Chapter Five: Bana-Chan

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Turning around at the familiar nickname coming from the person, my body shook as I probably looked like I was on the verge of tears. Shikao still growling warningly at Isami-sama. 
Once I was able to get my bearings, I ordered the pup to stop. "Shikao, Fermare!" Instantly stopping as he sat on all fours breathing heavy, I limped over to Isami-sama who gave me wide eyes. "You okay? Sorry I didn't see you." Taking my hand out, he grabbed it as I used my second hand to help him. 
Hissing in pain at my hand, I let go of Isami-sama's hand and he fell back, apologizing to him as I began putting pressure on the wound. "Are you okay? What happened?" Asking me in curious concern, I shook my head as I saw him quickly stand up. 
"I just fell...hard, and I scratched my hand along the way." Chuckling through the pain, there was no point in having someone like him worry over this. 
Snatching my wounded hand, I bit my lower lip at the immense pain. "Scratch huh?" Giving me a motherly glare, I chuckled nervously as he sighed, opening the car door for me. "Get in, I'll take you to the hospital so you can get it healed." 
Opening my mouth to refuse, I remembered the germ infested metal that had taken a liking to my hand. Closing my mouth, I held my hand as I stood firm. "Shikao has to come with us." 
"Sure." Agreeing rather too quickly for me, he opened the back seat for Shikao. 
Walking up to the back seat, Shikao looked at me with a tilted head as I nodded in response, causing Shikao to jump inside the back seat before making himself comfortable. Closing the door after Shikao was inside, Isami-sama still held the passenger door for me as I limped inside; slowly sitting down on the seat. 
After I had made sure everything was inside the car in one piece, Isami-sama gently closed the door and was about to head over to the drivers side when a bulky man came running towards Isami-sama. About to yell "be careful" at him, the guy stopped and bowed as the two started to converse for a moment. 
'Is he his bodyguard? I remember seeing two of them when he first entered the hospital, but--.' Cutting my thinking off, Isami-sama stared at me for a moment which caused me to smile and wave hello at him like an idiot. 
Turning back to the bulky man, I sighed nervously before Isami-sama went to the drivers side, the bulky man running back in the direction of where I had just came from. 
"Everything alright?" Nodding without a word, Isami-sama didn't speak the whole car ride to the hospital which made everything ten times more awkward for myself as he speeded through the lanes. "S-so, um...what brought you to where I was?" 
Really Bana-chan? Way to make this even more awkward! He probably won't even reply. "I was looking for a bakery and was told that area had some good ones." 
Is there a bakery? I don't even know anymore, I can't think straight with all this tension. "I-I see." 
Chuckling nervously at that, we made it to the hospital in thankfully one piece. "Shikao can stay in my car while you're inside." 
Getting out the car too quickly for me to say anything, I didn't realize till now that the windows were cracked open halfway. Looking at Shikao, I smiled and patted his head. "You were such a good boy! Thank you Shikao, I don't know what would've happened if I was by myself." Breathing heavy with a smile and an "arf" from him, I instructed Shikao to stay in the car. Laying down as he looked up at me, I couldn't help but giggle at him. "Good boy." 

Opening the door, Isami-sama was waiting for me on the hood of his car when he heard me open the door; holding it open before closing it for me once I was out. "Do you need help? I noticed you were limping earlier." 
Shaking my head, I smiled. "I'll be fine! I have a sprained ankle, I'll be fine as long as I ice it properly." Humming at my comment, Isami-sama stayed close to me rather than walking on ahead. After the automatic doors opened, he asked --more so told-- me to stay where I am until he came back. Sighing as I sat on one of the waiting room chairs, I stared at the ceiling and thought about the events from this morning. 
"Tachi-san?" Snapping my neck at Isami-sama, he came back with a wheelchair. 
Looking at him embarrassed, I started lightly arguing with him. "I don't need a wheelchair! I can perfectly walk on my own." 
"Yeah, with a limp. Besides, I'm pretty sure you're suppose to stay off a sprained ankle, not make it worse by walking on it." Pouting angrily at him, I knew he was right but didn't want to say it. Sighing, I pushed myself up before sitting on the wheelchair and Isami-sama pushed me into the ER. 
"BAN/A-C/HAN?!?" With three of my closest friends running towards me, I smiled nervously at them. "What the hell happened?!/You look like shit!" Satō-kun and Aoki-kun blurted at the same time, causing the both of them to glare at each other as they started arguing with another. 
"Bana-chan, are you alright?" Megumi-chan asked as she lowered herself to my level. 
Smiling at her and the others, I nodded as I showed my hand. "I need a tetanus shot and stitches though." Megumi-chan shrieked at the sudden wound being shown --and still bleeding down my wrist-- as Aoki-kun took the wheelchair from Isami-sama. 
"I'll take you to a room quickly so we can give you a tetanus shot." 
"Right, I'll prep and gather a stitching kit!" Megumi-chan ran after speaking. 
"I'll ask Erina-sama if she can do the stitches for you since we're all busy." Nodding at Satō-kun as he ran to find her, Aoki-kun took me to the room as Isami-sama followed. 
"U-um, Isami-sama? You don't have to stay with us, you can go you know." I smiled at him, hoping he got the message. 
"I'm not busy." Feeling my face twitch in annoyance as he continued. "Besides, your dog is in my car, would you'd rather I'd take him with me?" 
Shooting a warning glare at him, Isami-sama kept a calm gaze and stuck his tongue at me when no one was looking. Causing me to give him an angry pout at his sudden childishness, he smiled at me like he knew what I was saying. 
"I'm also pretty sure you didn't expect to come here, seeing how you didn't drive." Realizing that my keys were also at home, I pouted again while looking away in defeat. 

