Extra Scenes pt. 2

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It was a normal day for me I did some Luna things and helped around the pack. Since Dimitri has been out to recruit more people, it left the kids and I alone for about a month. He'd make small stops to drop off and introduce the new members.

Peyton is being a troublesome ten year old, while Elias has never once left my side. They're always terrible during the day, and needy at night.

Word suddenly spread throughout the link that Dimitri was back, and my heart skipped a beat. I grabbed Elias in a hurry and sprinted down the halls. It was a bit tough with a crystal leg and a small child, but I thumped my way there.

By the time I made it to the door, nobody was there. I sighed and placed Elias on my hip, then started my way towards the announcement hall.

"Mommy? Are you okay?" My precious Elias. Always worrying about me; like an angel.

"Just a bit anxious, Sweetums." I set him on the ground, and looked around for something.

"Go find your sister Elias, then go to the announcement hall. That's where Daddy and I will be." Elias nodded like a doll and scurried off.

I readjusted my glasses and kept walking to my mate. God I miss him.

Once I was there, butterflies erupted in my stomach and I could only stand there frozen in place. My mate is on the other side of this large red curtain.

"Momma?" I looked down in surprise to see Elias again. He was wriggling in place and wringing his hands on his blue shirt.

"What's wrong Bub?" I asked while picking him up and placing him on my hip. He buried his head in my neck and looped his arms around.

"Peyton is with Papa," he whispered. I smiled and pat his silver head of hair.

"Thanks Bubba. Let's go meet them!" I jumped up and down before pushing both of us through the curtain.

The stage was filled with new people and new scents that made my nose twitch. I settled down a bit and limped towards Dimitri and Peyton. Elias struggled out of my grip and ran to hug Peyton. I smiled longingly at Dimitri and quickly ran the short distance to him.

He hopped up and scooped me into a hug while spinning around. I laughed and breathed in his wonderful scent. It's great to have him back.

"I missed you so damn much," he whispered in my ear. I smiled into his neck.

As we finally calmed down and I took my place next to his chair, the ceremony finally began. All the newbies stood in a single file line, just like I did so many years ago.

The first couple of people went and I was already intrigued. My kids, though, were not.  Elias was snuggled fast asleep in Dimitri's lap while Peyton kept squirming in mine. She whined when I held her close to stop moving.

My patience was running thin. I whispered harshly in her ear to stop moving, which made her still for a moment. She turned around in my lap so I could see her tear brimmed eyes and guilt immediately flooded my expressions.

I hugged her close and quickly apologized over and over again. She eventually calmed down and fell asleep in the crook of my neck.

I sighed in relief and adjusted Peyton's body to balance it on my side, then leaned over and picked up Elias from Dimitri's lap. He gave me a small look of thanks so I smiled and linked that I'll take the kids to their room.

I hobbled to their room then gently tucked them into bed while humming a little tune from Scarborough Fair. As soon as they looked peaceful, I left for the mess hall once again.

I made it back in one piece, but with a sore leg now. I was panting slightly when I sat down, so Dinitri handed me a bottle of water while in the middle of asking a question. I quieted down a bit and checked down the small line of people.

There were four people left: two girls then two boys after them. They looked pretty average, beside the fact that the guy on the very end had a black eye and bruised knuckles. I smiled and took down my hair to readjust it into a cleaner braid.

Once we got to the last person, I was extremely engrossed. The fact that one was left was a bit saddening, but I still enjoyed every second of it.

"Hello, I am Alpha Dimitri," he said with a feigned interest. I can tell my mate is pretty tired from talking and traveling, and he just wants to take a nap.

"And I'm Luna Owen," I added. I am beyond excited for his back story, and really wanted the new guy to start speaking.

A matter of fact, the new guy gave me a quizzical look while scrunching up his face. Then, after a moment of silence, the boy stood up from his chair and leaned over to pull me up with him.

I gave a shocked expression as he leaned in and gave me the tightest hug I had ever felt. I pat him on the back quickly so he unlatched himself from me.

In an instant, though, he raised my hand and pecked it with his lips while getting down on a knee. I looked over to see Dimitri fuming in his seat about this strange person's behavior.

"I am Aaron!" He exclaimed. "Remember all those years ago when I promised to marry you?"

I shook my head and looked over to see Dimitri giving me a questioning look. I broke out in a nervous sweat and quickly tugged my hand away.

"I'm sorry- Aaron? I don't remember you." I said as I scooted closer to my mate for comfort. I felt bad as he started to tear up and looked down to the floor.

"You don't remember ten years ago when a strange Alpha came to our pack and demanded you?" He questioned. "Then how your own mother disowned you because you weren't a virgin?"

"How you went crying into the house and a tiny boy was there for you because he, too, was being abused by the pack without knowing it? How this tiny boy made a promise with you that the two of us would marry, mate or not, when he finally escapes that terrible place and finds you?"

By then, even I broke into tears and covered my mouth with my hands. This man in front of me knows every little detail about my past.

But I do remember everything now.

The strong man in front of me used to be a quivering boy that I protected! And we did promise to marry each other.

Now is different, though. I don't want to bewed this man, because I have one of my own now.. Along with two darling kids that I love more than everything in the world.

"Listen kid. You can't marry my mate." Dimitri said as he stood up to comfort me. There was malice in his voice, but he understood the pain both of us are going through. He kept his comforting strokes soft, so that way I didn't cry harder.

"I-I'm sorry Aaron, but I can't marry you." I sobbed.

Aaron smiled slightly in defeat. "Well, at least you have a good life that doesn't need saving from."

Then he slowly stood up and sat back in his seat. A pained look was on his face as he looked into his hands in his lap. I can tell Aaron wants to say something, but he kept his mouth shut.

"Shall we continue," he asked in a hushed voice. I so badly wanted to say no and leave to have a private conversation with us alone, but nodded instead.

Once the tantalizingly slow conversation was over, I quickly hopped up and ran from the room.

It's going to be a long week.

Bada bing Bada boom! I created an extra chapter!
I've been waiting to write this since chapter 16 lol.
Also, I've seen a lot of people add this book in reading lists that say "uncompleted stories" and I'd like to ssay that his story is completed! I'm just writing extra scenes now, but the story itself is completed.

Thanks for you time, goodbye!

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