Chapter Nine: Bana-Chan

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Staring up at the ceiling lost in thought, I decided to make myself some tea when Yuki-itoko walked through the door. "Hey, welcome home."
Nodding in agreement, she took her shoes off before plopping herself onto the sofa. "I saw your boss by the way, he was walking past a diner my co-workers and I were at. We bumped into each other and made small talk for a bit."
Feeling my cheeks warm up, I turned back to the kettle as I cleared my throat. "Really? That's good then, I messaged him about his hand but he never replied to me." Technically I wasn't really lying. Seeing the steam coming out from the kettle, I turned the heat off before transferring the water to the mug.
"Yeah, but he seemed weird. I don't know how to describe it! His hand looked really bad, it looked almost black!" Muffling her words against the couch pillow, I walked up to Yuki-Itoko just as she turned around. "The diner he passed by was pretty far from the clinic, not to mention he looked pretty lost in thought."
Humming in thought at what she said, I finished brewing my tea. "Well I'm going to the room, if you're gonna sleep on the couch let me know, okay?" Yawning widely as Yuki-Itoko waved me off, I sheepishly smiled at her; making my way back to the bedroom.
Biting my lower lip anxiously when Isami-san left me on read, I decided to change out of my pj's and into some comfortable long sleeve clothing since it got chilly at night.
Texting Isami-san when I finished.
Me: Not sure if you forgot to message back or not...but
Deleting the sentence, I began walking back and forth deciding what to write when I made the decision to just let my gut write.
Me: Are you okay?
Feeling my heart about to burst through my chest, I stared up at the ceiling while lying on the floor, contemplating my life in the moment when my phone started buzzing.
Checking the Caller ID, it was Isami-san. Hitching my breath as I stared wide-eyed at my phone ringing, I cleared my throat and answered the call. "He-hello?"
"I'm not okay." Hearing Isami-san panting through the phone, my worries engulfed me.
"What happen?"
"A lot. A lot has happened...I'm sorry for not messaging back sooner, I uh...I got busy."
"Don't worry about it Isami-san. But if you're not okay, what's going on?"
"It's...I've just..been really overwhelmed with the hospital, and something else."
"Something else?" Scrunching my brows confused, he sounded worse for wear.
"Don't worry about it, it's nothing really." Hearing him softly chuckle at the other end, I hugged under my legs.
"Okay, but why did you call instead of text?" Silence met my ear. I waited for a moment thinking the connection was bad. "Hello? Isami-san?" It was still quiet on the other end till I heard muffled voices.
Hearing Isami-san slurring his words a bit, my blood ran with the feeling of ice when I heard a familiar voice through the phone.
"No dumbass, no hospital's. Right now I need my medical bag from the car. After I stabilize him, take him back to his home."
'Ha-...Hayama-kun? But why is he...what does he mean by..?'
"Oi, Isami-sama. I need you to keep your eyes open okay? This is going to hurt like hell but stay with me, got it? I need you to bite down on this as hard as you can." Hearing the sound of rummaging in what I can only assume is Hayama-kun's medical bag. "Alright I got it, I'm going to give you half of this, which should be enough to get you moving since you'll need to be under anesthetic's." The muffled screams coming from Isami-san erupted and I felt myself holding my breath. "I know, I know it burns, but you're fully up now which is good. I'm going to start lifting you up and towards the car, we're going to take you home and hopefully get all of the bullets and fragment's out."
Covering my mouth with my wounded hand, I felt tears prickling the edge of my eyes.
"Can you hurry this up any faster?"
"Oh yeah, if you want him to bleed out faster, then sure." I can't even bring myself to chuckle at his dry sense of humor at the moment.
"A Cleaner from the mansion is going to be here soon, he'll clean up the blood and bodies so there won't be any traces that Isami-sama was here."
"We're lucky he hasn't died with the condition he's in." After a moment of listening to the sound of Isami-san yelping in pain, his breathing became ragged as he mumbled after regaining his breath.
