Bonus Chapter: First Date

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It was Friday night, around the time of 07:00 pm. Tonight was a special night. Because you had a date with your boyfriend, Taehyung.

You liked him since your freshman year and a few weeks ago, at school, he finally said he liked you too.

Since the moment he told you he liked you two, you were boyfriend and girlfriend, but never actually went on a date. But that was about to change tonight.

A few days ago, during school break, he asked if you would like it to go on a date with him, to make it official. You agreed on that but he never told you where you were going.

So, it would be a surprise.

Currently, you were sitting behind your desk with a mirror in front of you, perfecting your make-up. Taehyung texted you that he would pick you up around 7 pm.

Just when you closed your mascara, the bell rang. A big smile formed on your face.

'Honey, I think there is someone for you?' You heard your mother say from downstairs.

'Yes, I'm coming.' You gave yourself one last look in the mirror before you took your light blue jean jacket and walked down the stairs.

When you reached the end of the stairs, you heard some muffled voices speak. Slowly, you walked to the doorway. You waited a few seconds before you entered the living room to hear what the two people were talking about.

'I hope it's not going to rain. The clouds seemed very dark today.' A woman's voice said.

'No miss, I have checked the weather app and it said that it will be dry for tonight.' A boy answered.

'Oh just call me Laura, darling.' The woman spoke again.

You smiled and opened the door to the living room. Immediately, it was quiet. Two pairs of eyes were focused on you, those of your mother and the beautiful caramel-colored once of Taehyung, your boyfriend.


You looked at Taehyung and he had a big smile plastered over his face. You couldn't stop smiling too when your eyes met each other.

When half a minute past with just staring into each other's eyes, your mother interrupted the scene: 'I guess you two "lovebirds" should go.'

You snapped back to reality and looked at your mom. 'Hm what, oh yeah, we probably should.'

You looked at Taehyung and smiled. He stood up and walked over to you. Together, you walked to the front door with your mother behind you to say goodbye.

'Don't make it too late and take good care of each other.' Your mother said when Taehyung and you walked through the front door.

'We'll be fine mom, really.' You assured her.

'Yes ma'am, I mean, Laura. I will watch over your daughter and take good care of her.' Taehyung said and wrapped an arm around your waist which left no space between the two of you.

'I believe that.' She smiled.

You gave your mom a quick hug and waved her goodbye while you and Taehyung walked off to where ever Taehyung planned your date to be.

When you were around the corner of the street, you looked up at the sky. 'You sure it's not going to rain?' You looked back at your boyfriend.

He just shook his head. 'I'm 99.99% sure it's not going to rain.'

'And what about that 00.01%?' You eyed him.

He shrugged and looked at you. 'If it is going to rain, you can wear one of my hoodies?'

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