Chapter One: Bana-Chan

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"Your vitals seems alright for now Hiro, I'll check on you later tonight."
"Are my vitals not good then Miss. Bana? Why can't I leave?"
Placing the chart back to its spot, I smiled while patting Hiro's head. "They're good, but not steady. You've been around a lot of dangerous chemicals when a boy your age shouldn't be. Make sure you take your medication, otherwise I won't sneak you some sweets." Giggling at his sudden pout, I waved goodbye as I closed the door.
"Is he a patient of yours?" Lifting my head at the voice who spoke, it was the new President.
"No he isn't, he's Nakiri-sama's. Since she went home for the day before she could finish her rounds, I'm watching over her patients till she comes back." Keeping a frown on my face when I saw that Dr. Shiomi and his bodyguards weren't around, I placed my hands in my pockets and stared curiously at the man before me.
"I seem to have gotten lost." He chuckled as if answering my unspoken question. "We were walking and I had to make a stop at the restroom, but when I came out, Dr. Shiomi and my men weren't around." Giving me a pout, I raised my brow while tilting my head unconvinced.
"You sure you didn't just ditch them?" Smiling at my comment, I sighed annoyed at the situation. "Would you like a tour of this wing then? I'm nearly done with Nakiri-sama's rounds and then I'll go do my own." Nodding at my gesture, I showed him around the wing like I said I would; telling him which rooms are which, answering any questions he had, but didn't ask any of my own.
Of course I was curious why Aldini Incorporation had bought the hospital, but I had a feeling that they would explain later on. Waving and greeting the nurses as we walked by them, I had seen Megumi-chan show another nurse how to properly replace the I.V bag and how to change the settings on it since they seem new. Looking up, Megumi-chan waved with a smile as I did the same, giving her two thumbs up for her to do her best today, nodding happily at my gesture before teaching the newcomer again.
"Is she a friend of yours?" Nearly forgetting that the new President hadn't turn the corner with me, I nodded at his comment.
"She's been here since I've started my residency a while back. She's the same age as me, but somehow she treats me like she's my mother." Chuckling at the fond memories I had with Megumi-chan, sudden realization came to mind.
Why am I talking to him as if he's a friend?
Mentally shaking the thoughts away, I half turned in his direction. "This is the end of the wing. My rounds are a few floors up, so I'll have to leave you here." Giving a small head bow goodbye, I walked towards the elevator while greeting a few fellow residence's on my way.
Staying in my spot as other nurses came out, I walked in while keeping my eyes glued from the place I left the President to the elevator buttons. Pressing the floor button I quickly pressed the close button repeatedly in case the President tried to come talk to me again, I placed a hand in my pocket while the other aggressively scratched my head.
"I'm way too sleep deprived for this bullshit." Groaning a loud since it was just me, I tsked under my breath. "Why the hell am I solving everyone's problem's anyway? Not to mention the new president suddenly showing up. The hell was that even about? What, has he never been rejected by someone?" Muffling a screaming groan as I walked from side to side, I angrily huffed. "Everyone seriously needs to stop depending on me for little shit like this. Just watch, one day I'll end up taking the blame that someone else did, and I'll end up going to a different hospital!" Falling to the ground halfway, I suddenly became depressed. "But if that happens then I'll have to start my residency all over. All those years basically wasted and for nothing! I can't even open up a small clinic if I freaking wanted too." Shouting in frustration, I started tugging my hair gently. "I don't want to start over!"
"Then don't, it's simple." Screaming as I jumped back against the door, I placed my hand with a bottle of pepper spray out as I aimed at the person who spoke.
It was the new President. 
He looked just as terrified as me but it was probably from my screaming not that long ago. I was breathing heavy for numerous reasons, mostly because I didn't see him follow me in the elevator. "I'm not going to act dumb and ask you if you heard everything because I know you did. Why the hell are you following me?!" The President held his arms up in the air as he walked towards me, confused why he was doing that until I realized after he had placed his hands over and under my tired outstretched hand, I was still holding the pepper spray bottle. 
Speaking to me in a soft tone, I noticed my hand was shaking.
He really spooked the hell out of me, that's for sure.
After he put my hand down, he grabbed the pepper spray from my now relaxed hand as he was making eye-contact with me the whole time. "I didn't mean to scare you. I was going to let you know I was here, but you were rambling on to the point where I couldn't say a word." Watching him stand up, he held his hand out for me to take. "I get that you need to vent sometimes instead of holding it in, so I'll pretend I didn't hear anything just this once." Grabbing his hand, I blushed in embarrassment. 