"What about her man, don't think that this is going to be your last words, cause they aren't."
" she...on phone?"
With my eyes widening in fear, I quickly hanged up and practically threw the phone away from me. Startling myself when I sniffled and tears were running down past my chin.
'Bullet's instead of a bullet? What the hell happened after Yuki and him talked? And bodies?! How many bodies were they talking about! This is insane, what the fuck is going on!?'
Running my fingers fast through my hair, I jumped when my phone began ringing. Scrambling to pick it up, it was Hayama-kun. Biting my lower lip, I answered the call since my worry and curiousness overpowered my fear.
"Bana-chan, I...I know this probably isn't easy, but I need your help. He'll die soon if I don't have your hand's with me."
'So Hayama-kun knew I was listening? What am I going to do?'
"I know you're scared right now because of the situation, but we're doctor's. And as one doctor to another, I need your help."
"I...I don't know..m-my hand is still pretty bad."
"It's fine Bana-chan, we'll worry about that when we get to it. I'm going to sen--."
"Leave Tach--..Tachi out..of this."
"If I leave her out of this you'll die Isami-sama. You need surgery and we can't do that at the hospital right now." Hayama-kun tried whispering but he was never the type to whisper.
"No..she doesn--."
"Put me on speaker!" I managed to shout after I had made my way to the far back of my room, careful not to wake up Yuki-Itoko. 
"I said to put me on speaker." Wiping the tears off my cheeks and blowing my nose in a semi-wet towel I used earlier, Hayama-kun informed me that I was on speaker. "I'm going. I'm a doctor first and I refuse to let something as death scare me away from helping someone in need. Hayama-kun, send me the address. Yuki got home not too long ago so I'll use her car."
"That won't be necessary Miss Tachibana. We sent you a car, they should be there now or soon." Someone's voice I haven't heard yet spoke.
"Either way I'm going. I swear you better not fucking die on my way there." Hanging up the phone, I grabbed my purse and stuffed it with a charger, my keys, a notebook and pen to log his progress after, and a few hair-ties.
Tiptoeing out the Livingroom while Yuki-itoko snored like a behemoth, I put my sneakers on and locked the door behind me before waiting for the car to arrive.
Opening and slamming the car door as I ran to the front entrance, the large double doors opened seconds before I made it. Pushing my way through a small opening when the doors took too long, my sneakers squeaked against the marble floor as there were two rows of people on either side of the hallway; bowing in respect longer than a minute, making me feel meek that all I gave was a simple head bow.
"Wh-where's Isami-sama?" Following a tall women who took me down to the basement after dismissing everyone else, I rolled up my sleeves and tied my hair in a secured bun when I got lead behind plastic walls.
This is some legit action or horror movie shit. Everything's been prepped from head to toe to make it look like a wannabe surgical room. There's a few bodyguards with nervous expression's on their face, and Hayama-kun in a surgical gown. Bowing in thanks to the women who had brought me here, she quickly left as I started to put the surgical gown, gloves, and mask on.
"Bana-chan you're here." Nodding at Hayama-kun calmly taking bullet fragments out, he beckon me to come closer. "He had a head wound but I controlled the bleeding and stitched it up. There's a bullet lunged near his ribcage and it seems to be causing more than discomfort to his lungs. I haven't dealt with this kind of surgery but I know you did before."
"Yeah, once or twice though. This kind of injury isn't that common in the hospital to be studied enough."
"Please Bana-chan, if not the bullet, then the infection could kill Isami-sama." Looking at the unconscious figure on the table, I stared at Isami-san's face; a breathing mask keeping him under sedation.
Growling in frustration I took a look at the x-ray scan next to Hayama-kun. "Just...just give me a minute." Nodding in understanding, Hayama-kun worked quickly to get the outer layer of fragments out while I started thinking of procedures to take the bullet out. "Did you do a CT scan?"

Freezing his hands, Hayama-kun's eyes widen in realization. "Fuck. No I didn't, I was more focused on having him alive in the moment."
