Chapter Six: Isami-Sama

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"That's my little secret." Smiling at her as I tilted my head, she looked at me confused which is understandable. 
"But..." Looking at her calmly, she looked like she was trying to get me to change my mind. "Y-you're my boss, wouldn't it feel weird or uncomfortable?" 
"Why would it be? It'll only be weird and uncomfortable if you make it so." Pouting at me when she knew I was right, I smiled at her again. "If you're done, I'll take you home." Reluctantly getting up, she sat back on the wheelchair and waited for me to push. 
Halfway out the hospital I saw the nurse from before, Megumi-chan --as Tachi-san has called her-- and had asked her if it would be okay to take the wheelchair with me. "O-of course Isami-sama!" Bowing a bit scared as she scurried away after, I didn't pay it any mind and had took Tachi-san to the car. 
Opening the door for her, she got in as she started nagging me. "You know I don't need a wheelchair! My leg doesn't hurt that much anymore, so you can leave it here." 
"H~o? Look at you dropping the formalities already." Chuckling at her lightly blushed face as she looked away with a pout, she mumbled under her breath. 
"You wanted us to be friends and now you're complaining about something like that?" Chuckling again, I folded the chair and put it in the trunk before heading over to the drivers side. 
"Are you buckled?" Nodding, I buckled my seatbelt as I looked at Tachi-san. "I overheard your cousin on the phone, I can drive you to where she works?" 
"You don't hav--." 
"I'm giving you a ride home, you wouldn't really be able to get in if you don't have keys." Watching her mentally debate for a moment, she gave in as she gave me directions on where to go. 

"This is where she works, I'll call her and ask her to come out." Nodding at her, I stared up at the Veterinary Clinic when I suddenly heard someone nagging Tachi-san. 
"Stop leaving your phone on silent or vibrate! I was so worried that something bad had happened!" 
"I said I'm fine, Yuki! Geez I keep telling you that I can take care of myself." 
"I was worried something bad had happened to Shikao!" Glaring at each other, I excused myself before reminding them why Tachi-san and I were here to begin with. "And who are you?" 
Chuckling nervously as I smiled, I introduced myself. "My names Isami Aldini, I'm Tachi-san's friend. It's nice to meet you." 
Bopping her head at me, she took her attention back to Tachi-san. "Here's the keys. Make sure you don't lose them, I need them back so I can drive home." Shooing her away after she said she'll think about it, Tachi-san looked irritated as she gave me the directions to her home. 
"Your cousin is very different from over the phone." Trying to lighten the mood, she tsked while looking out the window. 
"She's always been like this ever since I can remember. It's only when I nag or irritate her is when she'll show that she really cares." Stopping at a red light, I looked at Tachi-san as she turned around in her seat to face Shikao. "But it's okay, I've gotten used to it to know when she's actually mad at me or just worried." Petting the dog in the backseat, they both looked exhausted. Driving again once the light had turned green, we made it into the complex after Tachi-san put in the code for the gate. 
Taking the wheelchair out after I opened the door for Tachi-san, she sat and had opened the door for Shikao. 
"Run upstairs okay boy? I'll be there in a minute." Barking in response, she took the leash off of him and he started running up the stairs up to the sixth floor happily. 
"You sure he'll be okay?" 
Nodding, I pushed Tachi-san into the front building where she was greeted before the young man looked nervous. "Tachibana-sama? What happened?!" 
"I'm fine, Sōtsuda-san. I fell and sprained my ankle is all, Isami-sam--...Isami-san started getting overly worried and thought I needed to be put on a wheelchair, but it's really nothing that serious." 
"I see. Well then, I hope you recover quickly ma'am!" Nodding in agreement, we made it over to the elevator as Tachi-san pushed the button; entering once they opened. 
"Isami-san, huh?" 
"Quit smiling, I only said that because I don't want anyone to know that my boss took me home. It's embarrassing enough that you took me around the hospital on a freaking wheelchair and saw me snap." 
"I saw you snap? When exactly was that?" Seeing her smile in content, I couldn't help but push the envelope a bit more. "What did that guy mean by your dad anyways?" 
Watching her face change from contentment to contemplating murder, I knew it was like putting salt on a wound. "I'm not exactly close with my dad. Not anymore." Not wanting to push it any further, I hope she'll tell me when she's more comfortable. If not, then I do always have Itsuki-sama's number. Once the elevator door opened, Shikao went from standing in front of the door, to running towards us after we started making our way down the hall. "Oh, you'll hear some noises but it's normal around here. Just ignore them and keep walking." 
Raising a brow curiously at that, as if on cue, a couple started throwing things in their home while arguing loudly. Continuing on like Tachi-san suggested, I heard obnoxious loud moans coming from at least three different voices and quickly walked past their door. It was quiet when we passed the next apartment until a loud explosion sound caused me to jump, followed by rapid gun noises coming from what sounded like a videogame and loud shouting two doors down from Tachi-san's apartment. 

