Purple perve

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~(Y/n)'s pov~

     I quietly exhale so he wouldn't hear me. I feel someone quickly coming nearby and I quickly stand up and move as Saiki...disappears? I look back and see him behind a tree. He's fast. I look back and see...YUMEHARA?? Wait I could've sworn that was... "Awe man I can't believe I did it again! AHHH I HATE MYSELF!" That's her...she seemed to...well...get less of a shape. Wait, where did she get those snacks?! When did she open a bag of chips? WHEN DID SHE GET ALL THAT WEIGHT?! When we left school earlier she was thin as a twig!

     Oh wait this is a fanfiction of a comedy anime, curse you author for running out of ideas. (Tehehehe) If it's like that then I wouldn't bother to help her. I'm going home to sleep for once.

ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

     School again. I wish I could sleep in class soon but I went to bed too early and got too much of it. I see Yumehara wave at me. WHERE DID ALL THAT WEIGHT GO?! Hairo stands in front of me- ew is he sweating? "(Y/n)! Do you play any sports?" Hmm the only one
I've grown to like was... "Tennis..." He smiles. Oh crap I had to say it, now he's going to invite me to tennis practice or something. "Would you mind if we did tennis in gym class then? We're one short on female players." I guess it can't be all that bad, not like I'll ever break a sweat. "Sure."

     ...Wait a minute- "She's a psychic! Wow! Another one! And she plays tennis! I'll go too hehehehe~" ..._... Can I just go home instead of staying here? He...found my class.

_(:3 」∠)_

     How the crap did he know I'm a psychic? Does he know Saiki? Is... I look over at Saiki's direction. ...I'll gather some proof first. A ball flies by me and breaks me out of my thoughts. "O-Oops! I-I'll pay attention!" I look at Hairo, who's testing my abilities to see if I'm good enough. I fix my ponytail and get ready. "Ready." He nods and serves. "I hope she'll watch me and my awesome skills after this." Purple pervert?! I look in his direction as I swing, sending the ball at impossible distances. Oops...I got distracted and overdid it...hopefully that won't expose me...

     Everyone questions as I stare blankly into the sky. "Where did it go? It happened so fast, I didn't see it!" I hear similar questions coming from different students. Oh good, they didn't see that I shot it into the sky. "Sorry, one more ti-" Smack! The ball hits me in the back of my head, causing me to spit out blood. I dramatically fall to the ground, face flat. I-It must of traveled around the whole world! This is what I get for not using my powers as much. Well this is embarrassing. I stand up. Release! I activate my telepathy and listen to the students. "(Y-Y/n)?!" "Is she alright?" "That was so awesome!"

     I sit blankly as I listen to the conversations and thoughts in my 1000 meter radius ringing in my head. My bad, I increased it too much... Everything starts to spin. Wha-why...can't I control my powers...? Maybe...it's just...been awhile..


"AH!" I let out a scream as I sit up. I look around and see I'm in the nurse's office. Did I pass out? Voices come flooding in my head as I begin to get a terrible migraine. I shake my head and turn off my telepathy. I sigh. That's better... I look at my phone for the time. [insert time for when they end school] They literally just ended school. I get up and open the door, only to see the hallways crowded with students. I look back and grab my bag and head out.

I wonder how I got in the nurses office. And...WAIT- I listen for the pervert. If she doesn't come out soon, I'll check on her... Awe, how nice, he's worried and waiting at the gate for me. ...to figure out what color panties she's wearing hehehe Please get out of my life and leave me alone.

I walk out of school and walk up to the gate, looking for him. "There you are! I was waiting for you, I knew that thought would get you to come." "Ok, who are you and how do you know about my powers." I glare at him while speaking telepathically again. "Oh, my name is Reita Toritsuka! And I can see ghosts and tell people about their spirit guide! Oh, and I know about your powers because I know someone else who uses them too, so easily I became familiar with all the things you did." He whispers the last part to me as I slightly resist getting too close to him.

"Who's the other person with psychic powers...?" I ask. I can't help but feel like it's Saiki. "That, is for you to find out, hun." "One: don't call me that and two: I'll tell you the color of my panties if you take me to their house for a visit." Pfft as if you pervert. (Jokes on you, I'm wearing boy shorts -author) "...Ok follow me, we have to hurry before he gets home because he goes to his favorite place before getting back." He walks off as I begin to follow him at a safe distance. I'm not walking any closer to this pervert.


*does orange justice* I can't think of anything else to do LOL

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