"Then we need to stop! The bleeding seems controlled for now but without a CT scan we can't be sure if we're doing more harm than good. I know there isn't one here, but I think it may be a good idea to get him to the hospital."
"I don't thi--."
"We have new medical device's that are being worked on. We currently have two prototype's that are up and running for universal scan's such as M.R.I's, CAT, and X-ray's." Hayama-kun was suddenly cut off. Hearing a snap along with heels clicking into the plastic room, I recognized the blond man as Isami-san's brother and Chairman of Aldini Incorporation; Takumi Aldini.
Watching Erina-chan following behind him, my eyes widen as I gave a sudden bow. "Stand straight Bana-chan, there is no need for that right now." Gulping at Erina-chan words, I bit my lower lip again as I stood straight. "We heard the news and came over as quickly as we could."
Takum--I mean Aldini-sama, seemed distraught at the situation but is trying his best to keep his composure.
"That's right. Erina-hime brought over the prototype's in case you might've needed them."
"Wait...hime? Erina-chan I'm confused by what he means." Aldini-sama raised his brow and took a step forward when Erina-chan placed a hand in front of him, making him stop in place.
"Hime is just a title since I'm the heiress to the hospital, Tachibana-san." Knitting my brows confused, Aldini-sama eyes widen in shock before a women walked in and handed the two a briefcase. "All you need to do, is press the black button and move the device across Isami-sama's body. It'll blink a turquoise color once it's done, you just have to tap lightly on the blinking light to see, okay?"
Nodding while I blinked a few times after asking Hayama-kun to get it for me. Carefully taking the gloves off my hands, I did as Erina-chan instructed and a hologram of Isami-san's body appeared over him.
Stuck in awe at what I was seeing, I started to wonder how long this has been in development. 
Shaking my head, I have to remember why I'm here. Zooming in on the holographic image of the ribcage, I stared in shock. "The stuck in-between a ribcage, not near it."
"Erina-sama, Aldini-sama, I'm sorry but you need to leave the room." With Aldini-sama giving a short bow and walked out, Erina-chan pulled her hair into a ponytail while getting dressed in the gown.
"I'm a doctor too. Besides, it'll be bad for business if Isami-sama died."
Allowing her to help with the surgery once she finished getting dressed, we communicated and gave our ideas on what to do as we worked on the final bullet while trying to be careful of Isami-san's ribcage. Two hours had passed after Erina-chan helped us, which was good considering it would have been much longer without her.
Cutting the last piece of thread when Isami-san was all stitched up, both Erina-chan and I undid our tied hair when one of the men spoke. "You're all done now, right?"
"No, he's not out of the woods yet."
"Erina-chan's right. Isami-san needs a blood transfusion for what his body lost, along with I.V fluids and possible plasma transfusion."
"How much blood does it seem like he lost?" The other man asked.
"At least I assume two liters of blood from the total time we've been working on saving him." I replied.
"Aldini-sama, do you know what blood type Isami-sama and you are?" Erina-chan asked Aldini-sama after he was told to come in.
Giving a grimace look, Aldini-sama placed a hand behind his neck. "Isami's O positive and I'm A positive. Would giving him my blood work, since we're twins?"
Scoffing at the lack of basic information he had, I stared at Aldini-sama. "Well it's a good thing we know now. Not all blood types are compatible with one another, you might've ended up killing him without knowing."
Slanting his eyes at me warningly, I rolled my own and was more worried for Isami-san at the moment as I informed everyone.
"I'm a universal donor, my blood is O negative. I can give him the transfusion since he needs type O blood."
"Bana-chan, are you sure?" Nodding, I took the surgical mask, gloves, and gown off me.
"I'm sure Hayama-kun. After all, we each took the HIPPO oath to save lives, not to stand around and watch them die. And although what we did just now was considered illegal, I'm sure Erina-chan isn't gonna write us up for it." Feeling the air thicken with sudden tension, I sighed. "This is his house, right? We'll need to move him up to his room and get him situated, we'll do the transfusion there since it'll take time." 
