Unnecessarily Intense Anime Dogeball Battle

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Sorry, I like ajr LOL ⇧⇧⇧

~(Y/n)'s pov~

     I can't believe it's now coming back to me, and at the worst time when I'm getting things settled. "I didn't ask for these damn powers!" I lose control for a moment and punch a wall, breaking it down. I gasp and look up. Whoops! I hope no one was looking... I look around and see no one. I sigh in relief and fix the wall. There, good as new! I pat the wall and continue to walk to school. It's fine, everything's fine, just act like yourself. I walk past the school gate and manage to avoid the scolding gym teacher like usual. This time...for sure...h-huh? Why aren't I looking up? I promised myself I would make eye contact with people like there's nothing wrong.

Kaido grabs my attention. "Hey, (Y/n)! There's a Sakura festival tonight and we're watching the petals fall." And? "We haven't hung out in a while, (Y/n). I miss being around you." Yumehara shows up and hugs me. I chuckle and hug her back. "Alright, I'll go." We pull apart. "Yay!" "That's awesome!" Yeah, it'll get my mind off of things..


"This is great! Maybe we'll be able to see the petals this time!" Kubayasu tells Kaido and Nendo. "I hope..." Kaido rubs the back of his head. "Huuuh you hope, huh? So you can-" Kaido slaps Nendo's mouth shut. "Haha yeah, so I can enjoy the petals with you guys!" Drop the act, I know you're planning to confess to me. Honestly, I don't have a problem with it, but it's just that...he's confessing to the wrong person, and I want him to understand that. Yumehara walks up. "Hey guys, talking about later?" "Yep." "Thanks for inviting me! I'm pretty sad that I didn't get to see them last year. But I know this year will be great with us around!"

Teruhashi smiles and walks up. "Yep!" And I know she's only going because of Saiki. I mean I don't have a problem with her liking him, but I think she should understand that he'll never like her back. Once she understands that, It may disappoint her. "(Y/n)?" I sit up straight. "Huh? Yeah, I was um, totally listening..." Yumehara chuckles. "Have you ever seen sakura petals fall from trees?" I don't know what's up with that, is it nice? If it is, I want to see then. I shake my head no. "Really? You need to see it, it's awesome!" Kaido lights up again. Awe he's cute, he's like a child with an overactive imagination. Class begins and everyone takes their seats.

ヘ( ̄  ̄;ヘ)

     I'm so glad I can sit out for gym class, I don't feel like using my powers. I sit on the benches outside the fence while watching my class. It seems like they're about to play dodgeball- DODGEBALL?! I love dodgeball!


     "(Y/n)? Why are you here, aren't you supposed to be sitting out?" "Are you able to play?" "Remember what happened last time you threw a ball...?"

     I chuckle with a ball under my arm. "I couldn't help it, I love dodgeball!" I never use my powers for this game, so I have my own natural abilities. Saiki glares at me from the other side of the field. I smirk and wave both of my hands and cross my heart, showing that I won't use my powers. He blinks and looks away. I'm not sure if he understood my message, but I hope he did.

     I'm so excited! The game is boys vs girls, it's always suspenseful because usually you think the boys will win because...you know, they're boys. But not me, I mean I'm a girl of course, but I play like a boy at least hehe... The gym teacher blows the whistle, starting the game. Dodgeballs fly everywhere and only a few people get out during the game, but of course not me! I'm awesome. I see a dodgeball quickly flying towards me. It's so fast, will I be able to catch it? Of course!



     ...maybe a little too much self-confidence. I catch the ball after it hitting my face. My cheek begins swelling up and turning red. Ow. That hurt. But it's not going to hurt as bad as the guy I'm throwing this back to. Out of a little anger, I let off a little steam by throwing it at his face as well, even though he was already out. I didn't use my powers of course. Wait a minute, Reita?? "Whoops..." he lays on the ground with a nosebleed. Well I'm not apologizing, this is what he gets for being a pervert and for letting a spirit use his body to throw like that. Another guy falls. K-Kaido?! No my little cinnamon roll!

     I accidentally killed two birds with one stone! "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" Kaido sits up with a black eye while giving a thumbs up. "That was awesome! You hit both of us! Good job, (Y/n)!" "I'm out though...I wanted to be the last one in the game...;-;" Awe sorry Kaido. Reita sits up. "You have a lovely face, you're very pretty!" He pats Kaido's head and passes out from the loss of blood. He definitely sees stars. Yeah, I'm not sorry for that.

     "Kaido! Reita! I'll avenge you guys!" Hairo throws a ball harder and faster than the spirit Reita was using. It's so fast- I can't see it! It straight up hits my stomach, forcing me to cough up spit and fall backwards. I fall to the ground and everyone goes silent. I still carry the ball in my arms. "Whoa who could've dodged that?" "Wow she caught that! I didn't even see the ball!" "She's still in the game and he's out!" "Whoa (Y/n), are you okay?" Yume helps me up. "Yeah, thanks."

     I glare at Hairo as he tries to leave and quickly throw the ball back at him with twice the power than the first ball he threw. I hit him in the back of the head and he falls to the ground- what the- is that his butt? I did not need to see that. He stands up unnecessarily tearing up. "(Y/n)...you have surpassed me in dodgeball...you must teach me your ways and help me train to your level!" He sparkles while on his knees just on the other side of the border. I grab a ball and purposely throw it to his head weakly, making him fall backwards. "I have been beaten by the master...I swear I will make it up to you!" He sulks on the bench.

     Oooookaaaaay...well that's Hairo for you. I look and see only Saiki the last one on the team holding a ball. Hmm do I want to kill him? But He's my student I can't kill a- He picks up a ball, taking me out of my thoughts. "Win this for us, Saiki!" "Avenge us!" They start cheering him on. This is probably going to be hard, but where ever this is going, it's going to be difficult and it may take a while. Whatever he does, I'll be ready. He holds up the ball, ready to throw it and...

 He holds up the ball, ready to throw it and

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     That strawberry nerd did that on purpose. He wanted to get out.... The girls team starts cheering. "Wow (Y/n) you're so good at dodgeball!" "That was awesome!" Well...at least we won. We wouldn't have won if it weren't for me, of course!


[(Y/n) refuses to believe Saiki let them win]


I did NOT expect to make this chapter about dodgeball, seriously. It was supposed to be the Sakura festival but I decided to do something short for shites and giggles.

...well it turned out longer than I thought...

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