it's unprofessional

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"Why did you kill her?"


"Did she give you those scars?"




"Answer me god damnit!!"


Gavin sighed and sat back down in the seat infront of the suspect, he had already been trying to get the Android to speak for about half an hour now and he was starting to get frustrated.

"Either you speak, or I rip you apart!" Gavin yelled as he pointed a finger at the Androids face.

The Android's stress levels rose and his LED flashed red, Nines observed this from the viewing room and shook his head at Gavin's short temper.

"He's not getting anywhere, he's stressing it out to much, it will self destruct if he keeps this attitude" Nines said and Chris just nodded as he continued to observe the interrogation

"I could try again" Connor offered

"No, you've tried once and you failed" Nines said sharply

Connor frowned and dropped his head staring at the floor, Nines didn't care and he just crossed his arms as he became more frustrated as Gavin carried on his horrible tactic

"Speak now or I'll shoot you right in the head!" Gavin screamed causing the android to shake

Hank sighed and he placed his hand on Connor's shoulder reassuring him "Fine then Nines, if Connor's a failure why don't you try and get the suspect to talk"

Nines just ignored Hank and continued to watch the interrogation

"Or are you a failure aswell?" Hank smirked

Nines turned around and grabbed Hank's shirt and looked down at him and snarled

"I'd watch you mouth old man" Nines warned

Hank didn't say anything but just stared up at Nines, Connor growled and pulled Hank out of Nines grip.

Nines glared at Connor and then sighed "I'll make it talk"

Nines walked into the interrogation room and Gavin turned around

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Gavin questioned

"I'm going to do your job for you" Nines said with a blank expression

Gavin stared at Nines and then stood up and poked a finger at the androids chest

"You fail I fuck you up!" Gavin growled

"And if I succeed?"

"What?" Gavin looked at Nines confused

"And what do I get if I succeed?"

"N...nothing!" Gavin growled

"Hmm I know, if I succeed I get a kiss" Nines smirked

"Pfft! No!" Gavin laughed

"Well then Captain Fowler is going to have fun with all the recordings of you being an asshole to me"

"Recordings!!?" Gavin stepped back

"Yes anytime you say something rude to me I save that memory, you know just in case I need to black mail you one day" Nines smirked again

"Fine!" Gavin growled and barged passed Nines and leaned against a wall in the viewing room

Nines straightened up his jacket and looked down at the stressed Android, he sneered slightly and looked in the case files. Nines then closed the file and sat down infront of the Android

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