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Stretching my arms up and over my head, I yawn as someone burst through the door of the sleeping quarters. "Hisako-chan? What is it, what's wrong?" Standing urgently as Hisako-chan was out of breath, she glared at me to keep her focus. 
"It''s the.." Chewing my lips in anticipation, she finally shouted what she wanted to say. "It's the hospital!" Grabbing a plastic cup of water for her, she downed it before angrily shouting again. "Just who the hell are these people?! They bought the hospital overnight and made a whole announcement!" 
Titling my head confused, Hisako-chan turned the small T.V on and searched for the news channel, rewinding it as I saw two handsome men standing on a podium before playing it. "Aldini Incorporation is proud to announce that we have bought out Tōtsuki University Hospital. It will be our mission to ensure every patient is treated for, so as to keep that promise, we will make Tōtsuki University from a private hospital to a public one. Further details will be explained by our CEO and my brother; Isami Aldini.
The brunette bowed at the crowd before adjusting the mic to speak, Hisako-chan gripping onto the plastic cup tightly in her hand that it crunched under her grasp. "Hello everyone, firstly yes. It is true we will be making Tōtsuki University into a public hospital for clarification on your questions. Secondly, the Chairman of Aldini Incorporation; Takumi Aldini, has appointed me as its president. I will scout the Hospital later within the week to help with the adjustments of the staff. And no, there is no set date for when the Hospital will be open to the public, but I can confirm it will be later within the month or the next. That is all for today, thank you again." Bowing again for a few seconds longer than earlier, the Chairman was already gone, so when Isami Aldini turned to his side to leave, he was bombarded with questions from reporters in the room before the camera zoomed out from him. 
Turning the T.V off, I stared at Hisako-chan worriedly. "How long ago was this?" 
"Not that long. The others are going crazy because they're not sure when he'll come over." As if on cue, Megumi-chan came rushing into the room out of breath as well. "Megumi-chan?! What is it?" 
"It''s the-.." Poor Megumi looked like she was going to fall over and faint. 
Grabbing another cup of water for her, I tended to her as I spoke. "If it's about the hospital, I already know. Hisako-chan told me and showed me the news." 
After gingerly drinking the water, she looked at me flushed as she shook her head. "It's the new President! He's here!!" 
Gasping in shock, Hisako-chan and I stared at each other till Megumi-chan broke our mentally talking body languages by coughing heavily and I patted her back. "Hisako-chan, stay with Megumi-chan. I'm going to meet the new President." 
Gulping at the seriousness in my tone, she nodded. "Be careful...he just seems weird to me." 
Smiling at her concern for me, I nodded. "I'll try, no promises though. Megumi, where did you see him and where was he going?" 
"He...he walked inside and...we-went to the ER." Nodding at her information, I stood and began to run to the ER, suddenly getting a message from Dr. Shiomi on my beeper to actually haul-ass there was ironic. 

Running into the ER, I wasn't as out of breath as Hisako-chan or Megumi-chan, but sweat rolled down my forehead. Wiping it away as I heard Erina-sama losing her cool, I decided it was best to start running again at her direction. Interrupting their conversation by barging through the doors with an occasional huff, Erina-sama side-eyed me and continued glaring at the new President in front. 
Can't lie at the fact that he was drop-dead-handsome in person; his icy blue eyes and tilted head with a slight frown on his face, was enough to make me blush until I saw his two bodyguards behind him. Remembering why he was here and who he was. "The hospital belongs to the Nakiri family. How could an outsider such as yourself take it away from us?!" 
"Nakiri-sama!" I shouted which caused her to stare at me in shock, knowing I had never raised my voice and haven't called her by that name for a while. Walking over to the new President, I bowed deeply while clenching my hands tightly. "I apologize for Dr. Nakiri on her behalf, we are all on edge with the sudden change in authority, and so she is simply lashing out due to fear of not knowing what is going on since her grandfather had previously own this Hospital." Standing straight, I didn't look at the President and had instead kept my eyes steady at Erina-sama as I walked closer to her. "Nakiri-sama. I think it would be for everyone's best interest if you went home, and talked to your grandfather to see what the hell is going on." 
Whispering to her, she tsked and stomped her way out. Sighing in annoyance, I watched Dr. Shiomi coward behind a corner when we made eye-contact. Marching over to her, I grabbed the doctor by the back of her collar as she started acting like a child. Meanwhile, Isami Aldini simply had a professional smile and kept an eye on the people around the room. Placing Dr. Shiomi in front of the intimidating figure before us, I asked the new president a question which wasn't directed at him. 
"Did you call everyone in the ER department? If so then who's taking care of their patients." With the words leaving my lips in a deadpan tone, almost half the people scurried away as I continued. "We need our doctors in ER in case there is an emergency. What do you think will happen if a patient goes into sudden cardiac arrest from the V.I.P area, will you be taking responsibility for the negligence then?" Tilting my head, everyone was gone except for Dr. Shiomi --whom I was still holding onto her collar knowing she was ready to run-- and I. "I apologize if I came out as rude, I simply wanted the staff to get back to work if you had no business with them." Copying his empty smile, I introduced Dr. Shiomi to the President and bowed. "I also have rounds to do, forgive me for my abrupt present but I must go now." Turning around, I managed to take a few steps forward before the new President spoke. 
"Do you mind if I accompany you then?" Almost tripping over my two feet, I felt my heart pounding against my chest at the silky deep tone of his voice in person. Breathing to calm myself, I turned my head to the side and smiled again at the President. 
"But Doctor Shiomi is the head of this department, I'm sure any questions or tours you may want to take or ask, she'll be fine with! As long as it's within reasonable standards of course." Seeing Dr. Shiomi shiver from the hidden dark tone in my voice, I gave a small head bow as I began my rounds.


Last Edit: 4/27/21

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