Chapter.13: Rivers

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Hours past by and it became dark outside when you opened your eyes.
The room was only lit by a small light on the side table next to you.

You didn't remember much from what happened earlier. The last thing you remember was the black figure who hit Jake in the by-street. From then it all went blurry and black.

You looked around the room. This must be a hospital room. But why?
You felt something heavy on your legs. You looked down and smiled when you recognized those light snores.

It was Taehyung. Slowly you lifted yourself up, but you immediately felt back down on the bed. Your head hurts bad.

Because of the vibrations, Taehyung woke up. He jumped out of his chair and stood next to you.

'I'm okay, Tae. No worries.' You stretched out your arm to touch his face. He leaned in and took your hand in his.

'I'm so happy that you woke up. I'm so sorry about everything. I never want to lose you. I love you so much, Pumpkin. So, so much.' Taehyung cried out.

'It's okay, Tae. I'm just glad that nothing happened to you when you hit that guy.' You said softly.


A few minutes later, a doctor came in. He checked you, wrote something down, left the room and came back with some medication.

'Here.' He said. 'You have to take this for a week. You can go home now, but be careful with work and active things. I will get you a wheelchair that you can borrow until you're fully recovered.'

The doctor walked out of the room again and you and Taehyung were alone. 'I'm so glad you can go home already.' Taehyung said.

'Me too. I wouldn't want to stay here.' You said. 'And of course, I didn't want to miss our two year anniversary.'

Taehyungs eyes widened. Shit, that's today. He totally forgot it because of all the stuff that had happened lately.

You looked at your boyfriend and saw his shocked expression. But before you could say anything, the doctor came back with a wheelchair.

Taehyung and the doctor helped you to get in. You said your thanks and goodbyes and left the hospital together with Taehyung.

His car was parked close to the entrance. He helped you to get in. You sat in the passenger seat while Taehyung folded the wheelchair and placed it in the trunk.

He walked to the front of the car, opened the door and stepped in.
You were looking for a good cd to listen on your way home and wasn't paying attention to what's however.
Taehyung saw that as his only opportunity to text someone really important to save this night from total havoc.

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