Part 1

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*Part One*
Please enjoy this😅. I had to keep changing it up because I didn't like it at first. I tried to make it humorous and light hearted. Well a little I guess. But there is allot of swearing.

 But there is allot of swearing

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"Hey Kook." My very giddy best friend said jumping around then sitting next to me. He had bright red hair and wore circle rimmed glasses.

We sat in the commons at school which is usually where we have lunch, but I was to invested in my book to pay attention to him, or even eat.

"Kook, I said hi." He said waving his hand in my face.

I finally looked up at him and gave him a soft smile. "Hi Jimin." I told him. I then looked back down at my book. "Uh, Honorifics, and what are you even reading?"

I made a motion to him telling him not to worry about it, then he took it from my hands. "H-Hey!" I said trying to reach for it back but it was too late.

"Fifty Shades Of Grey?" He read out loud. "They let you keep this?"

"Its literature, so yes." I kept trying to take it back but he wouldn't give it. I eventually got up and went around the table for it and tried to take if from his hands. "Wait I'm not done." He said with a laugh.

Sooner then later I got the book back, but then someone else came by and took it right from my hands. "Wow whats this?" He said flipping the pages. "This is a bit erotic for school ya' know?"

It was Kim Taehyung. I fucking hate that guy.

He looked at me smirking then gave me the book back. "Keep your horny antics in your dorm." Rubbed my hair, then walked off.

"I'm not even horny!" I yelled to him, I got stares, from everyone. Sometimes its best I just don't talk. He looked back at me smiling then walked off.

I took my seat and placed my head on the table. "Good thing Lisa isn't here." Jimin said rubbing his fingers in my hair. You may wonder why that's relevant. Lisa, is my girlfriend.

We've only dated for a few weeks and she's extremely clingy. The only real reason I started dating her was because of Taehyung. He'd always call me "Gay" and have his friends pick on me. Even though he was always the one calling me pet names and stuff. Then would say No Homo.

I hated that.

So I decided to get a girlfriend to prove him wrong, it doesn't seem like he cares though he still calls me names. I try to rub it in his face but guess what, he still doesn't care.

He was "that guy." The Jock guy, player guy, pulled any girl type of guy. The very passive aggressive guy. And I hated it. Basically think of any high school cliché, he's probably done it all.

I don't know why I feel the need to impress him so much.

Something about him just made me want to prove him wrong all of the time. With his stupid face and annoying attitude. And the way he always smirked and dressed. No wonder every girl wants him.


I ran into him at phys ed. Well I didn't run into him we have the same class together. And we have to meet in the locker room to change. One of the places I hated being at with him. He was the kid who slapped others with towels. He was also the kid who snuck into the girls locker room.

Because of him we no longer have class with the girls.

I would usually wait outside the door for them to finish then go in, but my teacher caught me. And I remember the exact conversation we had that day.  "Jeon." He said sternly. "Why the heck are you standing out here? Go change."

"I don't wanna be in there with those guys." I told him. He sighed and shook his head.

"Your gonna have to for the next two years. So your gonna have to get used to it. Go in there." He pushed the door open then pushed me in. That was the last day I tried to hide out. Well,

I tried ducking away in the bathroom before so my teacher wouldn't see me but once he found out I was, he said he'd start paying special attention to me.

Today I arrived late because I had to make up missed work, so I made it to Phys ed later then usual. But it wasn't like I was excited to go. 

Right away I caught all the guys' attention. "Where ya' been Jeon?" One of the guys called out to me. I gave a halfhearted laugh and just walked to my locker. The moment I opened it someone else's things where in there.

"What the hell?" I said questioning if it was even my locker.

Then a shirtless guy came right over to me. He had his snug blue shorts with the school logo on it, and Calvin Klein underwear that showed the rim line. He turned me around and pushed me against the locker beside.

"Move, Thats my locker." He said. It was that asshole Taehyung. "What the fuck." I said rubbing my shoulder. "No it's not."

"It is now." He said. "You barely put anything in there. I need more space."
"So what? I don't care. Why don't you ask one of the many girls you fuck to share there's."

He laughed at me and rubbed my hair. "Just because I'm getting some and your not, doesn't mean you can act all tough." He smirked and walked off.

What. The. Actually. Hell. Whats that even suppose to me? He didn't even get his things out either. I just ignored it and tucked my things at the bottom of the locker.

It was now time for us to head out and met with our teacher. I was last to walk out because I was late and noticed Tae stayed behind. "Oh no." I said rolling my eyes.

I tried to walk around him but he blocked my path. "The hell do you want now?" I asked. "To add more shit in my locker?"
"No dummy." He said. "I want you."

I blinked twice at his words.

"The heck did you just say?" I asked. He pulled me into his waist and pushed my hair behind my ear. "I won't tell if you won't." He said.

"T-Tell what?" I said. My voice was shaking and I didn't know what to do. I felt frozen yet shaken, it was so confusing.

He then gripped my waist and pulled me in tightly. As it happened I let out a soft moan. He then noticed and smirked. "No Homo though."

He started laughing as two guys came from behind a bunch of lockers with a camera on. "Jeon's gotta boner." One of them said and the other one pointing at my crotch. This was completely embarrassing.
"No I don't!"

I felt tears start flowing down my cheeks as I ran out of the room with my hands covering my pants. I ran all the way to my room and barely remembered the run there. Why did he do these things to me? Does he do this shit just to taunt me?

I buried my face in my pillow and cried my way threw fifth and sixth period. I even locked the door so my roommate wouldn't come back and see me this way. This whole day has just been terrible.


This was a whole roller coaster for a first chapter.😅

But there's something coming in the next. It will be out tomorrow. ^~^

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