Graciously thanking her as Tachi-san offered me to come inside, I closed the door behind me before taking my shoes off. Seeing Tachi-san struggling, I got on one knee and had helped her carefully take off her shoes, in a way that wouldn't hurt her sprained ankle. 
"Thank you, Isami-sama." Nodding at her, I helped Tachi-san to the couch and turned the AC on when she asked me. Placing her ankle on the coffee table with a pillow under it, Shikao practically glared into my soul while giving me a frown. Almost like a warning. 
"I'll go get ice and wrap it on your ankle." 
"There should be an ice pack in the freezer, if you grab that it'll be easier." Nodding, Shikao followed me into the kitchen after seeing a cat jump onto Tachi-san's lap. Opening the freezer door, I searched for the ice pack while Shikao continued to stare at me sitting down on the floor. 
Finding the pink flexible ice pack, I was about to make my way back to Tachi-san when Shikao walked over to me, growling warningly while glaring. 
"SHIKAO!" Watching the dog flinch, he turned around and looked at Tachi-san giving him a merciless stare. "He is a guest. We don't growl at guest." Causing Shikao to lay on the ground at her stern tone of voice, he looked up at her with puppy dog eyes before she smiled at me. "Sorry about that, Shikao's very protective over me and my cousin with strangers he's never met before." 
"It's understandable, he's just trying to protect his two girls." Nodding in agreement, I wrapped the ice pack with a paper towel before gently placing it on Tachi-san's ankle. Hearing her hiss in pain, I gave her an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I know it hurts now, but it'll heal after a while." Getting a text from my bodyguard saying how he's "questioning" the man, he said he'll only talk to an Aldini. But I wasn't planning on losing my chance with Tachi-san yet, and this is the perfect way to get her to trust me. 
Replying back, I told him to call Takumi-nii since I was still protecting Tachi-san. After a moment, I put my phone away and apologized to her. "It's fine, you're a CEO and President of the hospital, you're bound to be busy." And also brother to a Mafia leader whose his right hand man. 
Seeing that she had already turned the TV on, she started flipping through channels until a cooking network caught her attention. 
"Do you like cooking?" Nodding happily, she went to explaining how she's loved cooking since she was a kid, but that she cared more about saving lives. "What made your mind up about becoming a doctor? If you don't mind me asking." 
Humming in thought, Tachi-san suddenly sneezed and shivered when I noticed she was still wearing training shorts, a tank top, and a sports bra. Feeling my face heat up instantly, I turned the other way while holding my hand against my cheeks, thankful that the AC kept them cool. "Sorry, I hope I didn't sneeze on you!" 
"N-no, your fine. It's getting colder in here, I think you should go change into something a little more...warm." 
"It's fine. I have a blanket next to me, I'll use that so I won't get cold."
'But that isn't at all what I was implying, airhead.'
Carefully lifting the cat from her legs, she apologized to it before putting a throw blanket on herself, the cat making itself comfortable back on her lap. "Usayo's a very fickle cat. She won't sleep on anyone's lap but mine and it makes my cousin jealous since she's her cat." 

