Ready, set...

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Months ago, this chapter was originally supposed to be inspired by the "Tonight" animation meme (original by Sashley)

...HEY! YEAAAH I see you about to scroll, PLAY THE SONG ITS LITERALLY THE SOUL OF THIS CHAPTER! (Other chapters it isn't required but this one is!)

...Specifically at 1:59 is for the beginning of this chapter *COUGH* *COUGH* ...So basically you don't HAVE to listen to the whole song *COUGH* *COUGH*
...or you don't have to play it at all that's fine too ;-;

Ok have a nice day ^w^


(Y/n) raises her arms beside her and lets the cold wind blow her (h/l), (h/c) hair. She holds them up and looks into the night sky, then looking down into the beautiful bright city that causes light pollution. She lightly chuckles and waits for a sign. She opens her mouth to say something to herself, "...Ready..." she inhales, "...Set..."


The dark figure behind her whispers into her ear. "...Go..." (Y/n) takes a step forward and lets gravity do all of the work. She closes her eyes to help block the flashing light occurring from all angles. Her hair flowing up due to her falling down. Tears come from her eyes as blood rushes out of her arms. She lets herself fall, not like she can stop herself anyway. Nothing in her thoughts but nothingness. What told her to jump off the tall building? It's pretty obvious. Sadly he caused her to stop thinking straight, which led her to her last thought: suicide...even without leaving a note.

She falls for a moment due to the fact it was the tallest building in Tokyo. Absolutely nothing was on her mind. With her blood rushing out of her body and her heartbeat speeding up, she may die before she hits the ground...will she? Luckily, she only looses consciousness. She's now getting too close to the ground.

Out of nowhere, someone appears on time to catch her. Someone who she became surprisingly close to- Saiki. He looks down at her unconscious, bleeding body and angrily scoffs to himself. "If only I found you earlier..." He sighs to himself, obviously satisfied that he caught her on time, but also disappointed that this happened. He teleports the both of them to her room, where he begins to mend her wounds and watch over her for a while.

Soon, her body looked as good as new. Saiki used his powers to help her of course. He got rid of the wounds, scars, everything. But he wouldn't be able to do any of that if she still had her powers. Saiki remembers what he saw the other day and realized what he needs to do. "Reita, how are you doing?" he calls for him, "Sorry, Saiki I lost the spirit." He facepalms. "Good grief, just get back over here and we'll deal with it later." "What?! I almost caught it, not even a thanks?" He sighs and looks at a peacefully sleeping (Y/n). He smiles and stands up to teleport home, but stopped by his hand being grabbed. He looks down at (Y/n) and sees her half awake with tears slowly streaming down her face. He hesitated as she stood up to hug him. Her arms wrap around his neck as she opened her mouth to say something with the very little energy she has left. He knotices this and tries to listen for anything, her thoughts, or her words, but nothing came. (Y/n) exhales and goes limp in his arms before anything could be said.

     Saiki now holds an unconscious (Y/n). He grunts due to the fact she couldn't say what she wanted to. Maybe it'll have to wait until later. He gently sets her on the bed and finds herself holding his hand. "Good grief, (Y/n)..." He sighs and pulls up a chair and sits down, while pulling a blanket over her. Guess I'm staying the night...


~(Y/n)'s Pov~

     The sun shines through the window, causing my eyes to flutter open. I sit up and look around, noticing Saiki laying his head in his arms on my bed, peacefully sleeping... WAIT- AM I HOLDING HIS HAND?! I feel my face heat up as I quickly let go and panic, falling off the bed, followed by a thud! "WAH! O-Ouch!" Saiki wakes up and quickly puts on his glasses. "Good grief what a great way to wake up in the morning, why'd you panic?" He looks to the door, minding the sudden thudding coming upstairs. My older sister slams open the door. "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?! I KNEW I COULDN'T TRUST YOU, PINKY- I SWEAR IF YOU HURT HER-" I scream due to the fact that she's scary when she's mad. My brother stomps in and screams as well, only to be startled by my own scream.

     "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, PINKY!! AHHHH!!" My brother holds her back while still screaming.



"AH- Sorry for the misunderstanding, thought you were doing something else...haha..." My sister sets some coffee jelly on the table in front of Saiki. He grabs a spoon and begins eating. "So you're the psychic dude little (N/n) has been talking about, huh?" She comes over and pinches my cheek while chuckling. I blush from embarrassment and push her away. "(Siiiiblings name)[should I just make one up for the story?] I told you not to call me that around my friends..." She laughs, "Haha, I know! It's just fun to embarrass're so cute when you're embarrassed, (N/n)" I cross my arms and pout, avoiding eye contact with Saiki.

"Wait, friend? That's not your boyfriend, (Y/n)? I thought you were into people like you." My stuffy-nosed brother walks in as my face turns red. "G-GO BACK TO BED!" My twin siblings fist bump each other while snickering as I look at Saiki, who either seems to be enjoying this moment or the coffee jelly. I can never tell...

A short moment passes of my siblings laughing with each other. "Ah...alright we're done." My sister's face slowly turns into a serious one. "So anyway, guys..." The room became quiet as Saiki looks up at her. "Where were you guys all day yesterday?" I begin to think as Saiki quickly looks over at me with a serious look. His look quickly turns to worry as he realizes something. "Well?" My brother crosses his arms as I try to recover some events from last night, but instead a migraine begins. I begin to feel light headed as I slowly fall on my knees. "I-I can't seem to remember..." My sister acts quickly and runs over to me, holding me up as Saiki stands up on guard.

"Did you do something to her-" "No, S-Saiki would never do anything like that in a million years..." My sister looks up at Saiki and gasps. "What?!" I look up at my siblings in confusion. "What's-" I gasp and begin hyperventilating at the sight. Saiki looks at my siblings and quickly runs to me, putting his hands on my shoulders, telling me to calm down. I can't hear him anymore?? I calm down after a while and look at my hands in shock. " powers are back...b-but they're weakened...I-I can't control them anymore." I walk to my frozen sister.

I turned them into statues...


Haha see what I did there? You turn people to copper statues and Saiki turns them to stone

Anyway sorry this took a while to write, and plus I rushed the end of the story where you turned your siblings to statues. Sorry about that too.

[[And as you may have noticed I changed the title to slow updates because I haven't watched the anime in a while. I have to be watching the anime for me to continue to write this story. Sadly I haven't watched any other anime since I finished this one]]

Anyway more chapters coming! Later peeps!

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