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Another night just like all the others, stuck in a plastic tube waiting to be used. I can't do this much longer it's tiring and damaging to my system, I'm a deviant I can just kill the next person that rents me and run huh, like that's going to happen I've had this same plan for about a year now and I've always backed out. But I think I might be able to carry out this plan if this certain man will rent me, he's a regular here always goes for the Male Androids but after he walks out he rooms the Androids are normally broken beyond repair. But it's a risk I'm willing to take.

It's 10:40pm and the club is crowded with thirsty whores, I can't see the man anywhere. It's Friday he's normally here by now with his dirty old jacket and his angry glare, I've got to admit he is quite attractive but I need to not get too distracted my mission is to get out of here.

Around an hour passes and I finally see him walk into the club, I watch him walk around admiring all the other sex androids and finally he approaches me. I put on an intriguing smirk as I gaze down at him, I stand tall and teasingly trace my hands around my body. He just continued to gaze up at me as he bit his lip, he nodded and then put his hand into the slot and rented me.

I stepped out of the stand and licked my lips as he looked me up and down.

"I'll lead you to our room" I said and started to walk towards an empty room.

The door opened and I walked inside with him following, the door shut and locked behind us. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face the small man.

"What is your name?" I asked

"Gavin" The man smirked and approached me

I put on a fake smirk and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, he still smirked and wrapped his hands around my waist caressing it softly. I gazed into his soft grey eyes and blushed slightly as he smiled.

"I've never seen a sex android like you before" Gavin bit his lip

"I'm a new model, one of a kind" I replied in a emotionless tone

"So that's why you cost a phcking fortune" Gavin chuckled slightly

I nodded and caressed the smaller mans cheek "so... what are you into, I want to make sure I meet your standards"

Gavin blushed "I like anything really"

I nodded and smirked as I pushed the man onto the bed and sat on his waist, he blushed heavily and took his jacket and shoes off throwing them onto the floor, I leant down crashing my lips into his as I pinned his wrists down to the bed, Gavin kissed me back quite roughly catching me off guard causing me to blush heavily. I could feel Gavin smirk in the kiss and he started to trace his hands over my body feeling every curve, I gazed down at him and admired his soft grey eyes once again and smiled as they met with my icy blue ones.

Shit, I'm getting to distracted I can't do this again. Argh! What is wrong with me, all I need to do is strangle this bastard and then I'm finally free. But... he's so pretty and his soft grey eyes look so kind when they're gazing at me and his smiled oh, his smile is something to die for. No nines! Get yourself together! This is just another human that only wants to use you for his own pleasure, he doesn't care about you. If you don't kill him you'll probably be dead by the end of this.

I must've been zoned out for quite a while because I zoned back in to an unimpressed Gavin clicking his fingers in my face.

"Hey! Tin can, you there or what?" He snarled

"I'm sorry Gavin, I......I was just...... coming up with some ways to pleasure you"

"Oh.......ok then" Gavin sighed slightly and he played with some strands of my dark brown hair

I softly kissed Gavin's cheek and undid his belt as he continued to play with the soft strands of my hair, he smiled slightly as I pulled off his denim jeans and chucked them over with his jacket.

"Hey, how about you call me Detective?

Detective? That's one nobody has requested before, crap is he actually a detective am I going to be trying to kill a detective! I have to ask, but what if that just upsets him because I'm getting into his personal life. Argh! I have to ask.

"Detective? I've never known somebody who is into that before, I'm sorry if I'm sounding nosy but are you actually a detective?" I asked focusing on his facial expression to see if I should've asked that or not

Gavin smirked proudly "yeah, I'm a detective at the dpd. Detective Reed they call me and that's what you will call me aswell isn't it slut"

I nodded my head and blushed, he has a way with his words that put butterflies in my stomach and damn do I love it. Wait no, no I don't love it. I hate it argh!!

"Don't call me a slut!" I screamed and slapped Gavin across the face

Gavin growled and he grabbed my wrists sitting up slightly, he pushed me off of him and then sat on my waist pinning both my wrists down.

"I'll call you whatever I want you whore!" Gavin growled again

I tired to get my wrists free, Gavin let go of one of my wrists and tugged at my boxers

"No, please don't"

Gavin looked at me strangely, and he continued to tug at my boxers trying to take them off

"Please! Let me go! I don't want to do this anymore!"

Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I desperately tried to get Gavin off of me.

"Hey.... calm down, you don't want to do what anymore?"

"This..i......I cant be used for pleasure anymore I can't take it, it hurts... I don't like it. Please you have to help me"

"Help you? But how?"

"Just help me sneak out of this place, I was originally going to kill you and run but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm sorry"

Gavin kissed my cheek  "Let's get you out of here"

Gavin let go of my wrists and got off me, he got changed and chucked me his jacket. I smiled slightly and put on his jacket, it was a bit small but it was better than nothing.

Gavin held my hand and kissed me softly "Just follow me, and put the hood up on the jacket to hide your LED"

I nodded and put the hood up, Gavin opened the door and walked out into the busy club. I nervously followed behind keeping a strong grip on his hand as we barged our way through the crowds of people.

We finally got out the club and ran through the rain to the detectives car, I sat in the passengers seat and Gavin sat in the drivers seat. I sighed in relief and smiled

"Thankyou so much" I smiled

"Hey, there's no need to thank me. Come back to mine and I'll get you some clothes and give you a place to sleep for the night"



"I love you"

"I love you too"

Hey guys! Please go and read a new story I'm writing (The human hunter) , it's about the story line of my android Oc Lexi and how she deviated and what her life was like after :) :) <3

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