Chapter Two: Isami-Sama

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After Tachi-san finished her rounds, her beeper signaled for her to be back on the floor where I had found her a second time. "So Isami-sama, there's something I'm curious about." Entering the elevator as I told her to continue, she pressed the button and spoke once the doors were shut. "Why did the Chairman make you the hospital's President?" 
Adjusting the medical face mask, I smirked. "I'll explain that once I get situated here. My brother doesn't simply buy things for the hell of it, that much I can tell you." Humming at my comment, she was quiet soon after. Continuing to talk with her, she seemed pretty guarded and I think I may have made her uncomfortable with my last question? "I overheard the guy next to Hayama-san say something about you having "Gods Hands"? What's that about." 
She was silent for a moment, then the silence became deafening until we reached her floor. 
Still not answering the question, I suppose it was a sensitive topic after all. "Gomen, it wasn't my intention to make you feel uncomfortable." 
Smiling rather weakly, what she said caused a chuckle to move past my lips. "Can you stop apologizing? I was just debating whether or not I should tell you." 
"And, well?" 
Egging her on, there was a sparkle in her eyes as she took the challenge. "And I decided not too. Good luck getting that kind of information out of the other doctors." Giving me a quick wink, I smiled genuinely at her when she wasn't looking. 
Coming up to the same room when we met, she asked me to stay here since the kid was afraid of new people. Nodding and deciding to be compliant, I took my phone as I read the text message my brother had sent me. 

Takumi-nii: How's the hospital? 
Me: Interesting. News about me being the President is slowly but surely spreading. 
Takumi-nii: Good. Any problems with the staff? 
Me: None that's of concern. 
Feeling a twist in my stomach, it technically wasn't a lie if it was how they normally acted. 
Takumi-nii: That's good. Your bodyguards had informed me that you gave them the slip after going to the bathroom. Where are you? 
Knowing very well that he wasn't asking, I decided to tease him a bit. 
Me: I'm somewhere ^^. 
Takumi-nii: Isami! Seriously! Where are you. 
Me: Mm~ I'm with a girl ^^. 
Me: A doctor to be specific. 
Me: Well a resident. She's showing me around the hospital. 
Takumi-nii: Fine. Play your games all you want, but make sure you're with your bodyguards when you roam around next. We don't know how they will act.
Me: And if I don't want too, can I take the resident with me? 
Takumi-nii: She's a civilian. You know what'll happen. 
Glaring slightly at my phone at the empty threat, I don't know why I'm feeling sensitive all of a sudden as I sent my reply and stuffed the phone in my pocket before Tachi-san came out. 
Me: She's capable. 

"Are you done with your rounds?" I asked a bit too cheery. 
"Almost, there's one more place I got to go to before I can take my break." Stretching out her arms as we went inside the elevator again, she yawned and rubbed her teary eyes when I noticed the faded dark circles. 
"When's the last time you properly slept?" 
Looking at me confused, I probably sounded a bit too concerning? "Huh? Oh, um...let's see, what day is it?" Counting with her fingers, she smiled as she put up four fingers. "About four and a half days I think. I've mostly been picking up everyone's shifts since I need it. I'll nap most times on a tabletop, but I don't trust myself to go into a deep sleep in the on-call rooms, not when I have so many patients I need to look after." 
"You should also be thinking of your own health though. What'll happen to the patients if you suddenly collapse right in front of them?" 
Humming in thought with her thumb and index finger on her chin, she looked at the ground seriously. "I guess you're right, I haven't really thought about it. I shouldn't worry the patients like that." She' selfless, that I'm not sure how to handle this. "Okay, I'll talk to Shinomiya-sama and ask if I can go home." Smiling at her, she continued which caused me to frown in concern. "After I've eaten and make sure my last few patients are doing fine. So I should be done around eight or nine!" Smiling confidently at me, I stared at her in bewilderment. She seems almost hopeless. 
Yawning wider and longer this time, a few sleep tears rolled down her cheeks as she sniffled. 
"Ugh, I hope I'm not getting sick from the lack of sleep?" She rubbed one eye but not the other as she spoke then yawn again. 
Mentally sighing, I used my thumb to wipe against the corner of the unwiped eye and the tear streaks it left on her cheek before moving her bangs up; placing the back of my hand on her forehead, she was warm but didn't feel hot. 
Taking my hands back, her face was a little red which I'm assuming is from her soon to be fever. Looking at the elevator doors as I scratched my ear. "I'm no doctor, but you don't seem to have a fever. You should go ask for some time off to get your body's sleep cycle back on track though." 
Smiling at her once the doors open, we walked around the floor with the occasional bumping of shoulders from patients and Tachi-san were slightly annoying, but it wasn't until I noticed Tachi-san wasn't bumping shoulders with me was when I started looking around for her. 
Walking back at the direction of the elevator, I saw Tachi-san putting her weight on the wall while being console by a man with auburn hair just long enough to cover his eyes. "Tachi-san? Are you okay?" I asked once I made my way to her. 
"Un!" Smiling as she wiped her forehead with her sleeve, she bowed to the auburn haired person in front of us. "Thank you for your concern Ibusaki-san, but I'm fine! Really, I'll be going home after I check on a few things." 
"Alright, but please Bana-sama, you need to stop overworking yourself." 
"But I'm fine! Really! There's no need to worry Ibusaki-san, you should go back to your station before you get scolded." Sighing before nodding, Ibusaki-san was reluctant to leave her. Looking over his shoulder every now and then before he was eventually out of sight. 
"You need to talk to Chief Shinomiya, you're even worrying your colleagues now." 
"I said I'll talk to him later!" Snapping at me, she continued with a light glare which threw me off. Is she acting like this because of her lack of sleep? "I'm almost done with my work. I just want to finish these last two things and then I'll go home. Is that so much to ask?!" 
"It is when you're deliberately endangering yourself. Can't you call or ask someone else to deal with your shit for once?" Trying to stay calm at the situation, we were lucky that no one was paying us any mind. 
"I don't want too." Challenging me with the way she spoke, I glared back at her as I was starting to loose my patience with her. "You're not a doctor, so you won't understand how it feels knowing a patient of yours may or may not make it. You don't understand the loss or gain we take with our other responsibilities! And you won't ever understand how it feels when a patient you've been taking care of for months--even years, didn't make it even after everything you've tried to do to save them! I understand that you're the President now, and I know very well that I'm coming off as disrespectful, but if you can't handle the way I take care of a situation, then I think it would be best for you to stop shadowing me." 
Walking away quickly after that, I tsked angrily as I marched over to the elevator and went back to the twelfth floor. Walking up to the white haired, tanned skin man at the desk, he looked at me nervously. "Where's Chief Shinomiya." Demanding as I took the face mask off, he quickly gave me the directions on where he was. 