"Ah...I see. You still haven't answered my question though, why did you become a doctor?" Humming in thought again, Tachi-san smiled sadly before looking at the T.V. 
"I guess I didn't really want to be a doctor. When I was younger, my dad used to bring me to the hospital whenever he could since he was Chief of a department at the time I think. I met Shinomiya-sama when he had just started his residency and we quickly became close after, the only reason why he's so hard on me now is because he has high expectations. I guess the only real reason why I wanted to become a doctor, was because it was expected of me." Quickly waving her hands at me, she looked nervous as she rambled. "T-that doesn't mean to say I don't like what I'm doing! I do, it's just..not, what I thought it would be."
She became silent after and her gaze fell to the floor with a frown. 
I remembered when she snapped at me in the hospital about the patients she couldn't save, and wondered if it's ever kept her up at night. I know for me, some of the victims that were assigned to me to kill when I was working for my father were innocent, and their faces kept me up more than a few nights, practically weeks at best. 
But that's the life I was bred and raised in, Tachi-san's gonna be thrust into this life sooner or later. 'But killing and saving are two completely different things, and yet if being the next Don is expected of her from the other Families, how can I bring her in without having to make her feel obligated or uncomfortable to do so?
"Are you okay?" Feeling her hand on my shoulder, I snapped my gaze at Tachi-san when she looked at me worriedly. "You were biting your nails for a while there, are you okay?" 
'Crap, I was overthinking.' Smiling at her, I nodded. "Yeah, just have a lot on my mind." 
"I can tell." Seeing her give a small smile, I felt my shoulders relax. "Oh! I almost forgot." Lifting Usayo up with her bruised hand, the cat meowed as if complaining as Tachi-san almost pushed herself up off the sofa. 
"Wait!" Holding the wrist of her stitched hand, I helped her off the sofa before Tachi-san smiled and thanked me. "You need to be more careful, you just got your hand stitched." 
"Gomen, Erina-sama stitched it so well that I completely forgot about it till you reminded me." 
Sighing, I don't understand why when she smiles I can't help but to not yell at her. "Just be more careful, okay?" 
Nodding, she limped over to a supply closet before taking a first aid kit out. "Do you think you can help me? I have to wrap it so nothing gets on the stitches." Sitting on a chair in the kitchen, I followed suit and pulled a chair in front of her. Leaning over as I took her hand in my own, I applied some antibiotics and put a gauze pad over the stitches, wrapping it with the roll of gauze and using medical tape to hold it in place. "Wow, you did pretty good! It's not too tight or too loose." 
Smiling at her look of amazement, I frowned after a thought popped into my mind. 'Well I had plenty of practice on myself cause of my missions.
"Thanks again Isami-sama!" Seeing her smiling face at something she's done ten times over, I couldn't help but to smile back as I placed my hand under my chin and my elbow on the table. 
"Isami-san." The words left my lips before I could even register what I had said. "You can call me Isami-san outside of the hospital." 