"I'll head over to the hospital to get the plasma." 
"Don't bother with it Hayama-kun. If we have the equipment we can do it here while I'm giving him the blood transfusion." Looking at the bodyguards who have yet to move, I raised a brow at them with a strict expression. "I need him moved now."
After a moment of silence, they nodded their heads before taking Isami-san away. Following the three bodyguards out the basement, I heard Aldini-sama whispering to Erina-chan and Hayama-kun about something, but I was too far to hear.

Walking up several flight of stairs, I held the door open when the men informed me we had reached Isami-san's room. Taking a look around the room, I stared in awe and even gave a small smile when I saw some thing's we had similar interest in.
"I'll keep an eye on his vitals, I need each of you to grab these from Hayama-kun or from the basement since I have no clue where any of it could be." Writing down the stuff I needed for them to get, I handed the paper to the three as one of the men took it and all bowed before leaving the room.
Checking Isami-san's pulse it was weak but he's pulling through. Roaming around taking everything in, I smiled solemnly at the anime figurines he had at the far end of his room, grazing my hand against the granite table and the soft couches around it, I walked back over to Isami-san and noticed sweat running down his head a bit. 
Running over to the door, I shouted out for a bowl of cold water and a washcloth in a hurry. Going back to Isami-san's side I pulled down my sleeve and began pat drying the sweat when Isami-san's eyes struggled to open.
Smiling at him when he tried to keep focus on me by straining his eyes.

"He~y, you're up. That's good, but you need to rest more okay? Everything will be fine Isami-san, you'll be back on your feet in no time." As the three men from earlier came through the door along with a maid holding onto a bowl of water and a hand-towel on her arm, the maid placed the bowl on the bedside table. "Thank you, that's all." Saying it after realizing the maid stood while waiting, I started setting up the I.V fluids and the blood transfusion bags when Isami-san weakly grabbed onto my arm.
Snapping my gaze at him, I couldn't hear him when he tried to speak. Pushing my hair back as I lowered down to hear him, my brows knitted in confusion at what he said. "Le-leave...please." Turning to look at him, his eyes fluttered closed while his head fell to his right side.
"What did he say?" Looking at one of the men who spoke, I started finishing up the setup before injecting the needle into both my and Isami-san's arm.
"He was saying thank you before he passed out." Giving a curt smile at them, I pointed to the grey hang-around chair near the granite table. "Can one of you bring me that chair, I'm not about to stand this whole time or stay on his bed." With one of them giving a smirk and walking away, he came back with the chair. "Thank you. I can take care of the rest from here." With all three bowing a bit too deeply at me, they walked out and closed the door behind them. Sitting on the side of Isami-san's bed, I wringed the towel of water as the strong taste of metal filled my mouth. 
After about an hour of taking care of him, I checked on the triple blood transfusion bags to make sure he was getting enough from the blood he lost along with checking the plasma bag Hayama-kun had gotten for me from the hospital. Patting his face lightly with the cold hand-towel, I could see his pale skin getting some color again. Side smiling at his recovery, I bandaged myself up for the time being before checking his pulse and writing his progress down on a small notepad, eventually falling asleep with my head and arms on the bed. 

Gasping awake from the nightmare, I checked the time to see I had only slept for about three hours, making it a total of four or five hours since his surgery. Yawning, I pushed the tired tears out my eyes as I checked Isami-san's pulse again, once I had written it down I ate some food that was left out for me with a note. 
'Make sure you eat this before giving blood again, I know how stubborn you can be. -- Hayama.' Smiling at the note as I ate an apple, crackers and some grapes before I had re-injected my arm with a clean needle and blood bag. A half-hour flew by as I re-dabbed the towel in cold water in order to help Isami-san's body temperature, when I saw his eyes rapidly moving while his breathing quicken, startling himself awake shortly after and began shaking in fear; pushing himself forwards and almost bumping into me.
