Chapter 22

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The next day went swell, just like the last. Only exception was I didn't take a shower in the morning. I learnt every child's name, which was surprisingly easy. Maggie was nowhere to be seen, which makes me wonder what she does everyday. Surely not work! She's way too young! Cody also hasn't visited yet, but I need to relax; it's only been two days. I don't expect him to show up everyday and interact with me.

After work ended, I finally got to setting up my phone, and the first thing I downloaded was Instagram because I forgot Elli and El's numbers. After a hello text, they both exploaded in our mini group chat about where I went, so I briefly explained to them and after waiting they didn't respond. For the whole night. And the next and the next, and soon a week flew by.

Recently though, I've been really anxious whenever I sense Dimitri's presence, and I couldn't help but hide off somewhere. It's something about his cold stare that sends shivers down my spine. I can never truelly understand why I can sense him though, because just a few weeks back at my old pack, I couldn't sense someone when they were just a few feet behind me. It all gets confusing and my head starts heating up and next thing I know I wake up because apparently I passed out. I tried asking Artemis about this, but he responds with a whine and isn't talking.

Speaking of heat though, it's getting closer towards the end of the month and I still don't know what to do for when my heat comes. At my old pack, those days I wouldn't be allowed to go to school, and the men took care of me, leaving no time to rest. When I did, I took cold baths because my body is already super hot, so those would help grately. It's strange honestly; when I ask the other girls about their heats, they always say they want sex and their mind is hazy, but mine's a lot different. My body heats up to dangerous levels and it ultimately feels like I'm in an inferno. No sexual thoughts, just hot. I don't even like being near anybody because their body temperature would radiate out and make me even more hot. So that's why I try to spend most my time in cold water or areas.

That leads to me being here: right outside of the Alpha's office with Sylvia giving me some time off to deal with this dillema. But I don't exactly want to go in. For one, I can sense Dimitri in there, and two, a heated argument is slipping through those doors and it's so bad I could submit by just listening. As I listened on, the argument started making sense. Dimitri needs to start ruling soon, but he wants to wait till his mate comes. There was a long pause, so I took the oppurtunity to knock on the door, because maybe it died down?

The door was opened by a servant and I could now see that Dimitri and Alpha Angelo staring intensly at each other while sitting on couches with a table separating them. The Luna, who'se name I don't know yet, was sitting beside Alpha Angelo. She popped up and quickly made her way across the room, a look of worry etched on her face.

Once out and the doors were closed, she spoke. "Hi darling! What's the problem?" I took a couple moments to take in her appearance: a slimmer lady with blonde curls falling to her shoulders with big doe eyes the color of honey, and to top it off, a red dress that hugged her just right.

"Oh," I started, "well my, uh, heat is supposed to come soon and I, uh, don't know where to go or what to do." The pace we were walking at took a bit of my uneasiness away, but it was still hard to confront her.

She laughed a shrill laugh while leaning over and patting my shoulder lightly. "It's a good thing you know when your heat is supposed to come! Don't want you to randomly get it while working." She abruptly stopped and pulled me in the opposite direction, somehow looping our arms together. "Don't worry darling, Luna Macy is here for you and I'll lead you to the room you'll be staying in." I sighed in relief to finally know her name and know that there's a place I can go.

Luna Macy soon started to talk about the rooms, and I gathered that they are soundproof and smellproof, only Omega's will come to serve me food, there's a Twin sized bed in there, and an attachment with a bath and toilet (with a sink added). Soon we were infront of that room and Luna Macy pulled out an Expo marker off a stand beside the door. She turned to the door and started writing on a bord hanging on it.

Owen Smith



Then she turned to me, "How long do your heats last?"

"About two to three days I think?" I responded.

2 - 3 days, maybe longer


She turned back to me while placing the marker down. "Now you have your room! Just make sure to put a check mark where the X is when you go in. Don't want to starve you." She laughed again, so I laughed a bit out of pure akwardness. She started walking away and told me we should talk one day, I nodded but I'm not sure she saw it.

Soon after, I returned back to the play room to find Sylvia waiting for me with all the children and the day went on like normal. We walked around outside and I got to play my flute for them, just like time went back, I felt in my place again. Just laughing with everyone without a care.

But a thought kept running wild in my mind: who exactly is Dimitri's mate? And that thought made me quite envious of that lucky person.

Ack I got todays schedule under control.

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Special hint: next chapter will be HoT

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