Helping me up as the elevator dinged, the doors opened as I stuttered. "Th-thank you. And I'm sorry for the outburst, we're under a lot of stress even if the hospital is--was, privately owned." Bowing in apology once we walked out of the elevator, the President walked a bit too close but I felt something fall inside my white coat pocket.
"You should stop apologizing, it's starting to irk me." Biting my lips to keep from saying "sorry" the President took a step back. "You shouldn't have that out at work either. I understand you carry it for protection, but if something happens within the hospital then it's the hospitals responsibility." Smiling with an innocent look, I knew his smile was a warning.
"I'll make sure to remember that, President-sama. If there's nothing else that you need--."
"There is. Don't call me President-sama or Aldini-sama, I'd prefer it if you and the staff called me Isami-sama instead."
"Most won't call you that." I said crossing my arms with a sigh. "It'll take time for everyone to get use to the changes, so expect them to call you at least President-sama until the idea starts to rub off on them." 
Humming in thought, he gave a childish grin. "Then I'll make an announcement; anyone who calls me President-sama or Aldini-sama will be fired on the spot." 
"That's not at all what I suggested!" Puffing my cheeks in annoyed anger, Presid--Isami-sama, laughed after looking at me. "It's not funny! Argh! Whatever, it was nice meeting you Isami-sama, but I really do have to go." 
Grumbling under my breath, I walked quickly down the hall only to turn my head around once I turned a corner and noticed Isami-sama was yet again following me. 
Leaning against the wall, I stopped him from moving any further as I demanded answers from him. "The reason I'm following you? Hmm...because you seem to be everyone's rock but your own?" Not budging even though I felt a slight pain in my chest, he smiled with slanted eyes. "Okay, okay. I'm interested in what a daily life as a doctor or resident is like. Since I'll be running the hospital, I want to know as much as I can from everyone." 
'He seems sincere enough...I'm not sure if I can trust him just yet though.' Sighing in thought, I took a quick glance at his physique and nodded. "Fine, but your presence is off putting. No one will be able to do their job properly unless you wear some sort of disguise." Tilting his head this time, I waved a hand at him to follow me as we walked up to Hayama-kun currently holding down the fort. "Haya~ma-ku~n." I smiled sweetly as he gave me an irritated look. 

"What do you want Bana-chan?" He stated rather coldly. 
"He~y don't be like that! What are you so mad about?" 
Glaring at me, I yelped as I hid behind the lower counter. "There's a lot of things I'm mad about, but whenever I see you, I get even more mad." 
"Hehe, Hayama-ku~n! C'mo~n we've known each other for so long now! So, I wanted to throw you a surprise birthday party. What's the big deal?" Slamming stacks of papers just centimeters from my fingers, I lightly screamed and retracted them towards my chest as he kept a steady glare at me. 
"Bana-chan, we're at work right now. Either tell me what you want, or go do your rounds." 
Pouting my lips at him with glinting tears in my eyes, his colder than usual tone hurt my feelings this time.
Softening his expression, he sighed before ruffling my hair. "Sorry, I didn't mean to take my anger out on you." Gripping either side of my cheeks, I shouted for him to stop as he gave me an irked smile. "Even though you definitely deserve a scolding." 
"Haya~ma~-ku~n! I'm--I'm not that kinky!" Letting go of me, I started to laugh at his red embarrassed face. "Anyways, I'll properly apologize later. Right now I need your spare clothes." 
"What, why? Did you forget to pack your clothes again or something." Looking at me deadpan again, I smiled at him. 
"No, not this time. I need your clothes for Isami-sama here since it seems you two have similar builds. His presence is a bit intimidating with his suit on, and since he's shadowing me, I don't want the others--including patients, to feel uncomfortable." 
"He's shadowing you? What, did you draw the short end of the stick or something?" 
'Oh you have no idea.' Sighing, I turned around while tilting my head upset with my eyes closed. "Well, maybe I'll pay Jun-sama a visit then? I should tell her you don't want to be my friend anymore while I'm at it." Smiling as I heard him get up from his rolling chair angrily, it was quiet for a moment till he came back with the spare clothes, shoving them in my face as he glared at me. 
"Happy." It wasn't really a question, but I beamed at him with a ray of sunshine smile. 
"Yes! Very much, thank you!" Tsking as he went back to work, I stole a medical face mask from the desk as I showed Isami-sama the way to the men's room, wondering why he was so quiet throughout the whole thing. 
"You two seem friendly." 
Nodding as I smiled, I giggled at our memories. "We've known each other since our first day learning medicine, he was always falling behind so I helped him through everything. We've been best friends ever since!" 
