y/n)!" He coughs out.

I hug mom and walk to the door. "Bye, mom, love you!" "Have a good day at school, sweetie, love you too!" She says as I close the door. I fix my clothes and begin my walk to school. It feels lovely this morning, perfect for a walk. I use my telepathy to locate the exact location of the school. Seems like it's around four minutes and thirty-two seconds away, not bad. I can't wait to get it over with. I would teleport, but I don't know who would be around to see. Besides, it feels good outside on this nice morning.

I...sure am getting sleepy though... I usually don't get tired until afternoon, weird. I guess it's the fact that I'm heading towards school, haha. I run into something- or someone. "Ouch- I'm s-sorry, I wasn't paying attention..." I rub my head. I guess this is normal for me since I can turn on and off my powers so of course I couldn't sense anyone nearby. Great though, now I have to talk to someone, and I really don't wanna do that... I look up and see a guy with hot pink hair with a surprised look on his face. "...Um...sir?" I try to read his thoughts- huh? Why can't I read them? That's...something that's never happened before...

He pushes up his glasses and walks off. Rude, he ignored me. Why can't I read his mind though? way, it can't be...hmm nahh maybe I'm just too tired. I see his uniform and seems that he's heading the same direction. I should try to ask to tag along what if it bothers him, I don't want to seem like a nuisance... I stare at the ground until I get to my destination. I look up and see the school and other students in the uniforms, seems neat. I hear a man yelling and scolding students by the entrance, from the looks of it, he looks like the gym teacher. I hide behind other students and manage avoid him. I don't think my anxiety can deal with that.

I refuse to make eye contact as I listen closely to people's thoughts and conversations. Seems that no one has noticed me yet. Perfect. I rush to the lockers and look for my number so I can switch my shoes. My locker number is 68. I find it and change my shoes. I sure am glad my parents told them what shoe size I am.. I look for my class and find it minutes later to talk to the teacher.


I can't believe she insisted on introducing me in front of the class! Ok I need to calm down and don't think about it too much, don't make eye contact and-


Th-the bell! I run out of the bathroom and stand by my classroom, listening to the teacher. "Ok class, we have a new transfer student today-"

"Transfer student? I don't remember seeing any new faces.."


"Are they a boy or girl?"

"I hope I can make friends with them!"

"Maybe I can show them my awesome powers!"

"I hope they're fast at running!"

The voices fill my head as I start feeling nausea. I don't have a good feeling about how this'll end... "Her name is (Y/n), (L/n)." (Don't they say last names first orrr...?) That's my cue. I hesitantly open the door. It's okay all I have to do is say something about myself and it's over with. I walk to the teacher and stand by her, letting part of my hair hide one side of my face. I hold my other arm while staring at the ground. "H-Hello, m-my name is (Y-Y/n) (L/n) a-and I'm from..." My heart pounds heavily, I'm sure the whole class can hear it. I try to swallow the dryness in my throat and take a deep breath. "I-I'm from (country)."

"Wow that's far!" "How long was the trip?" Th-They're not bothered? The last school I went to- the students there didn't care for anything or anyone but themselves. I finally look up and look at the class. "I-It was about a 16 hour plane ride..." I listen to more positive murmurs around the classroom and crack a small smile. "See? Wasn't so bad, what'd I tell ya?" The teacher whispers to me. "Now go take a seat behind Saiki." She says out loud and points to the...boy from earlier? I nod and make my way to the desk. I look at him and it seems he's a little disturbed. I yawn and sit behind him. Class starts and I quietly and quickly lay my head down and go to sleep without realizing. Just showing my face here really was exhausting.

See that entire row of "ands"? Lol I'm a bad writer

Um hoped you like chapter 1, I'm trying my best to make Saiki seem like the character he really is in this story



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