After Aoki-kun made sure I got on the bed alright, he placed my hand in a bowl of sterile water before bowing at us goodbye, leaving to get the tetanus medication. 
My hand shook as it was getting disinfected, biting my lower lip to keep from getting teary-eyed, I tried breathing through the pain. "Does it hurt?" Looking at Isami-sama, he had laid down on the bed with his eyes closed and his arms behind his neck. 
"A...a little, not that much." Trying to keep my voice calm, Isami-sama sighed annoyed at me. "Thank you for taking me to the hospital, you didn't have too." 
"You were limping and bleeding. How could I not feel responsible when you work for me?" Ah. So that's why, huh. 
Staring at the ceiling, I sighed as Megumi-chan entered the room with the numbing medication and stitch kit. "Erina-sama says she'll be here soon, she assigned me to look after her patients while she's taking care of you." Smiling back at Megumi-chan, I could already feel the pain lessen quickly. 
"It's okay! I'm sorry if I made your day tough by coming here." Giving me a scowl, I felt myself shrink as she stated lecturing me. 
"Please don't say that Bana-chan! Everyone worries about you because we care!" Tilting her head after she was done, she smiled as Aoki-kun came back with the shot; handing it to Megumi-chan before running out the room. Megumi-chan and I looked from the door to each other and shrugged, giving me the tetanus shot as she spoke. "Erina-sama will be in soon, let her know that I gave you the shot, okay?" 
"Okay Megumi-chan." Smiling back at her, she left the room and my face instantly fell after she closed the door. 'I really hate making other people worry. I know that they care about me, but it's just so tedious and stupid when they know I can take care of myself.' Sighing out loud, I heard Isami-sama say something but I barely paid attention as the door opened; revealing the person I didn't want to see. 
"Bana-chan!! I heard you were hurt, are you okay?" Ren Uyeno asked in concern. Looking at him deadpan, I refused to acknowledge him as I turned back around to watch the window. "O~i~? Ba~-na-cha~n!" Kneeling in front of me, he gave me one of his signature smile that no other girl could say no to as he held my non-wounded hand. "Bana-chan, I can protect you and make sure you won't get hurt like this again, just agree to be my girlfriend." 
"No. Now leave before I call security again." Smiling warningly at him, he simply chuckled and continued as I dropped the smile. 
"Bana-chan, I understand your feelings are too much to understand what's happening, but pleas--." 
Standing as I yanked my hand back from him --my wounded hand still in the water-- I glared angrily at him and spoke in a cold tone. "I said no. What part of no do you not understand? Leave me alone or I will make sure my answer is understood this time." 
Standing at this, he looked at me seriously as he spoke, almost raising his voice at me. "I like you Bana-chan! Will one date kill you?" Scoffing at him as he put his hands in his pocket, my eyes widen suddenly at what he said. "Why won't you even consider understanding my feelings! Even your own father considered that I may be a good match for you!" 

