Part 15

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Part 15
Thank you for putting up with me this long😳
Disclaimer: there is violence in this so if you sensitive to any of it, please skip over. Thank you 💫


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I left Kook's house. I didn't even know what got over me. But I felt, weird. And I feel like I know why. But I don't wanna think about it. It hurts.
Hurt me even enough to start crying.
I held back the tears that where forming in my eyes. It started to make my face go red. Why is this happening to me? I kept questioning.

I took a seat at a bus stop and waited. I didn't feel like walking the rest of the way home. I looked over and noticed a lady and her baby. And he smiled at me, actually cheering me up.
I waved at the little guy and gave him a smile back, completely forgetting what went down at Jungkook's house.
Until my phone went off. It was a text from Kook.

Are you okay bro?
Im concerned. Why'd you act like that?

Suddenly remembering what I was so upset about. Jeon Jungkook.

I'm fine I just needed air.

People who "Just need air" Don't storm out in tears Hyung.
Tell me whats wrong😕

Its nothing honestly Kook. Have a good night.

The bus pulled in and I climbed on. I gotta call from him. I declined it. I hope I didn't scare him or anything. I texted him once more telling him I was just gonna head home an that I was alright and I meant it.

I got off of the bus and walked up the couple of stairs to my front door. I took a deep breath before walking through because I knew what awaited me on the other side. A dysfunctional  family.

My dad was sitting on the couch with a beer and my was in the kitchen cooking with my little sister.
I hung my hoodie on the coatrack and kicked off my shoes by the door.

"Please tell me that isn't the only think you wore out. Jimin its winter." My mom said to me mixing something in a pot.
"I didn't think it would be a problem I rode the bus." I said to her sitting at the island.

"Whats it with kids these day, huh?" My dad said taking a sip of his beer. "Putting fashion before there own well-being. Its ridiculous."
I ignored his comment with a sigh and continued to scroll on my phone. Until he kept going.

"It's like all they care about is their likes on the flicker-gram it's repulsive. They should stick to worrying about school."
"Its not always like that, dad." I responded getting a little annoyed. "And I told you I was taking the bus and wouldn't belong which is why I wore a hoodie."

"Are you talking back to me Jimin." He said standing up and throwing his bottle to the ground and shattering it. Causing my little sister to run upstairs in fear.
"Honey he didn't mean it." My mom said trying to calm him down. "Jimin apologize to your father."

I was already to far in. Mind as well finish this. "No." I said. "Because I'm right and he isn't." He walked towards me faster and I jumped from my seat and to the other side of the island. He chased me around profusely until he got a hold of my collar and pulled me up from the ground.

"In my house. I'm the only one whose right." He said to me deeply and lowly. The smell of alcohol flooded my nostrils. He dropped me to the floor and I hit the counter.
"Go upstairs." He said. "And don't even think about coming down for dinner. No way am I going to enjoy my meal with a sissy gay boy."

I ignored his ignorant comment once again and started up the stairs. Not before whispering something under my breath. "Asshole."

That about did it. Me and my father always fight but, never like this.

He ran up the stairs after me and tackled me once we reached the top of the steps. His large hand was over top of my head and his hefty body was on top of mine twisting my arm back. It was hard for me to breath. I yelled for him to get off of my but he didn't listen.

The feeling of the wood on my face was almost unbearable speaking as of how hard I hit the floor.
He then leaned down close to me: "If you wanna keep your head attached to your body, I'd watch what I say from now on."

He pressed down onto my back to help himself off of me and retreated back downstairs.
I finally got to my feet and my body ached from the immense amount of pressure.

I walked slowly to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. My face was swollen and throbbing from being pushed onto the wooden floor. The back of my head hurt from hitting the counter. My arm hurt from being twisted around. I just wanted to leave here, but where was I to go?

We had another month together until school started back in January. I was stuck here. I couldn't run back to Jungkook. Not after what happened. Its not like me and Taehyung are that good of friends. And I dont have anyone else that would let me stay with them.
I was literally alone.

But then I remembered my friend from childhood. I knew I'd never see him again but it was just a thought. Then I remembered what happened between me and him and both of our parents which is why we never talk.
He still lives down the street from me but we never see each other. I always wondered how he was doing. And if he's having a better life then me.
I hope so.

I went to my bedroom and practically threw myself onto the bed. All I wanted to do is sleep this dread filled day away. And I did as so. But alas, I grew hungry. And I knew my father would not let me sit with them under any circumstances, because thats the way he was. And when he said something he meant it.

I had nothing else to do but go downstairs and apologize to him. I rolled my eyes before quickly changing my clothes before freshening up in the bathroom and walking down the stairs.
My faces had bruises and my eyes where red from sleeping, and crying some.

I help my hands close to my body and I stood in front of my father. He looked at me in disgust. Nothing new. I then mumbled: "I apologize for fighting with you."

He looked at me and laughed. "Are you saying that because you wanna eat now?" He laughed some more and pushed me slightly. The grew straight faced. "Take a bowl and head upstairs and make it quick. I dont wanna see you."
I thanked him and hurried to the other side of the table where my mom made hot pot and took a bowl of some before rushing up the steps before I had to endure anymore of his taunting.

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