After I had put my suit back on, I eventually found Chief Shinomiya and walked up to him. 
Raising a brow at me as he dismissed the residence's, he looked at me curiously while I was glaring at him. "May I help you?" 
Smiling warningly at him, I "suggested" we'd talk in his office to which he agreed too. Closing the door behind him, Chief Shinomiya repeated his question as I sat on one of his chairs. "It's about Ambrosia Tachibana." Raising a brow at me yet again, he walked over to his desk before sitting down. "I've been shadowing Miss. Tachibana today, so I am one of the reasons why she was late for her rounds." 
" 'One of"? What were the other reasons if I may ask?" 
"Miss. Tachibana has apparently been taking care of other doctor's patients. She took it upon herself to check on Miss. Erina Nakiri's patients simply because she went home today. She also told me she hasn't properly slept in four and a half days and had said she'll talk to you about going home, after she finish taking care of the other patients that's been dumped on her; which, from what she said, was two people compared to earlier." 
Chief Shinomiya intertwined his fingers while placing his chin on top of them, glaring at the wall behind me as he took in this information. "I see. Do you happen to know which department she's been moving around in?" Telling him the name of the department and floor number she was last at, Chief Shinomiya removed his glasses as he pinched the bridge of his nose before sighing. "Thank you Isami-sama, I'll take care of it." 
"I believe you will, but I'm saying this as President of the hospital. I would like for you to give Miss. Tachibana five days off, which is the equivalent of the amount of hours she has worked. It wouldn't look good if word had gotten out that a sleep deprived resident has been taking on numerous patients that aren't even within her own department." 
I spoke with a warning in my tone. Chief Shinomiya simply nodded at this and I smiled at him, bowing my head goodbye as I left the room and towards my new office. 
Walking in, my bodyguards stood on alert with their hands hovering over their holsters. Giving them a threatening stare, I spoke in a deadpan tone for them to stand down. After covering their mistake, they bowed deeply to me and apologized. "Don't carry real guns within the hospital. I don't want people thinking that we're actual thugs. Change them either to a stun gun or pellets and I'll put the real guns in the safe." 
"Yes Isami-sama!" Giving me a salute before bowing, they placed the guns on my desk and ran out the door as it locked behind them. 
Taking the guns from the desk, I placed them in the safe before sitting down on my comfy new chair; staring up at the ceiling as I sighed at the events of today. 
Running a hand through my gelled hair, I took my coat and scarf off as someone rang the intercom to the office. Pressing a button to show the screen, a puffed cheek angry Tachi-san was tapping her foot impatiently. 
Tsking under my breath angrily, I allowed her to come in as I prepared myself--swinging the door open as she stomped over to me but stopped her movements as I stared at her coldly, recomposing herself as she spoke with her head held high. 

"Why did you go talk to Shinomiya-sama? I said I would have done it." I could tell she was restraining her own anger in her tone of voice. 
"Why? Because I'm the president." 
Standing from the chair, I glared warningly at her as I placed my hand on the desk and leaned in towards her. 
"Don't think just because I haven't been paying your attitude any mind, that I'm letting it sly so easily. I went to Chief Shinomiya because I saw how negligent you were of your own health. Despite taking patients that aren't even from your department, you yourself had even said you were sleep deprived. You say my presence was off-putting earlier, and yet, here you are making everyone worried because you look like you're about to faint any second!" 
Seeing her flinch at the sudden raise in my voice at the last statement, she tried to keep a calm composure as I saw her body shake with rage, biting her lip and opening her mouth, words almost refusing to coming out as she closed it. 
"If you have nothing further to say then leave, you've been dismissed for five days as I'm sure Chief Shinomiya had told you. I suggest you take those days with a grain of salt." Sitting back in my chair, I glued my eyes to the stacks of paper in front of me, pretending to keep myself busy as I scanned through them. 
After a moment of silence, Tachi-san walked out the office with a light slam of the door. Putting the papers away, I sighed in aggravation as my bodyguards came back ten minutes later, glaring at the both of them as I spat. 
"Fight me." Watching them flinch as they looked at each other, I undid my tie while unbuttoning the last two buttons from my collar. "I don't care if it's one of you, or both. Come at me." Seeing them speak to each other, I undid both my cuffs and rolled the sleeves up as they nodded; both of them running at me, but I took them by surprise as I threw the rolling chair at them in one swift motion. 

Posted: 10/17/19 
Last Edit: 4/27/21

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