What The Heart Desires

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Lubbock P.o.v

After my patrol, well, me figuring a way to infiltrate Borick's Mansion, I went back to HQ to report to Miss Najenda, and get some rest. On second thought, I will confess to Miss Najenda first, then do whatever I will do if she rejects me or not.

Once I've got to HQ, I searched for Miss Najenda, but she wasn't around. The only people in the place were Bulat, Sheele, Chelsea, and Bols. 'Maybe that blue horned bastard is hitting on her.' I thought while imagining Miss Najenda and Susano having a romantic scene. I shook my head to cast those negative thoughts aside.

I was sitting on the couch on the living room for almost one hour and a half. Everytime the door opened, I was ready to greet Miss Najenda, but to my disappointment, it was one of the others returning. The only people missing are Y/n, Susano, and Miss Najenda.

On cue, the door opened again. I looked at the door with entusiasm, but fate was playing with me. It was Y/n entering.

Lubbock: "Welcome back." I said with not much enthusiasm. I slumped back at the couch and sighed.

Y/n: "Well, that's a way to greet a friend. Were you expecting Najenda?" I looked at him and glared. His smile turned to a nervous one, and raised both of his hand. "The Boss. My bad." I looked at the cealing again, and sighed.

Lubbock: "You know I am." I crossed my arms. "The others are back except her. So, that means that the one who opens those doors is going to be her." He scoffed and chuckled.

Y/n: "You've finally decided to confess to her. I'm glad." He gave me a smile and a thumbs up. "I'm rooting for you. And if she rejects you, just come to my room and we'll talk or cope on your own way."

Lubbock: "Thanks man, I know I can count on you." I smiled, and he nodded.

Y/n: "Now, can you tell me where is the Imperial Arm that Zanku used? You know the eye ball? Oh, and some pen or ink?" He got confused as to why he need that Imperial Arm. Last time I remembered, he started to scream at simply touching it.

Lubbock: "It is in the closet where we leave our Imperial Arms. Top shelf, left side the moment you enter." I indicated with my hands. "And for the ink, bottom shelf, to your right." He nodded. "Why do you need the Imperial Arm?"

Y/n: "I'm writing a journal on what happened to me every day, and I want to describe each detail on what I saw and felt." He told me, but it felt like a lie.

Lubbock: "Like a biography of the experience in Night Raid?" He tilted his head side to side a few time.

Y/n: "More or less."

Lubbock: "Well, ok then." I said excited, ignoring the fact that it felt like a lie. "When this is over, and you finish writing it, I'll try to make loads of copy so we can sell it at our book shop." He gave thought and smiled.

Y/n: "It's not a bad idea. Thanks."

Lubbock: "No biggie. For the title, try 'My life with Nigth Raid' or 'Night Raid's Perverted Duo'." I smirked. He shook his head, and scoffed.

Y/n: "I'll think about it. Anyways, I'll be in my room. Good luck." He waved at me and walked away. I waved back, then I laid on the couch, waiting for the door to open.

I was nervous yet excited that I was finally going to confess to Miss Najenda. At first, I wanted to confess to her after this was all over, but thanks to Y/n, he gave me the little push I needed.

The door opened once more, and I looked at who it was. Once again, I was disappointed because it was Susano entering. I waited a few seconds, but she didn't appeared. I looked at Susano.

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