What's this aura I'm feeling? Keeping my focus ahead of me, Isami-sama spoke before I turned a corner. "Best friends? You both seem more like a couple." 
Scoffing really unflattering at that, I practically spat the words coming out of my mouth. "He's not interested in me in a romantic way, and he's more like my brother anyways." Huh...the weird auras gone. Turning to Isami-sama once we approached the bathroom, I handed the clothes and face mask to him. "Just let me know when your done so I can take," 

My voice was caught in my lungs, I couldn't breath as I saw one of my patients being carried out of their room quickly and towards the private elevator. Leaving Isami-sama in front of the bathroom without excusing myself, I ran as I shouted what happened. "We're not entirely sure, but he was wheezing before coughing up blood." 
"We're taking him to Radiology to get an x-ray to see if there's any internal bleeding." 
Taking my stethoscope out, I pressed against his chest when I heard his heart stop beating. Hyperventilating, I jumped on top of my patient as I began doing chest compressions, adrenaline rushing through my veins as I tried to calm the panic in my voice as he was going into cardiac arrest. 
"I need a defib now!" Pointing at a nurse to my right with my head, she nodded before running in the direction of where we kept the defibrillator. "Run over to the Hematology department. Tell them what you told me about patient Koga Agawara." Steadying my stare at an intern doctor, he nodded and started running. "You, go to Cardiology and ask them what's happening with his new lungs that was suppose to come in." A male nurse nodded and headed back to Hayama-kun. 
"Where the hell is the defib?!" I shouted almost angrily as we made our way inside the elevator, the nurse from earlier came rushing in with the defib just before the doors closed. "Apply the  sticky side of the pads onto his chest. Once you're done with that, switch to doing chest compressions after I give him the shock."
"Yes Bana-sama." Jumping off the patient and waiting a moment, I shouted "clear". Using my Stethoscope against his chest, nothing. 
The nurse had started doing chest compressions as I took a second to breathe and calm my nerves down. "Bring it up to three-fifty." 
With shouts of agreement, I said "clear" again, pressing the two metallic parts against the patient's chest not once but twice, watching his chest heaved forward after a third time. Smiling brightly as I got a call from the intern after. "Bana-sama! The lungs will be arriving shortly, the surgeons; Dr. Mizuhara and Dr. Tsunozaki are on their way to the O-R!" 
Huffing out in relief, I hanged up after telling the intern that he did good. Slumping against the metallic wall with my hands over my knees, I told everyone to rush and prep the patient for surgery and to do the x-ray and an ultrasound in the operating room. 
'It's best to let Doctor's Mizuhara and Tsunozaki take care of the rest from here.
After rounds of "work hard" or "thank you!" and "good luck!" I pressed the elevator button to take me back to the twelfth floor and had sat down on the ground exhausted from the adrenaline rush coming down, wiping my forehead of sweat with my sleeve. 

Once the doors opened, I pushed myself up and walked out of the elevator; staring at the ceiling and releasing a huge breath of air filled with anxiety. Allowing my shoulders to calmly fall, pairs of footsteps ran towards me when I realized it was Hayama-kun and Marui-kun asking if I saved the patient. Looking down on the ground, I couldn't keep a straight face with how sad they looked, so I quickly gave them a smile and two thumbs up. 
"Mr. Agawara is being prepped for surgery as we speak!" Seeing the smiles on their faces lit my cold heart a bit. 
"You did well Bana-chan!" Marui-kun praised me as Hayama-kun ruffled my hair again. 
"I'm so proud of you!" 
"Hayama-kun stop it! You're messing up my hair!" Pouting annoyed we all ended up laughing, suddenly feeling awkward at Marui-kun's statement. 
"It's no wonder you're nicknamed Hands of God!" 
Chuckling awkwardly as I held my arm tightly with an unconvinced smile, Hayama-kun elbowed Marui-kun as I excused myself. Staring at the ground gloomy from what he said. 'It's not like I asked to be called that, it just happened.' My frown deepened as I began thinking of the patients I wasn't able to save my first two years here, and tsked at myself for being so weakhearted. 
"Excuse me?" With a hand waving in my face, I jumped back in surprise when I saw Isami-sama smiling at me. "Whatcha thinking about?" 
"It was nothing." Giving my best fake smile, Isami-sama pouted. "You should wear the face mask I gave you, everyone will think you're just another person who has a cold." 
"Yes Doctor~." Wearing the face mask as instructed, his blue eyes stared at me in curiousness as he asked a question. "I forgot until now when I didn't know how to address you, what's your name?" 
"Ambrosia Tachibana, but everyone mostly calls me Bana-chan while my juniors call me Bana-sama." 
