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Warning: cringe stuff ahead


     We grew up together. Our parents were good friends with each other. We were such good friends as children. We goofed into trouble...did everything together. In the eleven years of our lives we spent together, we never parted. One day in the 5th grade, I realized that I developed a crush on him. I began to conceal my feelings so we can still be the bestest of friends.

One day I couldn't hold it back anymore. My mother told me to keep my powers a secret, but I couldn't. Ever since birth she knew that I understood her because of my actions. For years I kept it a secret. Until a year later into 6th grade, on Christmas. I wanted to surprise him. I confessed my feelings to him outside in a blanket of pure white snow. I told him about my feelings and my powers at the same time. I thought that would be the best Christmas gift I could ever give anyone...but I was wrong.

After that day, he began to fear me, thinking I would use my powers for wrong doings. It broke my heart to see how fast he could leave me. I tried recovering my relationship with him, but it never worked. Soon, fear turned into bullying. And the bullying got worse each time he did it. He managed to bring down my self esteem tremendously in those two years. In eighth grade he took it too far. He got two other friends and held me back. I was scared to what they were going to do to me because I didn't want to fight back. We were on the roof at the time. I struggled to break free from their grasp. "You weirdo..." he walked up to me as I start sobbing. "We...we were such good friends..." tears streamed down my face.

     He cringed in disgust as his friends let go of me. "Why would I ever be friends with you?!" He gave me a shove, almost falling off the edge. He then grabbed my tie on my uniform and pulled me up. I began to fight back then tackled him, holding onto his uniform. I raised my hands to hit him, but I realized: who knew that someone you loved the most could easily turn their back on you. I remembered I had feelings for him and that we were good friends. I leaned down and began to cry on his chest, realizing how much I missed our relationship we used to have. He sat up and shoved me off of him. "Stop acting like that, you creep!" I sobbed and we both stood up.

     At that moment, thoughts began to fill my head. Thoughts about how bad he had hurt me. What scars I put on my body. How he made me feel this way. How long he's been doing this to me. I couldn't go on like this for the rest of my life, so I grabbed his wrist and held it tightly, using my powers. His friends tried to make me let go but I kicked them away. I looked into his eyes with no fear of doing what I was about to do next. Once again, I saw something in his eyes that I haven't seen for two years: fear. He began to tremble. "(Y-Y/n)?" I slowly dragged him to the edge and whispered something under my breath that was inaudible. I don't remember what it mind went blank at the time. But all I remember is him falling down. "(Y/NNNN)!!!!"

And I didn't save him.

(Y/n) tugs down onto Saiki's shirt. "Please stop touching me." She whispers. He quickly pulls his hand away from her forehead after seeing her blank eyes looking toward him from the bed. "You were draining my powers..." A confused Saiki looks at his hand. "I used my powers for wrong doing, so basically they're being taken away from me..." She sits up and moves her legs off the bed, towards Saiki while still holding onto his shirt. " much did you see?" He looks down at her arm and sees it uncovered. "So that's why you were hiding it..." he realizes (Y/n) looking exhausted.

     He sits there, not knowing what to do. All he sees is a complete opposite of the (Y/n) when he first met her. Something must have happened. "My mother...she figured out that I did this after they took me to the hospital. I didn't want to remember because it just kills me to do so." She begins to sob. "After that we began to fight more and more, and I hate fighting...she wanted me to see a therapist...but I knew it wouldn't work." She leans onto him with her forehead on his shirt. "I feel like I'm a terrible person for fighting with my mother and for murdering him. I don't deserve anything or anybody...I'm just a burden..." She struggles to exhale in between sobs. "I-"

     Her eyes, full of tears, not able to see anything. Although she feels arms around her along with body warmth. She sits there in surprise, thinking that this is weird, especially for Saiki, a guy who rarely shows affection towards anyone. "Don't ever think or say that about yourself." She gasps quietly, realizing that's the first time she's heard his voice. They could finally read each other's minds, but is that good?


922 words, so I'm under my limit.

But hey, wanna read the part of this chapter that I scrapped?

Here: you don't have to read it if u want to of course, I'm just putting here why it took so long to finish this chapter-

     He pulled out a knife and threatened to cut me if I did anything. We were on the roof at the time. Turns out, he was planning to kill me by throwing me from the roof.

     As soon as he said that, I began to fight back. As he was about to stab me, I kicked him in his gut, only angering him more. He kept telling me things like, "You deserve to die." "You're not worth it." And more awful things. He stood up and finally got the strength to finally attempt to push me off the roof as his friends finally let go. I was on the very edge while loosing my balance, but I grabbed onto his arm before I could fall.

He was struggling to make me let go, but I held on tight. I slipped off, but I still held onto him. I look up at him crying and while hanging from the top of a school building. "I...I'm sorry...I...I loved you so much! We had such a wonderful friendship and you decided to turn your back on me!" I said in between sobs. "I would never hurt you like you've hurt me over the years...because I was so in love with you! But you didn't understand..." he stared at me blankly. "I was in love with you too, (n/n) I do understand."

A flashback of all the things he did to me came by from the past. I screamed. "NO YOU DON'T! YOU REALLY HURT ME AND YOU NEVER UNDERSTOOD ME! YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY!" I began to pull down on him and attempt to climb up as his friends pulled him pack. My arms were now the only thing holding me on the rooftop. I got the strength to pull myself up. He sits on the ground with fear as I stared down at him blankly saying, "Now you're going to feel my pain." I grab him by his neck and squeeze it as his friends run away to tell a teacher.

Tears roll down his face as his eyes turned into a light pink. "(N/n)-" "DON'T CALL ME THAT! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO CALL ME THAT!" I almost throw him off the building

Um yeah, I suddenly stopped and I didn't finish the sentence because I remembered the dream reader-chan had in the hospital and I'm like "I HAVE TO STICK WITH WHAT I WROTE DOWN!" So I rewrote it.

But anyway baiii

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