Seeing her face turn slightly pink, did I embarrass her? "I don't--." 
"Isn't that what friends are supposed to call each other? No formalities or anything?" Stammering a bit after, I chuckled at her as I pushed the chair under the table. "You should go find your keys." 
"Ah! Right! I had completely forgotten about that!" Seeing her stand and limp towards a bedroom, I figured it was best to stay in the living room with Shikao and Usayo. 
Sitting on the sofa again, I watched the random channel on the T.V for a few minutes when I heard a door knocking rapidly. "I got it!" Shouting out, I stood and looked through the peephole when my eyes widen in shock. 
Opening the door, I closed it behind me as he started talking before cutting himself off. "I-Isami-sama? What are you doing here?" 
Slanting my eyes at the man before me, I hummed and pretended to think of an answer as I smiled at him. "I'm Tachi-san's friend." Giving me wide-eyes, I put my hand on his shoulder, applying light pressure as I did. "This is good actually, I wanted to have a word with you, just didn't think it would be this soon. Follow me will you?" Taking my hand back, I walked down the stairs towards the fifth floor before pushing my weight against the stone railing. 
"What is it that you wanted to talk about, Isami-sama?" 
" should I put this?" Grinning at him, he raised a brow suspiciously. "Have you ever sniffed a cinnamon stick?" 
On cue, Hayama-san stood up straighter with his arms behind his back. "Is there an assignment you need me to do?" 
"A~h, don't be so formal." Waving a hand at him to come closer, he seemed stiff as he leaned against the railing with me. "On the contrary, I wanted to make something clear." Side-eyeing me, I continued. "I've assembled a protection squad for Tachi-san." 
"A protection squad? I understand she's valuable, but why go through that kind of trouble?" 
Lightly glaring at him, he shut his mouth instantly and kept his gaze focused on the ground. 
"You really don't know who she is?" Shaking his head, I sighed before staring out in front of me. "She's going to be the leader of the Dupont's." 
"WHAT?!" Turning to me as I kept my gaze forward, I allowed him to ramble on. "I-I wasn't told this! If I had known--." 
"If you had known, you would've treated her differently. Which is the exact opposite of what my father wanted when he assigned you to protect her in the hospital." Speaking to him coldly, he stayed quiet. "Anyways, the protection squad is composed of members who were apart of the Dupont Mafia. I am also aware of the others in the hospital who are watching over Tachi-san in their own way. I don't want you to tell them anything, I want nothing to change until I give an order, understand?" 
"Yes sir." 
"Don't call me sir, address that way to my brother. Just keep calling me Isami-sama, alright?" Patting his back a bit too roughly as he complied, I continued on. "Tachi-san is blissfully unaware of her role, her father had come to me and my brother the other day asking--or more so ordering us, to protect her. I'm not sure if he wants her to be the leader or not, but it seems a war will start between Central Yakuza and the Aldini's. We're still unsure how the other Families are going to play their hand's." Looking at Hayama-san, his eyes widen. "From what I read on your file, you were a part of their gang. What happened that caused you to change sides?" 

Hayama-san was silent, looking as if he was debating but I didn't ask him. I ordered him so I'd know what we're dealing with. "Yes, I was a part of Central. But I only joined them because they threaten to kill Jun Shiomi if I had refused when they held her hostage." 
"She's your adoptive mother, correct?" Nodding at this, Hayama-san sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "How long were you a part of Central?" 
"Not long. Few months at most, but by then I had almost lost my morals and was about to refuse whatever job they had given me until they reminded me that they still had her. I was forced to play into their hands until your father and Takamoto-sama saved me and Jun." 
Covering my mouth with my hand, I started thinking of plans and ways to use the information he's given me. "What are you doing down there!?" Looking up, Tachi-san was grinning madly at us while holding herself over the railing with her one good hand, her long hair cascading downward almost covering her face. 
"Oi baka! Don't do that, you'll fall and get hurt!" Sticking her tongue out at Hayama-san, she giggled again before pushing herself off and towards the stairs. 
"We'll talk more later, here's my card if anything comes up." Giving me a head bow as he took the business card, Tachi-san appeared down the stairs dressed in a completely different outfit. "You have a sprained ankle! Why are you walking on it?" 
"I told you before I'm fine! You can take the wheelchair back to the hospital." Looking at Hayama-san, she smiled even bigger. "What are you doing here anyways?" 
"I heard you got hurt pretty bad, so I came over on my lunch break." 
"A~w! How sweet, Ni~i-san!" Laughing at his blushing face, Hayama-san gave Tachi-san a rough noogie but she still laughed at him. 
"I don't even know why I bother!" Starting to walk away, Tachi-san complained while hugging him around his waist from behind as he continued to walk. 
Something hot and unpleasant stirred in my stomach from watching them interact. 
"N~o! Don't leave! I'm sorry for teasing you Hayama-ku~n!" Stopping at the top of the steps, he sighed before patting her head. 
"You are such a handful." Pinching her cheek, Tachi-san complained for him to stop. "My lunch break is almost over, so I have to go." 
"We were on our way to the hospital also. Tachi-san needs to get her car back, but since she still can't drive with how her hand and ankle are, I'll be taking her back after." 
Why did I just blab this? I don't understand why I'm feeling like I should punch Hayama-san at least once, even though he hasn't done anything wrong. "Ah, is that so?" 
Looking at Tachi-san with a smile, he patted her head again. 
"Then you're in capable hands Bana-chan. I'll see you either after work or tomorrow, try not to get anymore injuries you klutz." Smiling at him as she stuck her middle finger, I covered my mouth to keep from laughing at how unexpected it was. 

Last Edited: 6/27/21 

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