"Has anyone ever called you Amba for short?" Thinking about it, I started to really dig through my memories as I tilted my head in wonder. 
"I don't think so? It's never really crossed my mind." 
Closing his eyes, I knew he was smiling. "Then I'll address you as Amba-san then." 
"No." I stated rather quickly and deadpan, catching Isami-sama off guard. "I won't answer to that when I'm inside the hospital, and I don't particularly trust you enough for you to call me that after work hours. If you'd like, you can call me Tachi-san and I'll try to get used to it." Smiling at him, I looked at my watch and my eyes widen. "Crap! I still have to do my rounds befo--!" 
"TACHIBANA!!" Flinching at the harshness in his voice, I turned around as I saw Shinomiya-sama storming towards me. 
Eeping as I stood straight and kept my gaze at the ground, Shinomiya-sama stopped a foot away from me as he started scolding me. "Do I look like an idiot to you?" 
"No sir." 
"Then tell me why you're half-an-hour late for your rounds." Keeping quiet, I bit my lip as I saw the file of Mr. Agawara in his hands, throwing them at my feet as the wing became silent. "Koga Agawara. A patient I entrusted to you after months of hearing your whining of wanting to be my underling. Do you think I would have given you such a difficult case if I thought you were this incompetent?!" Refusing to flinch at his raising voice, I side-eyed Isami-sama as he held a steady glare at Shinomiya-sama, but the doctor was focused on me. 
"No sir. I understand sir." 
"If you understand, then why did you not take the proper measures I had instructed you to do and kept continuous watch on him then? You were almost an hour late for you rounds, and had not even bothered to check-up on your patients!" Staying silent, I didn't want to use Isami-sama as my excuse. There is no excuse for this. 
Sighing in frustration, Shinomiya-sama was about to chew my ear off again when Dr. Inui grabbed him by the ear and started scolding him herself. "What the hell Kojirō-kun?! So Bana-chan didn't proceeded with proper measures to watch the patient, she still managed to bring him back and even had him prepped for surgery as how you instructed! He was getting surgery done today anyways, anyone in the wing could've looked after him until Bana-chan came if nothing had happened." Giving me a thumbs up, I nervously smiled at Dr. Inui but decided to keep my gaze on the ground. After the two finished arguing, Shinomiya-sama let me off with a warning as Dr. Inui decided to follow him to make sure he didn't blow a fuse with the other residents. 

After making sure Shinomiya-sama was gone, I fell to the ground on my knees as I started pounding my chest heavily, tears threatening to pour over as I started blabbering. "Oh my god that was so scary. He was so angry I thought I was going to die this time. Baka, baka! I should've been more careful!" 
Sniffling as I picked up the papers he threw at me with Isami-sama's help, I wiped the edges of my eyes after drying my hands from the automatic sanitizer machine on the wall, Isami-sama asking who he was after I had calmed down. 
"Oh! That was Kojirō Shinomiya, he's chief of the Neurosurgery department. He's extremely tough but it just shows how much he cares. In my opinion anyway. I'm currently his underling which isn't an easy thing as you can see. People who worked under him before me had either dropped out, quit, or moved to a new hospital because of how scary he can be." 
Saying all this with a smile, I can tell Isami-sama was looking at me like I was an idiot. 
"But he's not really scary, he's just concern for the wellbeing of his patients so he acts all mean when I really think he's just scared. It's simply one of the things I admire about him to be honest." 
"I..I see." Looking away as he scratched his cheek, he looked at me again with his eyes closed and I knew it meant he was smiling. "You should go finish your rounds before you get yelled at again." Nodding in agreement, I took Isami-sama's clothes and the papers in my hands to Hayama-kun to keep them safe. 
"Bana-chan!" Calling out for me just as I was almost out of hearing range, I ran back to Hayama-kun. 
"Is everything okay?" I asked worriedly when I saw how scared he looked. 
"Why didn't you tell me that Isami-sama is the new President! I wouldn't have acted that way if I knew!" He whispered as Isami-sama was waiting at the corner, typing on his phone. 
"I thought you acted that way because you knew?" Laughing at his sudden outburst he quieted down after sighing. 
"Anyways, I heard Shinomiya-sama scolding you badly. You should hurry up before he thinks you're slacking on your work." 
Nodding at this, I turned around before looking back at Hayama-kun. "Also, I'm not sure if he was joking or not, but Isami-sama said he'll fire people on the spot if they call him President-sama instead of Isami-sama. So spread the word as quickly as you can." Nodding as his face paled in complexion, I hurried back over to Isami-sama just as he put his phone away. "Sorry for the wait!" 
Last Edit: 4/27/21

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