"Whoa hey, it's okay. You're alright Isami-san." Reassuring him as I gently rubbed his back to help him stop shaking. After his shoulders relaxed a little, I wringed out the water from the towel and dabbed it lightly against his head and neck while sitting on the edge of his bed. "It was only a dream, you're fine now."
Smiling at his shock filled face, Isami-san grabbed my non-needle injected arm that held the towel. "Why are you still here? I told you to leave!" He yelled with a bit of panic. 
Pouting angrily at him, I couldn't help myself out of anger and wacked the side of his head with my other hand. "How about a thank you for not letting you die, stupid!?"
Complaining about the pain when his eyes widen at me, his gaze followed from my needle-injected arm to the tube flowing through into the blood bags down to his own arm. "What doing with this?"
"It's a blood transfusion. You lost a lot of blood when you got shot and cut at, the last bullet was tricky because it was stuck in one of your ribcages but Hayama-kun, Erina-chan and I managed to get it out." Looking away when I felt my eyes getting teary-eyed, I bit my lip and pulled the hang-around chair closer towards the bed and sat down on that instead. "Anyways, we needed to work fast to get the blood flowing through you. Since I'm a universal donor and you needed type O blood, I figured it was the best idea to give you some of my blood." Yawning again when I saw the time being three in the morning. 
"But why are you here?" Isami-san glared while clenching his sheets. 
Is he really upset that I'm here? "I kind of..may of...sort of...heard, over the phone about uh...Hayama-kun rushing over to you. I heard everything and hanged up when you asked if I was still on the phone." Looking away as I brought my knees close, why am I suddenly feeling an ache in my chest? "I was pretty scared and confused on what happened and wondered why Hayama-kun said no hospitals, but I thought I hanged up before anyone became the wiser. I suppose Hayama-kun still knew I had listened in, seeing how he called me and asked for help."
"I'm shouldn't have been dragged into this." Scoffing at that, I stared at him in disbelief.
"I'm a doctor, Isami-san. It's basically my job to get dragged into these situations." Laying his head against the headboard, Isami-san began rubbing his eyes with a strained look. "You should get some more rest, you've been going in and out of sleep for the last half-hour or so."
"I can't sleep now, I have to get up." Pulling the blanket off of him, I outstretched my leg before pushing him back onto the bed with as little strength I thought I needed.
"You barely got out from my leg. What makes you think you can walk?" Raising a brow at his stubborn face, I sighed as I got up and grabbed the anesthetic.
"What is that?" Rolling my eyes at the panic in his voice, I gave him a stern look.
"It's simple anesthetic. As your physician at the moment until you get better, I'm giving you just enough to put you to sleep for now." Injecting the needle through the I.V bag, Isami-san seemed guarded but had eventually relaxed when I smiled and reassured him again. "I'm going to stay and check up on you. You're stable which is more than what the others had hoped for, so trust me when I say you're in good hands."
Cautiously nodding as he started laying on the bed, his eyes began drifting while I kept smiling at him, his eyes fully closed followed by light snores.

With a knock at the door, I waved at Hayama-kun who entered. "Hey Bana-chan, how is he?"
Yawning just before I was about to speak, I wiped the tear streaks from my eyes. "He woke up not that long ago, but I gave him some anesthesia cause he was agitated and couldn't sleep."
"It's good that he woke up, do you want me to take you home?"
Shaking my head at his offer, I took the needle out carefully while biting hard against my lip. "I-I'll be fine, I need to know whether or not he'll make a full recovery though. Since the bullet was lodged into the bone of his ribs, it'll be a while before it can heal." Putting a cotton ball and bandage over the small wound, Hayama-kun patted my head and left; closing the door behind him after telling me he was going to inform the others.
Curling into a fetal position on the chair, I wore one of Isami-san's oversized hoodie and used it as a blanket, getting comfortable right before I allowed sleep to take me over.

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