Everything about him I can understand; his condescending, spoiled rich kid attitude, that doesn't even understand the meaning or words from another person that isn't interested in him, because he's been fed with a silver spoon since birth. I can take all his fake lovey-dovey crap, but he just crossed the line with this.
Feeling myself snap, I grabbed the metal bowl I was using for my wounded hand and smacked Ren Uyeno across the face as I gave a look to kill. 
Feeling my body shaking with rage as my conscious went numb. 
Throwing myself onto him as I roared, I grabbed him by the collar with my wounded hand and brought his face closer to mine. "I don't care WHAT you fucking say to me! But you leave that bastard out of this! My father doesn't have ANYTHING to do with my goddamn life!! Anything he says has nothing to do with me--GOT IT!!?" Feeling someone grab me in a tight hold around my waist, I was squirming and screaming to get out of the person's grasp before acknowledging the fact that I had punched the hell out of Ren. Seeing Ren getting help up and out of the room by security, I tried to use my legs to kick him on his way out. 
"AMBROSIA!" Stopping once the door closed and I no longer saw that bastard, my body still shook in rage as Erina-sama looked from me to the person holding me and then back at me. 
"B-Bana-chan? It's okay now, h-he's gone...if you want, I'll help you file a report against him later?" I glared menacingly at the door, even knowing Ren Uyeno was no longer there. 
Feeling myself calm down after a bit, my shoulders began to relax as the person holding me sat me down on the bed. 
Staring at my hands, it didn't take long to realize it was Isami-sama that held me back from making things worse. 'Great. I lost control because he mentioned my bastard of a father.
"I apologize on Bana-chan's behalf, Isami-sama. She's normally not like this, honestly." 
Staying quiet as Erina-sama was trying to swallow her pride and cover for me, I sighed quietly in relief as Isami-sama spoke. 
"It's fine, she's on her day off. If she wasn't, it would have been a different story." Feeling him stare at me, I refused to say anything as Erina-sama took a look at my wounded hand from earlier and my bruised hand from beating Ren's face. 

"At least your cut up hand is fine, if you beat him up with this I would've scolded you." Frowning deeply as I kept my gaze on the ground, Erina-sama tried to get me to talk as she numbed my hand and then worked on the stitching, but nothing worked so far for her. "Just watch. He'll be gushing over how you touched him and gave him more words than just one later." Cracking a weak smile at that, I can't say that she's lying. "He~y, cheer up okay? In a few days when you come back, he'll be dying to ask you out again. Crazy masochist just doesn't know when to quit!" Scoffing a laugh at that, I held my sides with my bruised hand as it turned into actual laughter, knowing she was right. "See! There you are, thought I lost you for a second there." Smiling at each other, I started apologizing when she stopped me halfway. "Hey, he had it coming. He's been practically harassing you for several months now anyway. I don't know why you don't just report him and get him kicked out." Shrugging at that, Erina-sama pouted at me before flicking my forehead. "It's because you're stubborn, Ba~ka-chan!" 
Giggling at the nickname she's given me, I looked down at the nicely tighten stitches. "What kind of stitches are these?" Erina-sama smiled brightly as she got me to speak more. 
"They're the dissolvable kind. I recommend taking it easy, even when you come back to work until your hand is healed. Just remember; no soaking it, or getting it dirty. Make sure to use antibiotics when you leave it uncovered, okay?" 
"Ye~s doctor." Excusing herself back to work, Isami-sama and I were alone yet again. Deciding to call Yuki-Itoko and let her know how I am, she answered before nearly deafening my ear. 
"Where the hell are you?! You wrote in the note that you would've been back by now! It's been two hours dammit!! I left you voicemails and text messages but you never responded!
"Sorry, I ended up falling pretty hard and had cut my hand open. I'm at the hospital right now and I just got stitches." 
"Stitches?!" Moving the phone away from my ear, Yuki-Itoko started nagging me again about how I should be more careful. "Why do I have such a klutz for a cousin!?
Getting irritated now, I sighed. "I'll be on my way home with Shikao, I forgot my keys so do you think you can leave the door unlocked?" 
"I told you to make a spare! I can't keep leaving the door unlocked, what if there's a burglar before you come home? Besides, I have to leave for work now or else I'll be late.
Chewing my lower lip, I kept my gaze on the ground. "Then how about I go to your work and pick up your keys? After I get my keys from home, I'm gonna go back to the hospital anyways for my car. I'll return the keys to you after, okay?" After she sighed and said okay, we hung up. 

"Does your cousin often worry?" Looking at Isami-sama who was still lying on the bed with his eyes closed, I nodded with a sigh. 
"To be honest, it gets really annoying. I love her, but sometimes she needs to understand that I'm not a child anymore." 
"I get it. Is that why you didn't tell anyone how you really cut your hand?" Staring at him wide-eyed, he sat up straight from the bed before looking at me seriously. "My bodyguard saw someone running after you, and when you were running at our direction, he decided to check out what happen. He told me about the rusty metal you impaled on the guys calve, didn't take long to put two and two together about how you hurt your hand." 
Gulping nervously, my voice shook as I spoke. "A-are you going t-to tell anyone?" 
Closing his eyes, he stared at the ceiling for a moment as he answered. "I won't, under one condition." 
"A condition? That being?" Looking at me, he grinned widely which caught me off guard. 
"I won't tell anyone as long as we become friends." Dropping my head to my left shoulder, confusion was evident on my face. 
"You want us to be friends?" He nodded. "In exchange for you not telling anyone?" He nodded again, still smiling. "Why? What'll you gain from this?" Humming in thought, he looked at the window childishly as he looked back at me and answered. 
"That's my little secret." 

Last Edited: 4/28/2021 

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