Day 1

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I closed my eyes leaning back. I knew Saihara was hiding something... I just wasn't sure what. Maybe he was really the mastermind all along and wanted to come clean? It seemed very unlikely... but no one knew who the mastermind was... maybe he was faking being asleep the whole time?... who knows...

The winter air was cold, chilling me to my core. I began leaning towards Saihara purely for warmth. I could feel him looking at me, even with my eyes closed. He always had such a strong powerful gaze. If he was more powerful it would be scary.

"...I'm cold..." for half a second I didn't even realize the words left my mouth. It was stupid, I felt stupid for saying it. Of course it was cold! It was snowing!

Saihara took a minute before responding, seemingly lost in thoughts, "Me too." Quick and simple, just like normal.

He put his hands in my hair and began to comb it. I liked the feeling, leaning closer towards him. It was calming... it... reminded me of something.

I yawned, putting an arm around his waist a second later.

Maybe I'd remember who or what in the morning... if the frostbite didn't kill me.


"Kokichi!" A young woman with black hair yelled as she ran toward me. Tears wet my cheeks as I let out a wail. She seemed much taller than me... am I really that short?

She picked me up and began to cradle me in her arms, "Shhh... it's ok... it's ok..." she said in a motherly voice that seemed foreign to my ears. No one ever spoke to me like that... right? I had no parents! I was put on a door step the same night I was born, left there to die... or at least that's what I remembered.

I could feel a smile forming on my face, I felt safe in her arms as she began combing threw my hair, "It's ok," she said one final time, "I know it wasn't your fault."

I buried my face in her neck, "I-I don't want him to c-come back!" I said bossily.

"Kokichi... you know that can't happen..." she said sadly as she put me down.

"B-Bu-" the door creaked open and I suddenly felt a pain in my leg.


I jolted awake clenching my teeth as soon as I opened my eyes.

Saihara looked at me, clearly shocked as he held a small vial in one hand and a cloth in the other.

"W-What are you doing?!" I yelled at him, stuttering due to the pain. Internally I facepalmed as soon as it left my mouth, evil scary supreme leaders weren't supposed to stutter.

"I-I um-"

"Just spit it out," I said clearly annoyed.

"Your w-wound... I was um cleaning it..." he looked away blush covering his face, "sorry..."

I chuckled at that, "Aw is Saihara-Chan embarrassed~? I like seeing you like that! It's super cute y'know~" I cooed.

He didn't say anything and just wrapped another cloth around my leg. I could see the blush on his face reddened a bit at my words making me smirk a little.

"...We should try and find shelter before it gets dark," he got off the ground and offered me a hand.

"Aww! But I'm comfy! You meanie!" He rolled his eyes and waited for me to take his hand. I stuck out my tongue hoping that would make him get the message.

It seemed to work because he sighed and his hand fell to his side. He began to walk away just to come back, there was a clear look of disbelief on his face. Did he really think I'd get up if he left? What an idiot! Maybe Momota started to get to him and infect him with his idiocy.

He sat back down next to me a loud sigh escaping his lips, "Why are you so stubborn?" He seemed completely frustrated.

"Well it's not like I could walk for that long even if I wanted to..." I mumbled under my breath. How did I get stuck with the world's dumbest detective again? Oh yeah! It was because I survived the world's dumbest killing game!

"...Is it because of your leg?" I raised an eyebrow and looked him dead in the eye with a blank expression. "Do you not want to walk because of your l-leg Ko- Oma..."

I could feel my face heat up at the bear use of my first name, "Nope! My leg is perfectly fine! What would ever make you think that my beloved detective?" I winked at him, quickly trying to brush aside the slight blush dusting my cheeks. Maybe I could convince him it was a fake blush? He could buy that, right-

"T-Then... I'll carry you" he picked me up for the second time today and began walking farther into the forest.

"My my Mr Detective, do you just enjoy being close to me? Or are you practicing for our wedding day? Nishishish~!" I let out my signature laugh. I could feel him tense up, though he decided to ignore the comment and not respond.

A/N:... ummm wasn't sure where to end it... sorry it's short just wasn't sure what else to add.... umm yeea enjoy my trash

EDIT: So ive fixed the dumb dyslexic mistakes I made in this so sorry if you get a notification for this
I am alive
And might continue this who knowssss
It really just depends on if I want to lmao

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